Wednesday, 25 July 2012

[WardFive] One City Action Plan


From: Mayor Vincent C. Gray []
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 6:46 PM
Subject: One City Action Plan
Importance: High


Dear Friends,


Today, I released the One City Action Plan.  The plan provides a comprehensive, measurable, transparent strategy for positioning the District of Columbia to be the best city it can be as we move into the future.  As I have said before, given the extraordinary change we are experiencing as a city, we have before us a chance to remake and reinvent our city for the next generation, to harness change for the better and build a more prosperous, equitable, sustainable city for all – a vision I have often referred to as “One City.”


The “One City Action Plan” brings together in one document the concrete goals, strategies and action steps my administration is working on to make this vision of One City a reality.  These goals, strategies and actions combine commitments I made when I ran for Mayor, ideas I have laid out in my two State of the District Addresses and months upon months’ worth of feedback garnered from community meetings, one-on-one interactions with constituents and community leaders, and the incredibly valuable input we gleaned from nearly 2,000 residents who participated in the One City Summit we held in February.  The plan focuses on three overarching goals:  (1) Growing and diversifying the District’s economy, (2) Educating and preparing our workforce for the new economy, and (3) Improving the quality of life for all.  Under each goal, the plan lists strategies and actions we will take to achieve them, all directly linked to the One City vision. 


The plan – available at – allows District residents to easily identify the major strategies being pursued by the Administration, explains how they link to my One City vision, details concrete actions being taken or planned to realize each goal as well as key indicators to determine if we are being successful, and offers an easy way to know if my administration is delivering on the actions and results we promised.  Please take the time to read the plan and use the check list at the end of it to track our progress.  Together, we can seize our future and achieve the One City” vision. 





Mayor Vincent C. Gray

Government of the District of Columbia

One City, One Future

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW | Washington, DC 20004


Check out the “One City Action Plan”

Read Mayor Gray's comprehensive strategy to create a thriving city for all!

Visit to learn more.


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Check out the "One City Action Plan"
Read Mayor Gray's comprehensive strategy to create a thriving city for all!
Visit to learn more.




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