From: Campbell Johnson []
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:53 AM
Subject: Reminder: Urban Housing All'nce Mtg Sat., April 13th (10:30am)
Importance: High
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 12:53 AM
Subject: Reminder: Urban Housing All'nce Mtg Sat., April 13th (10:30am)
Importance: High
Dear Members & Friends,
Alliance Monthly Meeting: Appeals; Empowerment (plus other help) & Advocacy
Saturday, April 13th (10:30am)
United Black Fund Office
2500 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave
(across from Anacostia Metro Station –Green line)
<< We'll also feature our highly praised, FREE REFRESHMENTS THROUGHOUT THE MEETING.>>
1. We were pleased that our new Alliance members shared our concern about how unfair DC has been toward our homeowners. At our Saturday meeting we will address several advocacy matters. We will engage the range of our strategic advocacy and Alliance concerns:
Ø We need advocacy for our "Homeowners' Bill of Rights". The Tax Revision Commission will meet on April 15th. (see email below) We've already presented this document to the Commission and they could act NOW. Nothing is stopping them. Let's tell former Mayor Williams what WE want in our taxation policies in the future.
Ø We also asked the Commission to support our fight for the Public Advocate for Assessments and Taxes law. It's been part of the DC Code since 1997. But the DC Council stalled implementation of it until the CFO shows that implementing it will not reduce their tax revenues. Yes! That's right.
Ø And, we challenge the Tax Appeals Commission. Why can't we have an independent second level appeal like we did up to last year? Does the term "conflict of interest" sound like it's relevant here?
Ø How about having TRIENNIAL reassessments like they have in Maryland and Virginia? Mayor Gray has a $400 million surplus because he took it from us. It's time for District residents to have fairness. The Commission could make this recommendation, if we DEMAND it. This will save you and us thousands of dollars.
Now is a good time to push these initiatives with the Tax Revision Commission (fmr. Mayor Tony Williams is the chair). Our neighbors need to know that this Commission exists and we need to let them know what they can do to get the Commission members heads in the game. The next Commission meeting is April 15th. Hope you can come. (See email below.)
2. All attendees will receive eligibility information, instructions and forms to access often overlooked "Tax Relief and Tax Credits" for DC property owners.
3. All persons who have appealed their property assessments need to attend this Saturday and come to our other empowerment meetings. Saturday, during our second hour we will engage the following priorities
A. We will feature another analytical role play with Q & A. As previously noted, the Alliance will continue to provide empowerment assistance throughout the first and second level appeals. (See additional empowerment meetings identified below.)
B. We will provide attendees with Urban Housing Alliance Property Assessment Appeal Strategy and Tips for Understanding Property Features Information
C. We will have available copies of the Urban Housing Alliance comprehensive and highly praised "Property Assessment Appeals Success Manual", which provides an in depth
D. All persons who appealed will have an opportunity to have the Alliance prepare evidence, analyze and write their appeal through "Plan B". There is a fee, but our results have been very successful. And, our fee is much less than what is paid downtown.
WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ON SATURDAY. Everyone should be able to cut their taxes in half this year, whether you have appealed or not.
You are also welcomed to come out Wednesday so we can work on your appeal and other concerns. Join us >>>
April 17th (Wednesday) Empowerment Workshop.
Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood Library
4450 Wisconsin Ave., NW,
Washington, DC 20016
TEN Med. Conference Room
(6:00 PM to 8:30 PM)
(6:00 PM to 8:30 PM)
"Fighting the displacement of low & moderate income residents and community-serving businesses from the Metropolitan Area." Questions? Call Campbell Johnson at (202)667-9011
The Alliance is a grassroots, community-supported, non-profit, we totally depend on your tax-deductible contributions. We are 501(c)(3) non-profit, charitable organization, and a member of the Combined Federal Campaign#9806, DC Tax Exemption (#350000059713), United Black Fund, Diverse City Fund & "GuideStar" listed
Campbell Johnson
Urban Housing Alliance
Phone: 202/667-9011
Cell: 202/280-0427
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