Wednesday, 6 April 2016

cheat_training_group Wednesday Night Attainments

A few things for tonight's attainment workout:

The level is pretty low (3.6)
Sunset is at 7:37 PM

Assuming last week's email is still current, we will be doing our stroke analysis in Widewater followed by one at wet bottom. We will be interested to see how people strokes change in flat water and moving water! For those of you that haven't done this before, what we do is take a video of your paddle strokes, have Tom analyze it, and then post it to You Tube for you to see. Look for additional instructions from Tom or SteveO on this.

Our goal for these attainment workouts is to build endurance that you will need to use not only in the cheat race, but in successfully getting down long sections of river and having more fun while doing it. As you get tired it becomes more difficult to mentally process how you will need to execute the rapids and you lose the physical ability to do it as well. This is especially true when trying out new and harder rivers for the first time. The constant unknown of what is around the next corner gets the stress and adrenaline flowing and can fatigue you even quicker. These are why we spend the first month of cheat training building up your endurance in a comfortable and familiar environment.

Tonight, I challenge everyone to stay out until sunset and really work on their endurance skills. The attainment is not a race up to Wet Bottom, even those who arrive at 6 will have plenty of time to get up to Wet Bottom and beyond. Try different moves to get up the chutes than normal. There should be at least 3 different routes to attain up Center Chute today, try to figure them all out. Work with each other to try and read the different lines then execute them. Can you get up either Maryland or Virginia Chute at this level? In stead of paddling along the Virginia shore all the way into the gorge, try working your way up the Maryland shore. Get to Wet Bottom for the second part of the stroke analysis and try and make the attainment there. Can you make the attainment using both eddies? Once behind the rock, can you make it up both the Maryland and Virginia sides. If you can get up to rocky, is it too low to surf? Can you attain it? If you still need more to do, we can try some small group races or other lines while we are out there too.

Finally, plan on meeting Tom at Wet Bottom around 7:30 for the race back to Anglers. Focus on your form and pushing yourself while tired at the end of the workout will really help make you a stronger paddler and you'll have more success when you are running longer or harder rivers.

See everyone tonight,


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