Friday, 20 July 2012

[WardFive] To Bloomingdale: Prayers for Recovery

Residents of Bloomingdale and Commissioners Mueller, Fournier and Youngblood,
Know that my prayers are with you all in this trying, difficult time for you as you go through these back-to-back truamatic and costly experiences with water/sewer line backups.  It is my hopes that immediate attention is given to at least a solid temporary solution to this ongoing problem to provide relief during future storms, that there is some way an emergency can be declared for you to recoup some of your losses.
I don't understand why the sandbags can't be filled at the designated locations, then trucked to sites where you live to alleviate any addition stress you have to experience.  How many distressed homes in need of sandbags should be obtained from the emergency responders in the field then transmitted to the filling areas, so they can bring them to you, not the other way around.  This is also a part of community emergency response. The same should occur for any resources you need, or that the District Govt has to offer.
I feel safe in saying that all the other ANC 5C Commissioners have the same feelings about this terrible, devastating, continuous matter.  I'm sure it would not be any problem in obtaining a resolution from our Commission for "great weight" to be given to any request for immediate remedy(ies) for this situation for which you have no control over. 
I will also be asking CM McDuffie to look into how ANC 5C might be able to provide a grant to your civic association or other organization that could aid in the cleanup process or other needs that the govt cannot provide that would serve these public areas which I think are SD 5C03, 5C04 and possibly 5C07.
"Let there be Light"
Albrette "Gigi" Ransom
Commissioner, ANC 5C12
ANC 5C-Financial & Corresponding Secretaries
Chair, ANC 5C Legislation & Public Policy Committee
202-341-9134 (c)


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