No one said this was Racist. It is just somewhat violent isn't it? Why just Delano Hunter's Signs? Why not Kenyan's? or someone else?
And what is wrong about using people's name - they said it and are doing it but your prejudice is showing with your attack on me. Now I am attacking the community - how fuuuuuuuuunny? I need you to start seeing that the issues are present even in your response regardless if you are White of Black!!
Focus on the issues
1. Nation of Islam Apparel / Christ's Servant - sounds like some skin head / Nazi rhetoric to me!
2. KNIFE/ only for DELANO HUNTER SIGNS - sound like angry/hate/violent to me!
But back to your response, you should be going after the people who said those things not me! But I am accustomed to this by now.
Have a wonderful day and live in your avoidance shell in peace! I have to live in the real world.
I couild only read part of this diatribe, and had to stop. Come on folks. Let's be reasonable. The last I looked, all candidates for Ward 5 were people of color. So how can it be racist to say you want to tear down Delano Hunter's signs. I want to take down all the candidates signs, including the winner. They are ugly and no longer necessary. The knife? Yes, to get some of the signs down, one needs a knife or sharp scissors to cut through the scotch tape. And if the Brookland Cafe is getting discriminatory letters from so called "Christ" groups, communicate with them and the police if needed. There are nuts of every persuasion and race. Can we please not start up again with the crazy name calling. And stop attacking neighbors by name.
--- In, Aaron McCormick <aaron.mccormick01@...> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: Rob <indianrob@...>> **
> Date: Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:39 AM
> Subject: [ward5] "Christ's servant" vs. Nation of Islam Apparel
> To:, Ward 5 Google Groups <>
>> start with the protesters of the Cafe. So you know, *I have lots of
> Tom,
> To answer Mr. Peloquin's second statement about a Lawsuit -- Hmmm!! Let's> the Nation of Islam" signed **"Sincerely, Christ's Servant"** complete
> witnesses to statements that are degrading to the Cafe, the Inn, Mr.
> Lumukanda and myself. Now, and Just Received - a signed handwritten paper
> handed out by Sunday Abraham stating "Mr. Lumakanda's Apparrel is that of> you any further?? *This anti Cafe propaganda is the same propaganda
> with a signature and the recipient is willing to testify that Abraham
> Sunday gave it to him - - After all our discussion and now this, if you
> (Tom) and the rest of this doubting Thomas community don't see the huge
> issues that this neighborhood is facing regarding race, social and
> educational inequities, people displacement/colonialism, etc., I can't help> *So yes, actually both the Brookland List Serv and the Protesting Group of
> technique of fear that Republicans are using that President Obama was not
> born in the United States - after 4 years of being President!!
> the Cafe can be sued.* The reality is that too many in the community> *"I don't disagree, just wondered if the campaigns were required to clean
> would be dragged into court and this would become a larger problem if not
> contained.
> As for the Brookland Listserv, they have definitely been prejudiced against
> me - I have received no reason for the censoring that has occurred. They
> have a proven racist person working as a moderator and I can't be sure that
> some of the others aren't racist or have racial tendencies. For example,
> they have people use violent words and allow it through like the following
> that was posted a few days after our last election:
>> reach. I had my utility knife along **for the Delano Hunter signs**. I need
> up. My wife and I went for a walk along 12th St on Thursday evening taking
> down signs between Jackson and Newton, at least the one's that I could
> to go to 9th and Monroe **with my knife**"*. No signs needed a knife to> tweeted what you tweeted and wrote what was written above instead *about
> remove so why just Delano's? I was wondering if anyone would say anything
> about that!! Guess not!
> Sounds like there is a HUGE Double Standard of acceptable
> "behavior/community standards" here in Brookland!! If it was me who
> Kenyan,* all kinds of outpouring of comments would probably be posted. Me,
> I would be a *bad bad* man or as you say "my behavior does not fit
> community standards"!!
> As for Don Padous - *he is not a Bully* - that would only be if the cafe> propaganda!* He and his wife may have some of you White community members
> rolled over because of his egotistic, selfish, prejudiced and nasty
> behavior!! He is ____________ But, I am sure that Long and Foster will be
> happy to know that the Padous are signed on to such a prejudice 3 year
> Protest that does not affect them at all and now with what is in writing, a
> "Nation of Islam" religious persecution and possible hate language> signing the protest petition*. The fact that Don and Abigail is signed on
> believing that the two of them are so "innocent" and that Don is only
> involved because "others" want him to represent them but he isn't fooling
> most of us. Anyways, I thought that Lawyers could represent without> The overall community is suffering *just so the Padous Ego to get stroked!!*
> to a liquor license protest which has utilized propaganda by apparent
> Christian Crusaders against "Mr. Lumukanda's" Nation of Islam (African
> American/Islamic) Apparel is a game changer!!
>> 1. * *So you know, community members like Caroline Petite, Former
> Sure don't see anyone else other than the cafe having many healthier/vegan
> choices as an option!! Below are just some of the assemblage of evidence
> that would be presented if/when this makes it to court!
>> Responsibilities"!*
> Commissioner Phillip Blair, other members of past Brookland Civic, other
> community leaders could be given subpoenas to come into court to testify on
> what was told to them as well as lots of others and people who wrote stuff
> on this internet. So, know that I have friends in that organization as well
> who were present to hear the comments being made - I guess they would have
> to convince a jury why they chose not to take a "stand" against such a
> horrible place in their community - a clear dereliction of their "Civic
> *2. *For great weight* - I am sure that the Lawyer from the Archdiocese> community is suffering *just so the Padous Egos get stroked!!* Sure don't
> into Court and a District Attorney in the neighborhood could testify on
> what was said to them as to slander.
> 3. In addition, there are witnesses that will testify to words like me
> money laundering, drug dealing, prostitution, whore house, after hours
> spot.
> 4. There is two years of harassment by Sunday Abraham and customers of the
> Cafe who will testify as to comments made towards them degrading the Cafe.
> 5. Let's not forget Don Padou email where he said I made statements that I
> never made so as to drum up support.
> 6. Let's not forget the ANC commissioners who heard John Feeley
> misrepresent the facts many times from the beginning to create distrust on
> the Cafe.
> 7. The Cafe still has a Protesting Resident regarding parking at the Cafe
> who lives 1 block (south) away from Manomale's (an approved liquor lic.
> business that has no parking) but somehow doesn't affect the protester 1
> block away - go figure!!
> 8. The Padous somehow not protesting Manomale based on parking or
> proximity to school is prejudicial and does lend to being malicious!
> 9. Last, let's us not forget many folks who had a wrong idea of the people
> and the businesses located there because of all the intentional bad
> propaganda.
> Anyways, don't think for a minute that every statement and the person who
> made it is on record. So while it hurts the Cafe financially, the overall> BTW - I wonder how this *"Behaviors that Meet Community Standards"** fits
> see anyone else other than the cafe having many healthier/vegan choices as
> an option!! Like my wife said, this latest documentation about Christ vs.
> the Nation of Islam sounds like some undercover Skin Head/Nazi propaganda!!
> into everything!!* The fact that this goes unanswered says a lot to me and> *Aaron McCormick
> I am sure to others!! I would like to know what we are supposed to behave
> like!! Do you and your wife share in these "dress code" type of beliefs!
> --
> R. Ramson
> 3744 12th Street, N.E.,
> Washington D.C., 20017
> 202-438-5988
> "We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
> (Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
> --
> 571-505-0605*
R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
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