Tuesday, 29 May 2012

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] Re: New Automated Speed Enforcement Locations Deployed Citywide

Well Tiffany -  I get that you are a "woman who can speak for yourself" that's why I said that you and Tom will have uncomfortable conversations down the line - it is a psychological and a nature's instinctual animal reality of the animal kingdom when it comes to the respect of the female to the male.   At this time, I will remind you that I have 8 sisters who are all more vocal than I. And if I forgot, and a very strong woman in my household who definitely speaks her mind?  If chauvinism was the inference, I hope that is now adjusted in you.

A note you should really pay attention to - imagine the things that you pay attention to in my writing to try to highlight when you should more be focused on things that are more substantial - like your husband's!! 

1.  So you know, you just repeated what I said "to show the "fairness" placement of all the "Safety" Cameras".  I am assuming that if "everyone" was interested or who questioned my analysis who already weren't accustomed to the unfair treatment that we have experienced over on this side of the park, they would click on your link. Understand that most of us can see the locations and know exactly where they are and re-locate some of the Cams to WEST of the Park to places where "SAFETY" is also and issue!!

2.  As to this "types of traffic patterns aren't evenly distributed throughout the city, and therefore street layouts that encourage people to speed are not evenly distributed" - you are kidding, right!!  Other than New York Ave, what's the real difference???  Please say you are kidding. They should put more cameras there because it seems like we have more cops out visibly here.  I hardly see any cop cars in West of the Park!!

Do you need me to drive you around West of the Park and introduce you to higher income SPEEDING along Military, Reno, East West, and so many others.  I don't want our Mayor or whoever is making the decision to be singled out for not Caring about the SAFETY of our western NW residents. As a matter of fact, we can move that speed cam from in front of your house and I would show you where they would make much more money on speeding tickets. Anyways, I want to share MM facilities and Speed Cameras evenly just like I would like them to share THEIR School System evenly over here.  Obviously we don't have the same School System.

As for your and your husband's motivations, they are clear to me.  You can't seem to digest that your "superiority" intelligence has just been obliterated with my basic common sense.  What you need to do is give us a report on those questions I just sent your husband as to what kind of behavior you want me to ADHERE to just so you could explain it with trolleys, bikes, overbuilding (abusing the SAP), walking, ticketing us, more trolleys, chicken feed amenities, etc.

Actually, you need to go look at jrturner's email and see the inconsistency in the language like I pointed out and some of the racist comments he made and let's have that discussion. Not this puny crap. 

So you know I am not trying to speak for you but identifying what you are not verbalizing  and identifying what will be an issue that will surface down the line.  Just experience talking.   

As far as being incapable - I don't think you nor your husband are incapable - the issue that I have identified about you two is more like avoidance, denial, lack of objectivity, lack of compassion/empathy to the needs of our children, to name a few.  And if your husband tells me about spending the most on education - I don't care if we spend twice as much the infrastructure and not a dollar on bike lanes or trolleys - we need our kids brought up to a level that will allow them to be functional adults.  Like I said, seem like intelligent and good people just not opening your eyes when you look in the mirror.  You should try that and reflect on my words and you will get the full gist.  But if this is all the response you have, then I am glad that 99.9% of my words got through the Wall behind your eyeballs.  Let it simmer for a while, you may realize that we might be on the same side - a better overall diversified but closer to level community that has opportunity for all income levels.  Trust and believe all "these Blacks" (like jrturner said) who are not as privileged, they also have a dream to own a home and have jobs and be looked at from an eye level position!!.  But let's not forget the in this and many other communities like ours, there are many "middle class" African Americans who are educated, have money, have raised successful children, who can read and understand exactly what you and Tom and Jrtuner and the few others are saying, not saying, thinking, rallying/lobbying for, etc.

Rob Ramson

On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Tiffany Bridge <tiffany@welovedc.com> wrote:

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Rob <indianrob@gmail.com> wrote:


Robby, we got here because Tiffany Bridge decided to be "so kind" with her post about the complete list to show the "fairness" placement of all the "Safety" Cameras - like I needed it. 

In fact, my actual intention was simply to provide the full list so that people could decide for themselves what they think about the fairness of the placement of speed cameras. I'm not sure where you're getting any other implication, since I specifically didn't say anything else about it. 

Personally, I think looking at basic geographic distribution of the cameras is misleading- types of traffic patterns aren't evenly distributed throughout the city, and therefore street layouts that encourage people to speed are not evenly distributed. I think it's far more instructive to look at the individual characteristics of where the cameras are placed.

This is now the second time (that I know of) that you have assigned motivations to me that I didn't speak of. Why do you insist on trying to speak for me? Do you believe I am somehow incapable of doing it for myself? And where would you have gotten that idea?


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R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017

"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)


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