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From: "DC Public Schools" <
Date: Jan 25, 2014 9:01 AM
Subject: 16 Reasons Why You Should Go to Specialized Instruction Saturday on Feb. 1.
| | | | Top 16 Reasons Why You Should Go to Specialized Instruction Saturday on Feb. 1 1. I'm a little fuzzy on how to use the school lottery and could use some help 2. I'm curious about early childhood development. 3. I went to the DC Education Festival but need more info about early childhood options. 4. I didn't go to DC Education Festival and have tons of questions. 5. My child likes watching Sesame Street in both Spanish and English. 6. I want my child to understand Sesame Street in both Spanish and English. 7. My child is a genius, or I think she is, how can I tell? 8. I'd like my toddler to get a head start on learning math and reading. 9. I wonder if my toddler is reaching his milestones at the right time. 10. I've heard conflicting information about support services at DCPS. What's really available for my child? 11. I'm a new parent in the city and English isn't my first language- what are my options? 12. I'd like to know if DCPS can serve my child with autism. 13. I could really use some free help from education experts. 14. I have a toddler and wonder what pre-K options exist for him. 15. I'd love to know how DCPS can support my child with special needs. 16. My child with special needs shows challenging behavior at home and I could use some tips on how to handle it. Featuring panels and workshops on: EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION- How to teach toddlers to read and do math at home.
- Understanding milestones in your toddler's development.
- Getting a head start on learning before formal schooling begins.
SPECIAL EDUCATION- Tips for families to help your child advocate for him/herself.
- Strategies to help manage challenging behaviors at home.
- Creating structure at home to reduce stress for children with special needs.
LANGUAGE LEARNERS- Strategies to help your child develop his/her native tongue and English at the same time.
- Supporting bilingual middle- and high- schoolers.
Cardozo Education Campus Saturday, Feb. 1 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. | | |
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Ward Five Council on Education
Phone: 202-505-4309
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The Ward Five Council on Education is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving the quality of education in Ward 5. The Council provides a forum for community stakeholders to share and resolve issues surrounding Ward 5 schools and works closely with the District of Columbia's education community to ensure that the quality of public schools – both traditional and charter – is exactly what Ward 5 students, parents, and the community at large deserve. Learn more at www.w5coe.org.
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