Friday, 28 February 2020

[WardFive] Homicide on the 700 block of Monroe St NE

This morning there was a homicide on the 700 block of Monroe Street NE in front of the Bennett Career Institute. CM McDuffie was on the scene shortly thereafter, as well as MPD Chief Newsham, 5th District Commander Fitzgerald, and the Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement. CM McDuffie's office has reached out to schools located nearby and offers condolences to the family of the victim, who has not yet been publicly identified. 

Chief Newsham said police believe the incident was targeted and asked for the community to provide any information they might have. The suspect was wearing a red jacket with dark clothes underneath and 'had very distinct multi-colored hair. Possibly a wig'. The suspect fled south on 8th Street NE. Residents with information are asked to call (202) 727-9099 or text your tip to 50411

Chief Newsham's update can be viewed here:

CM McDuffie's remarks on the scene can be viewed here:

The block between 7th and 8th remains closed however the Monroe street bridge and Brookland MetroRail stations are open. MetroBus routes will be impacted. 

Nolan Treadway

Communications Director

Office of Ward 5 Councilmember Kenyan R. McDuffie

Chairman Pro Tempore

Chair, Committee on Business and Economic Development

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 506

Washington, DC 20004

Main: 202-724-8028

Desk: 202-724-8918

Cell: 202-445-0361 

Sent from my mobile device
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Thursday, 27 February 2020

[WardFive] DC Health Department Confirms No Coronavirus Cases in DC

Government of the District of Columbia


LaQuandra S. Nesbitt MD, MPH


Muriel Bowser, Mayor

DC Health Department Confirms No Coronavirus Cases in DC

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Immediate Health Risk is Low; Residents Asked to Follow Standard Preventative Measures

(Washington, DC) – Mayor Muriel Bowser has directed her Administration’s agencies to monitor developments related to the coronavirus occurring across the globe and in the United States. DC Health has confirmed that there are no confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in Washington, DC and that the risk of coronavirus remains low. As with any public health concern, Mayor Bowser is encouraging residents to be prepared and informed.

“We understand residents are concerned, but the current risk remains low in Washington, DC, and we will continue to coordinate with our regional and federal partners,” said Mayor Bowser. “We are asking residents to follow basic actions to stop the spread of disease: wash your hands, cover your cough, and stay home when you are sick, especially if you are experiencing a fever.”

COVID-19 was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and has now been detected in 37 countries, including the United States.

DC Health has prepared answers to frequently asked questions, which are listed below. More information can be found at

Q: What is the risk of the coronavirus coming to the District of Columbia?

A: There is no evidence of community spread in the United States. Therefore the immediate risk of this new virus to DC residents is believed to be low at this time. There have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in DC.

Q: What are the symptoms and complications that COVID-19 can cause?

A: Current symptoms have included mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing.

Q: Should I wear a facemask to prevent COVID-19?

A: The use of a facemask is not recommended for people who do not have any symptoms. Facemasks should only be used if recommended by healthcare professionals. If you are a health worker or taking care of someone infected with COVID-19 in close settings (e.g. at home), the use of a facemask is very important to protect others from the risk of getting infected.

Q: How can I protect myself from COVID-19?

A: There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus. We recommend the following actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory disease:

  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used if soap and water are not available
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
  • Get the flu vaccine

Q: Can someone who has had COVID-19 spread the illness to others?

A: Someone who is actively sick with COVID-19 can spread the illness to others. DC Health recommends that these patients be isolated either in the hospital or at home (depending on how sick they are) until they are better and no longer pose a risk of infecting others.

Q: How can people help stop stigma related to COVID-19?

A: Counter stigma by learning and sharing facts. Communicating the facts that viruses do not target specific racial or ethnic groups and how COVID-19 actually spreads can help stop stigma.

Stigma hurts everyone by creating more fear or anger towards ordinary people instead of the disease that is causing the problem.

Q: Am I at risk for COVID-19 from a package or products shipping from China?

A: Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods.

Q: What is DC Health’s response to this situation?

A: DC Health is monitoring the situation closely and working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide the most up-to-date guidance and recommendations for healthcare providers, travelers and other stakeholders. We are also working with other regional and federal partners to ensure that all necessary preparedness measures are in place. This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation, and DC Health will provide updated information as it becomes available.

For more information on coronavirus, visit:


“And I will not be silent…” - to injustice, racism, bigotry and white supremacy - “…as long as I am breathing.”

Robert Vinson Brannum

Chairman, NAACP-DC Veterans Committee

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner – 5E08

Commissioner, DC Commission on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Board Member, DC Open Government Coalition, Inc.

President Emeritus, DC Federation of Civic Associations, Inc.

Former President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, 5th District Citizens’ Advisory Council, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, Ward 5 Democratic Committee

Former Interim Chairman, DC Commission on National and Community Service

Former Board Member, North Capital Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc.

Former Board Member, DC Crime Solvers, Inc.

Incorporator and Founding Board Member, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Inc.

Founding Board Member, Veterans and Military Families for Progress, Inc.


Read More :- "[WardFive] DC Health Department Confirms No Coronavirus Cases in DC"

[WardFive] DATE CORRECTION: "Read Across America Day"

“Read Across America Day”

LOOKS & BOOKS – A Grand Opening

1205 Farragut Street, NW

Washington, DC

Monday, March 2, 2020




“And I will not be silent…” - to injustice, racism, bigotry and white supremacy - “…as long as I am breathing.”

Robert Vinson Brannum

Chairman, NAACP-DC Veterans Committee

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner – 5E08

Commissioner, DC Commission on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Board Member, DC Open Government Coalition, Inc.

President Emeritus, DC Federation of Civic Associations, Inc.

Former President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, 5th District Citizens’ Advisory Council, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, Ward 5 Democratic Committee

Former Interim Chairman, DC Commission on National and Community Service

Former Board Member, North Capital Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc.

Former Board Member, DC Crime Solvers, Inc.

Incorporator and Founding Board Member, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Inc.

Founding Board Member, Veterans and Military Families for Progress, Inc.


Read More :- "[WardFive] DATE CORRECTION: "Read Across America Day""

[WardFive] DC Health - Update and Interim Guidance: Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov) Outbreak

Government of the District of Columbia


LaQuandra S. Nesbitt MD, MPH


Muriel Bowser, Mayor

Center for Policy, Planning and Evaluation

Division of Epidemiology–Disease Surveillance and Investigation January 31, 2020

Health Notice for District of Columbia Health Care Providers

Update and Interim Guidance: Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov) Outbreak



An outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was initially reported in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China on December 31, 2019. Chinese health authorities have now confirmed thousands of infections and over 100 deaths. On January 30th, 2020, the International Health Regulations Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization declare the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). The first case in the United States (US) was identified in Washington state on January 21, 2020. As of January 31, 2020, a total of six positive cases have been reported in the US; five are travel- associated and one is local transmission in the US. On January 31, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated the case definition for patients under investigation (PUI). This Health Notice provides updated guidance for evaluation of PUIs for 2019-nCoV, prevention and infection control guidance, and information on specimen collection.



Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, ranging from common colds to more serious infections like SARS and MERS, which spread by person-to-person transmission via respiratory droplets. Details on how this virus is transmitted are still being investigated. Limited information is available to characterize the spectrum of clinical illness associated with 2019-nCoV, however common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. While a single case of local transmission in a close contact has been detected in the US, at this time this virus is not currently spreading in the community, and the American public is thought to be at low risk. No vaccine or specific treatment for 2019-nCoV infection is currently available; care for infected persons is supportive. Further information on the most recent clinical guidance can be found on the CDC website ( management-patients.html). Investigations are ongoing to learn more, and DC Health will continue to update its guidance.


DC Health Recommendations for Healthcare Providers

1)     UPDATED: Criteria to Guide Evaluation of Patients Under Investigation (PUI) for 2019-nCoV

Patients who meet the following criteria should be reported to DC Health for evaluation as a PUI*:

1)     Fever1 OR signs/symptoms of lower respiratory illness (e.g. cough or shortness of breath) AND any person, including health care workers, in the last 14 days before symptom onset has had

·       Close contact2 with a laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV

2)     Fever1 AND signs/symptoms of lower respiratory illness (e.g. cough or shortness of breath) AND in the last 14 days before symptom onset,

·       History of travel from Hubei Province, China

3)     Fever1 AND signs/symptoms of a lower respiratory illness (e.g. cough or shortness of breath) requiring hospitalization

·       History of travel from mainland China within 14 days of symptom onset

*This will be updated as the situation changes

1 Fever may be subjective or confirmed

2 Close contact is defined as-

a)      being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters), or within the room or care area, of a 2019-nCoV case for a prolonged period of time while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) (e.g., gowns, gloves, NIOSH-certified disposable N95 respirator, eye protection); close contact can include caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a healthcare waiting area or room with a 2019-nCoV case.

– or –

b)      having direct contact with infectious secretions of a 2019-nCoV case (e.g., being coughed on) while not wearing recommended PPE.


Please try to collect the following information prior to notifying DC Health about a PUI:

1.     State of residence

o   If the patient is a Maryland or Virginia resident, please contact the Maryland or Virginia Departments of Health as per usual protocols

2.     Case contact information

3.     Detailed symptom history with symptom onset date

4.     Contact with ill persons

o   Was the patient in contact with a person who was ill OR a person suspected or confirmed to have 2019-nCoV?

o   Was the contact ill while the patient was around them?

o   Type of contact between patient and contact (for example, stayed in the same house or shared a meal together at a restaurant)

o   Date(s) patient was exposed to ill person

5.     Detailed travel history (countries, cities, dates including any layovers or additional stops)

o   Mode of travel between locations (i.e. train, plane, bus)

6.     Details about wearing a facemask at any time before, during or after the travel

7.     History of being a healthcare provider OR being in a healthcare facility (as a patient, worker or visitor) in China

8.     If there is high suspicion the patient meets the criteria for a PUI, the mode of transport to your healthcare facility


2)     Immediate notification to DC Health

·       Healthcare providers should immediately notify their infection control personnel and then contact DC Health immediately in the event of a PUI for 2019-nCoV by calling 202-442-9370 (during business hours) or 844-493-2652 (after business hours).

·       If the case does not meet the current case definition but is highly suspicious, please contact DC Health for consultation.


3)     Infection Control Recommendations

·       Patients should be asked to wear a surgical mask as soon as they are identified and be evaluated in a private room with the door closed (airborne isolation room if available)

·       Personnel entering the room to evaluate the patient should use standard precautions, contact precautions, airborne precautions and eye protection (e.g. goggles or a face shield)

·       For inpatient care, contact and airborne isolation precautions are recommended in addition to standard precautions.


4)     Specimen Collection Guidelines

·       Routine testing for respiratory pathogens can be performed at clinical or public health labs, however viral isolation should not be attempted from 2019-nCoV PUIs

·       Collection of an NP swab (in Viral Transport Media (VTM) or universal transport media (UTM)), OP swab (VTM or UTM) and sputum (sterile container) specimen is recommended at this time for testing at CDC

o   Please label specimens appropriately

o   Save urine, stool, serum, and respiratory pathology specimens if available; collection of these samples should not delay respiratory specimen collection

·       Specimens should be collected as soon as possible once a PUI is identified regardless of time of symptom onset

·       If approved for testing by CDC, please complete the following forms:

o   CDC 50.34 (for each specimen) (

o   DC Public Health Laboratory External Chain of Custody form (

o   DC Public Health Laboratory Test Requisition form (

o   Patient Under Investigation (PUI) form ( )

·       Detailed instructions about specimen testing and forms will be provided once testing is approved.

·       Any specimens submitted without complete CDC 50.34 forms will result in significant delays in testing and may be rejected for testing.


The guidelines above will continue to be updated as the outbreak evolves. Please reach out to DC Health at with any questions regarding 2019-nCoV or PUIs. For the current CDC recommendations, including detailed infection control and specimen collection guidance, please see the following website (


Please contact the DC Health Division of Epidemiology–Disease Surveillance and Investigation at:

Phone: 202-442-9370 (8:15am-4:45pm) | 844-493-2652 (after-hours calls) Fax: 202-442-8060 | Email:



“And I will not be silent…” - to injustice, racism, bigotry and white supremacy - “…as long as I am breathing.”

Robert Vinson Brannum

Chairman, NAACP-DC Veterans Committee

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner – 5E08

Commissioner, DC Commission on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Board Member, DC Open Government Coalition, Inc.

President Emeritus, DC Federation of Civic Associations, Inc.

Former President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, 5th District Citizens’ Advisory Council, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, Ward 5 Democratic Committee

Former Interim Chairman, DC Commission on National and Community Service

Former Board Member, North Capital Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc.

Former Board Member, DC Crime Solvers, Inc.

Incorporator and Founding Board Member, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Inc.

Founding Board Member, Veterans and Military Families for Progress, Inc.


Read More :- "[WardFive] DC Health - Update and Interim Guidance: Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCov) Outbreak"

cheat_training_group Re: Carpool?

Hey everyone! Just double checking if there is anyone who is interested in carpooling to the training next Wednesday.  I am happy to meet anywhere that is metro accessible depending on what is most convenient for you.  My car is out of commission for a couple of weeks so any offers are greatly appreciated!  Let me know if you have any questions about meeting up.


On Monday, February 24, 2020 at 9:15:58 AM UTC-6, madelinebeattie.465 wrote:
Hey!  Would anyone be interested in carpooling?  I live in Columbia Heights near the Georgia/Petworth metro station but would be happy to meet somewhere else.  I'll provide the gas money/snacks/post-training beer.  Thanks and see everyone on the river soon! - Maddie 

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Wednesday, 26 February 2020

[WardFive] DC Health - 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak




LaQuandra S. Nesbitt MD, MPH


2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak


“Chinese authorities identified a novel coronavirus, also called COVID-19, which has resulted in more than a thousand confirmed cases in China, including cases outside Wuhan City. Since December 2019, additional cases have been identified in a growing number of countries. Public health authorities are learning more every day, but here are answers to frequently asked questions with the most up to date information as of January 28, 2020. We will continue to update this information as we learn more.”


Where can you learn more about COVID-19?



“And I will not be silent…” - to injustice, racism, bigotry and white supremacy - “…as long as I am breathing.”

Robert Vinson Brannum

Chairman, NAACP-DC Veterans Committee

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner – 5E08

Commissioner, DC Commission on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Board Member, DC Open Government Coalition, Inc.

President Emeritus, DC Federation of Civic Associations, Inc.

Former President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, 5th District Citizens’ Advisory Council, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, Ward 5 Democratic Committee

Former Interim Chairman, DC Commission on National and Community Service

Former Board Member, North Capital Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc.

Former Board Member, DC Crime Solvers, Inc.

Incorporator and Founding Board Member, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Inc.

Founding Board Member, Veterans and Military Families for Progress, Inc.


Read More :- "[WardFive] DC Health - 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak"

cheat_training_group Cheat Training start next week!

Greetings Cheat Friends!

I am so very excited to paddle with you this Cheat Season. Please be aware that we will be sending out important information from this email list, often twice a week. Be sure to check it prior to each class meeting. We will often send out the type of workout that we plan to do just to give you a heads up.

Cheat Elite: expect to receive a different email about your program.

The following is some information about the way the training program is structured and what to expect. First, let me introduce you to our amazing Cheat Training staff for this season.

Tom McEwan- Inventor of Cheat Training. No one knows more sneaks on the Cheat than this man.
Ashley McEwan- Along with instructing I will be communicating and organizing the logistics of our workouts. Ask me any questions!
Matthew Hanlon- Matthew's quiet manner on the river emphasizes good technique and solid leadership.
Charlie Miller- Enthusiastic surfer of all types of features. Beautiful roll technique and understanding of the water.
Sam Williamson- expect this guy to kick butt in the race this year.

We will be supported by a solid group of assistant instructors who have logged years of runs on the Cheat, knowledge of attaining tricks, and incredible safety skills:
Jim Wilson
Jen Sass
Juliana O'Neil
Keith Pendergrast
Mike Graham

Cheat Training consists of 8 weeks of twice a week workouts. A workout means that we have a larger group than some of our instructional programs. We try to keep you moving and motivated to build strength, endurance, and confidence so that you can paddle the Cheat and do your personal best in Rick Gusic's Cheat River Massacre-ence (new name, same good time). If you commit to coming to all of the workouts, you will find yourself in great paddling shape and ready to have an amazing summer season. We understand that cold water and weather can be intimidating. Just come out and push yourself a little bit every time. 

Wednesdays are for attaining! We most often meet at Anglers and paddle upstream. Attaining builds your strength and improves control of your long boat. It also can teach so much about reading the river and understanding why your boat acts the way it does in different conditions. 

Wednesday March 4th is the first attainment. Because it is before daylight savings, please arrive between 4-5 pm. Check in with Steve-O in the lower lot (he can hold a clipboard but not a paddle :) He will put you in a group with an instructor and let you know what the workout is. 

For the following 7 Wednesdays, plan to arrive between 5-6 pm. Please don't go out early or you will miss the lesson and end up paddling down when we are all paddling up which breaks our attainment-frustrated hearts. Turns around time is at sunset or 8 pm, which ever happens first. At that time, we will all turn around and race down to the take out. Please be a part of this. It is the early stages of learning how to race successfully!

Saturdays in March are downriver runs on the Potomac. New this year- please drop your boat at Great Falls before parking at the take out at Sycamore Island. We will not have boat transportation to the put in. Then head down to the take out at Sycamore Island, You can park either in the lower lot on Clara Barton or the upper lot on MacArthur. We will pull a big bus in on the MacArthur lot and transport you up to Great Falls. We will be dividing up into 4 groups this year based on mythological creatures (and the speed at which you like to paddle). Get excited!

Saturdays in April are all-day trips to the Cheat! Plan to leave at 7 am and return around 11 pm. Or don't return! camp up near the Cheat and join the Creeking Clinics Sundays April 5, 12, and 19.
Carpooling is recommended so be sure to make friends. More information will be coming about the cheat trips. 

Gear You will need to have a long boat and cold weather gear. The minimum for this is a drytop and neoprene pants. Dress for a swim and a hike- meaning good river shoes. Drysuits and pogies are recommended. 

Cheat Race is May 1st at 5 pm! 

Please ask me any questions you may have. Get ready to be challenged but also supported. It's going to be a great season!  


Ashley McEwan

vv new email address vv

Calleva's River School 
13015 Riley's Lock Rd 
Poolesville, MD 20837


Beginner Kayak Classes start in May!

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cheat_training_group Boat


Thank you for the many offers (far more than I was expecting in a short few hours). 

I have found a boat to use.

Best regards,
Joe Pepper
Read More :- "cheat_training_group Boat"

Re: cheat_training_group Boat

I have a pirouette s for cheap!


On Feb 26, 2020, at 2:06 PM, Pepper, Turner J. <> wrote:


Does anybody have/know someone who has an extra longboat I could borrow or rent? Cost is the primary concern.

Best regards,
Joe Pepper

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Re: cheat_training_group Boat

Pepper, you should also list what type of boat you're looking for.  there are many old school longboats out there that are for sale that's not very expensive.  but if you're only interested in the modern long boats, make sure you let people know.  

John Su

On Wednesday, February 26, 2020, 02:45:06 PM EST, Aime Williams <> wrote:

I know Steve-o was looking to rent his out for the season.

See the post I did on Potomac Paddlers a few weeks ago - coupla offers and replies on there...! 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 2:06 PM Pepper, Turner J. <> wrote:

Does anybody have/know someone who has an extra longboat I could borrow or rent? Cost is the primary concern.

Best regards,
Joe Pepper

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Re: cheat_training_group Boat

I know Steve-o was looking to rent his out for the season.

See the post I did on Potomac Paddlers a few weeks ago - coupla offers and replies on there...! 

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 2:06 PM Pepper, Turner J. <> wrote:

Does anybody have/know someone who has an extra longboat I could borrow or rent? Cost is the primary concern.

Best regards,
Joe Pepper

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cheat Training" group.
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cheat_training_group Boat


Does anybody have/know someone who has an extra longboat I could borrow or rent? Cost is the primary concern.

Best regards,
Joe Pepper

Read More :- "cheat_training_group Boat"

[WardFive] "Read Across America Day"

“Read Across America Day”

LOOKS & BOOKS – A Grand Opening

1205 Farragut Street, NW

Washington, DC

Sunday, March 2, 2020




“And I will not be silent…” - to injustice, racism, bigotry and white supremacy - “…as long as I am breathing.”

Robert Vinson Brannum

Chairman, NAACP-DC Veterans Committee

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner – 5E08

Commissioner, DC Commission on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Board Member, DC Open Government Coalition, Inc.

President Emeritus, DC Federation of Civic Associations, Inc.

Former President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, 5th District Citizens’ Advisory Council, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, Ward 5 Democratic Committee

Former Interim Chairman, DC Commission on National and Community Service

Former Board Member, North Capital Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc.

Former Board Member, DC Crime Solvers, Inc.

Incorporator and Founding Board Member, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Inc.

Founding Board Member, Veterans and Military Families for Progress, Inc.


Read More :- "[WardFive] "Read Across America Day""




5th District Police Headquarters

1805 Bladensburg Road, NE, Washington, DC

Thursday, February 27, 2020






  1. Call to Order
  2. Welcome
  3. Establish a Quorum
  4. Approval of Last Meeting Minutes (suspended)


  1. Crime Statistics
  2. Treasurer’s Report


  • Guest Speakers
  1. – The Homeless Outreach Team

Presenters – Officers Ferney Dennis and Quentarra Carey

  • Mayor’s Office Representative
  • Councilman McDuffie Office Representative
  • US Attorney Office Representative
  • Christine A. Barron

Community Services Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA)

  • Community Leaders


  1. Collection of Dues - $10.00 each Member
  2. Suggestions of topic/guest speaker(s) for next meeting
  3. Election Committee – URGENT!






The Roberts Rule of Order governs this meeting.



“And I will not be silent…” - to injustice, racism, bigotry and white supremacy - “…as long as I am breathing.”

Robert Vinson Brannum

Chairman, NAACP-DC Veterans Committee

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner – 5E08

Commissioner, DC Commission on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

Board Member, DC Open Government Coalition, Inc.

President Emeritus, DC Federation of Civic Associations, Inc.

Former President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, 5th District Citizens’ Advisory Council, Inc.

Chairman Emeritus, Ward 5 Democratic Committee

Former Interim Chairman, DC Commission on National and Community Service

Former Board Member, North Capital Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc.

Former Board Member, DC Crime Solvers, Inc.

Incorporator and Founding Board Member, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, Inc.

Founding Board Member, Veterans and Military Families for Progress, Inc.


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