My thoughts:
U.S. Attorney General William Barr lies, President Donald Trump lies, Now it seems the Office of U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia under the direction of Jessie K. Liu is following the examples of AG Barr and President Trump. In her office’s conversations with residents of the District of Columbia in opposing the Second Look Act legislation under consideration by the Council of the District of Columbia, [], it seems the position is why tell the truth to the public, when a lie will do?
During an official community meeting for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners and other community leaders on the legislation, USAO_DC Liu’s office made false statements to the public against elected District of Columbia officials and residents of the District. Keeping in lock step with the Trump dogma, the USAO_DC not only refuses to apologize, but also misrepresents facts and uses hateful and divisive language to scare District residents.
If USAO_DC Liu condones and promotes false and misleading statements to District community leaders outside the courtroom, does she condone and promote false and misleading statements to District residents serving as jurors inside the courtroom? To please and appease her bosses, AG Barr and President Trump, USAO_DC Liu, through the false and misleading statements of her office, has sacrificed her individual integrity and placed in doubt the trust of her office to District residents. Persons who commit offenses against the common good of the community and society should be held responsible and accountable.
Some may with amusement ask will the juror questionnaire District residents complete for jury service have to include, “Were you in the room when the USAO_DC lied about DC Attorney General Karl Racine?” Will future criminal cases tried before suspects’ juries of their peers require a response to “Do you agree with the USAO_DC’s evaluation District elected leaders, to include the Mayor, members of the Council of the District of Columbia and District residents do not believe and support public safety in the District?”
Public safety discussions should be and must be serious and honest conversations. During the USAO_DC community leaders’ slide show presentations the word “trust” was repeated and emphasized. However, on that night, the USAO_DC came very close relinquishing its call for trust and expectations of believability. “Never try to destroy someone else's life with a lie when yours can be destroyed with the truth.” - Anonymous
Robert Vinson Brannum
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner – 5E08
“And I will not be silent…” - to injustice, racism, bigotry and white supremcy - “…as long as I am breathing.”
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