Only smalls left.AshleySent from my phoneOn Apr 30, 2013, at 2:04 PM, Liquid Adventures Office <> wrote:<Screen Shot 2013-04-30 at 1.57.39 PM.png>Hey guys,You may have noticed that we made some super sexy tshirts this year for the staff. We have some extras left over and would love to see you wearing one! We will sell them to you at cost ($15) They are kind of a slim fit,...
This is an message board for LAKS Cheat Training members. It is also the message board for the Upper Yough Training program which directly follows Cheat Training. There are some other advanced trips in here too .QUICK way to advertise your company's business! INEXPENSIVE way to advertise your business! PROVEN way to advertise your home based business
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
RE: cheat_training_group Digest
>Dancing for rain, Ashley you are soo awesome! &nb...
Re: cheat_training_group LAKS Tshirts
Ashley:I'll take an XL and get on Paypal tomorrow. Will get it from you whenever. Sent from my iPhoneThom StinemanTStineman@aol.com301-529-4197On Apr 30, 2013, at 2:04 PM, Liquid Adventures Office <> wrote:<Screen Shot 2013-04-30 at 1.57.39 PM.png>Hey guys,You may have noticed that we made some super sexy tshirts this year for the staff. We have some extras left over and would...
Re: cheat_training_group Cheat Fest
Pardon me From: Tierney <> To: "" <> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 10:21 AM Subject: Re: cheat_training_group Cheat Fest I would like to do itSent from my iPhoneOn Apr 30, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Marcia Pradines <> wrote:I may do the Sat paddle as well. I dont think much else...
[WardFive] Fwd: Reminder of Mayor Gray's Youth Budget Town Hall Meeting
From: Blue, Peter R. (EOM) [] Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 12:54 PM Cc: Jennings, Cedric (EOM)Subject: Reminder of Mayor Gray's Youth Budget Town Hall Meeting Greetings Everyone, We want to remind everyone of Mayor Gray's upcoming Youth Budget Town Hall Meeting, scheduled to occur this Saturday, May 4, 2013, 3:00pm – 5:00pm, at the Historic Charles Sumner School Museum...
[WardFive] DPW's Monthly HHW/E-Cycling/Shredding Drop-Off, Sat., May 4
DPW’s Monthly HHW/E-Cycling/Shredding Drop-Off, Sat., May 4 Avoid a fire en route to drop-off by properly packaging lithium-based batteries for travel. The DC Department of Public Works will hold its next monthly Household Hazardous Waste/E-cycling/Personal Document Shredding drop-off Saturday, May 4, 8 am to 3 pm, at the Ft. Totten Transfer Station*. The monthly drop-off is held the first Saturday, except holidays,...
Re: cheat_training_group LAKS Tshirts
Yep!Ashley On Apr 30, 2013, at 2:42 PM, Liam B wrote:Can you put me down for a med?LiamOn Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Liquid Adventures Office <> wrote: <Screen Shot 2013-04-30 at 1.57.39 PM.png> Hey guys,You may have noticed that we made some super sexy tshirts this year for the staff. We have some extras left over and would love to see you wearing one! We will sell them...
Re: cheat_training_group LAKS Tshirts

Can you put me down for a med?LiamOn Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Liquid Adventures Office <> wrote: Hey guys,You may have noticed that we made some super sexy tshirts this year for the staff. We have some extras left over and would love to see you wearing one! We will sell them to you at cost...
[WardFive] Fish Fry Honors Former Newton Street Resident The Late St Clair Gunn
The Brotherhood of St Andrew, Inc. of Our Saviour Episcopal Church, Brookland Parish Invites all to our St. Clair Gunn Memorial Fish Fry When: Friday, May 3, 2013From: 3 pm to 8 pm Where: 1616 Irving Street NE What: Delicious Fried Fish Dinners with 2 sides and Cornbread Captain's Platter with Fish, plus Shrimp, 2 sides and cornbread Choice of Whiting, Trout or Croaker...
cheat_training_group LAKS Tshirts

Hey guys,You may have noticed that we made some super sexy tshirts this year for the staff. We have some extras left over and would love to see you wearing one! We will sell them to you at cost ($15) They are kind of a slim fit, charcoal grey, 100% organic cotton. The sizes I have left are: 3 Youth Large (these are...
[WardFive] Calling Ward 5 Artists!
I'm just the messenger for one of our great Ward 5 establishments, Art Enables. They are putting together a show for Ward 5 artists, to put on display all the great artists we've got in our midst! Please pass along to anyone you think would be interested. And if you've got questions email Beth Baldwin ( ) or just drop in Art Enables (2204 Rhode Island Ave, right next to Carl's Subs) Link:
Re: cheat_training_group Returning Friday?
I am deciding if I have too much work and have to come home Friday or can stay for Saturday. I will let you know soon Ashley! Carrie From: "Jonathan Stevens" <>To: "upper yough training group" <>Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 12:00:16 PMSubject: Re: cheat_training_group Returning Friday? Hi Ashley, I might be up for an early Friday run and early...
Re: cheat_training_group Returning Friday?
Of course the Youts were well behaved. They rock!Sandrine De : Jonathan Stevens <> À : "" <> Envoyé le : Mardi 30 avril 2013 12h00 Objet : Re: cheat_training_group Returning Friday? Hi Ashley, I might be up for an early Friday run and early return home.. BTW: I left my North...
Re: cheat_training_group Returning Friday?
Hi Ashley, I might be up for an early Friday run and early return home.. BTW: I left my North Face day pack in the Van, you might have discovered that, already. I'll come by LAKS and pick it up!FYI: the Youts were well behaved, except for a bottle throwing incident in the road out from the Cheat take out. George & Will also discovered the boats were loose and we avoided a near miss of loading boats on the road. They...
cheat_training_group Returning Friday?
Anyone want to come back Friday after the race? Tom will be driving the van back with the Youts and could use some help driving. You could either ride up with him on Thursday night (He is going early to get a run in Friday before the race), or ride up with me on Friday morning leaving at 11 am.Lemme know! Ashley McEwanLiquid Adventures Officeoffice@liquidadventures.org25 Ericsson Rd.Cabin John, MD 20818301 229...
Re: cheat_training_group Shuttling
YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! Thanks for arranging this. John Su--- On Tue, 4/30/13, Liquid Adventures Office <> wrote: From: Liquid Adventures Office <>Subject: cheat_training_group ShuttlingTo: "Cheat Training" <>Date: Tuesday, April 30, 2013, 10:59 AM Hi all, Sorry to have been silent about the shuttle...
RE: cheat_training_group Re: No shuttle for cheat race
Ashley Do you need a list of who is planning on racing/needs a ride? Also, do you want/need someone to shuttle the drivers? Fern From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 11:08 AM To: upper yough training group Subject: Re: cheat_training_group Re: No shuttle for cheat...
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