Sunday, 22 July 2012

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] Re: The Constitution: part 2

Good Afternoon,
Whether it is this Mayor and CM or any other Mayor and CM, we need to figure out how to be included into the decision making process.  So, Follow Closely as every decision is going to continue to trickle down like toxic waste seeping into our waterways over the years, affecting us in one way or another!!! 
How about Our Mayor should start doing his Job and stop selling out to developers and funders.  I am willing to bet that if Mayor Gray took some advice and DIRECTION from people who actually ran a business or people who will not financially benefit from the decision being made, there would be some very different approaches to final decisions being made; unless he really doesn't care.  Some of those decisions remind me of our Stimulus money being put in the hands of corporations to trickle down and it never did. 
Not much different here in our City that our Mayor and his people around him, together seem to be making decisions that are contrary to the City Overall Best Interest.  I am sure that if our Officials take everyone's concerns and guidance into consideration and implement the often offered refining suggestions (by so many), our City would be make much better decisions.  I often see people testifying to CM's about bills with suggestions that makes sense and it seems like they mostly just get dismissed. 
There was a bill that kept a "technology" (Living Social) company in the city with $25+mil of incentives that a few people testified to refining the bill, but the faces and attitude of the CMs present was dismissing.  I bet if we review all the analysis from the hearing, suggestions and advice that was given by those who wanted to enhance the bill, we would probably see that the suggestions and advice was not implemented. We would probably also see some campaign donations!! 
Whether any of you agree with me about the Street Car issue, we would all agree that this entire H Street Project including Street Cars was not thought out properlyThis lack of thought is symptomatic of the consistant lack of thought that is often put into most, if not all of the decisions that are being made.  I am willing to bet that if every decision is allowed to be open to the public, all of the necessary pitfalls would be listed. 
Hear Clearly - Whether we argue for or against an issue, we all list variables that would benefit the final decision.  However, our important enhancing suggestions/information and direction are often/never included/implemented as it/they might not benefit Our "Leaders" reasoning and their intent no matter how logical the suggetion/direction/information is.  As soon as our Govt. Officials (especially our CM's and Mayor) take their agenda, campaign donors, VP positions, Partner positions, family members jobs and all other fringe benefits out of the decision and allow the Public to help refine the direction of our Bills/Laws/Contracts/grants, the sooner we will have the type of Progressive community that will make us a true community. 
Running this City is not Rocket Science - we just have some very selfish individuals in leadership position.  Put the right rules and operating procedure into place and I guarantee we would all benefit more.  Hard to imagine that they refuse to put the parameters into place to limit the ability to fleece!  Hard to watch them not take the advice and guidance of so many who take the time to perform due diligence on the Bills being proposed. 
Rob Ramson.   

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:10 PM, <> wrote:


Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Reply message -----
From: "Eric" <>
To: <>
Subject: [ward5] Re: The Constitution: part 2
Date: Fri, Jul 20, 2012 11:29 AM


Best thing I have heard so far.

--- In, KPW <WKPW3@...> wrote:
> The mayor should tell the media that he is not going to run for re-election in 2014 and maybe we can get some peace. He can resign December 2014.
> ___________________
> -----Original Message-----
> From: KPW <WKPW3@...>
> To: ward5 <>
> Sent: Fri, Jul 20, 2012 10:37 am
> Subject: [ward5] The Constitution: part 2
> The Constitution: part 2
> JULY 19, 2012
> The recent interview by a member of the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia (USAtty/DC) reveals not the dedication of the office to root out government corruption, but rather strongly indicates the USAtty/DC cannot bring charges and will not bring charges against Mayor Vincent C. Gray.
> If the USAtty/DC had a winnable case it would not be conducting newspaper interviews regarding an on-going investigation. And because the USAtty/DC may not be able to present and prove a case against Mayor Grayin a court of law, it has chosen to convict him without presenting charges in the court of public opinion.
> Any good defense lawyer wisely advises his client, particularly a high-profile one to remain silent to preserve and protect all Constitutional rights. It is up to the government to make a charge and to prove its case.
> However, while Ms. Jo-Ann Armao and The Washington Post believe journalists must have protection from lawsuits and demands or documents and records, they evidently do not believe individuals should be accorded similar protections available under the United States Constitution. How shameful and reprehensible.
> The Washington Post poll showing a majority of District residents want Mayor Gray is untrustworthy, facially dishonest, and skewed to receive its desired results. Ms. Armao and The Washington Post display the height of intellectual arrogance when they demand the people should be respected because of the results of this poll; yet they editorialize the people's views on issues like District public education reform and school closings should be ignored.
> It is obvious Ms. Armao, The Washington Post, and columnists who do not have any intellectual connection to the people of the District of Columbia are on a newspaper mission to perform a mayoral coup.
> Ms. Armao and The Washington Post believe they have created a perfect storm to run Mayor Gray from office. They argue because they act like bullies on the playground and have been calling Mayor Gray all kinds of names and he has refused to respond their antics that he should leave the playground to them. Nuts.
> Ms. Armao, The Washington Post, and many other journalists laugh and grin at the concept the Constitution does protect persons who are not journalists and does not require anyone to speak to them or to be afraid of them. Ms Armao and The Washington Post are on the unethical receiving end of selected leaks which they publish anonymously to damage Mayor Gray. Isn't this evidence of a corrupt and unethical editorial board?
> By the way when did Mr. Harold Meyerson and Mr. Dana Milbank become so knowledgeable on District politics? When did they start going to community meetings across the District?
> Ms. Armao and The Washington Post are not supporters of Mayor Gray and have a particular interest in dividing the city and promoting political polarization. The real interest of Ms. Armao andThe Washington Post is to intimidate and to scare.
> Ms. Armao and The Washington Post have been pressuring the USAtty/DC to charge Mayor Gray with anything related to his 2010 mayoral campaign. However, Ms. Armao and The Washington Post do not have the patience to wait for the slow wheels of justice to grind.
> The following is a quote from the website of the USAtty/DC:
> "The United States Attorney is the representative not of an ordinary party to a controversy, but of a sovereignty whose obligation to govern impartially is as compelling as its obligation to govern at all; and whose interest, therefore, in a criminal prosecution is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done. As such, he is in a peculiar and very definite sense the servant of the law, the twofold aim of which is that guilt shall not escape or innocence suffer. He may prosecute with earnestness and vigor -- indeed, he should do so. But, while he may strike hard blows, he is not at liberty to strike foul ones. It is as much his duty to refrain from improper methods calculated to produce a wrongful conviction as it is to use every legitimate means to bring about a just one."
> The USAttyDC cannot hold up its professional integrity - clearly something Ms. Armao and The Washington Post lack - in the fight against government corruption and do an end run around the constitutional rights of Mayor Gray.
> The hypocrisy of Ms. Armao and The Washington Post on the principle of respecting due process, justice, and fairness is obvious. The leaks from the USAtty/DC need to be plugged and investigated. If not, it shows the USAtty.DC was purposely releasing information on the investigation.
> The United States Attorney for the District of Columbia should not become the devil it despises and succumb to the political trickery of Ms. Jo-Ann Armao and The Washington Post.
> E-mail contact information; rbrannum@...
> Twitter: @robert158
> The Constitution Part 1

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R. Ramson
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