Thursday, 4 May 2017

[WardFive] HHW/E-cycling/ Shredding Drop-Off

DPW Offers Options to Dispose of HHW/E-cycling/Personal Documents for Shredding in May

Check for 2017 drop-off, document shredding schedules.


The Department of Public Works (DPW) will accept District residents’ household hazardous waste and e-cyclables Thursday, May 4, 1 pm-5 pm and on Saturday, May 6, 8 am-3 pm, at the Ft. Totten Transfer Station, 4900 John F. McCormack Drive, NE.* DPW also will provide document shredding services for up to five boxes (or equivalent container) of documents, such as bank statements, credit cards, and pay stubs for shredding from each resident. The boxes should be no larger than 16.5”x12.5”x 8.5”, or the approximate size of a box of copy paper. Document shredding is available the first Saturday of the month only for paper only documents of a sensitive nature. Please place newspapers, magazines and other items that are not confidential in your recycling bins. Publications that contain personal information may be placed in your box for shredding.


District residents may bring HHW items such as pesticides, batteries and cleaning fluids to Ft. Totten, along with e-cycling items such as computers, televisions and other unwanted electronic equipment. For a list of all household hazardous waste and e-cyclables accepted by DPW, including how to prepare lithium batteries or batteries greater than 9 volts, and additional information about document shredding, please click on the HHW link at


*Directions to Ft. Totten, 4900 John F. McCormack Drive, NE: Travel east on Irving Street, NW, turn left on Michigan Avenue, turn left on John F. McCormack Drive, NE and continue to the end of the street. Directions from additional locations can be found at






Kevin B. Twine

Staff Assistant

Office Of The Director

Department Of Public Works (DPW)

2000 14th St., NW, 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20009

Ph: 202-673-7084

DPW: 202-673-6833

Fax: 202-202-671-0642


#ThriveByFiveDC kicks off this month! Learn more about Mayor Bowser’s commitment to early childhood and visit the District’s first comprehensive child health and early learning website at


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