Friday, 26 May 2017

[WardFive] Honoring DC's Fallen Heroes/Sheroes on Monday, May 29th at the WW II Memorial @1PM

DC's lack of voting representation in Congress is felt more by the women and men that serve our Arm Forces, and those that ultimately pay the highest price for our freedom.  They serve with honor all over the world defending freedom, and come to the realization that in many ways they come home from defending the freedom they don't have. 


Please join me, veterans, elected officials, activists, and others as we gather at the World War II Memorial-Ceremonial Plaza to honor DC's fallen heroes/sheroes this Memorial Day.


Thank you


Franklin Garcia

US Representative (Shadow) for the District of Columbia

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, C-09

Washington DC 20004

202-727-9110 (Office)




May 26, 2017


Media Contact:

Angely Sema



Media Advisory


Elected officials, activists, and community leaders pay tribute to DC's fallen heroes and sheroes on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2017


As we remember the men and women who gave their lives while serving our country's armed forces, let's make sure America remembers the men and women from the District of Columbia who served with honor, and died for their country.


Sadly, while these men and women fought and died for our freedom all over the world, here we treat them like second class citizens by denying them full representation in their national legislature.


What:             Honoring DC's Fallen Heroes and Sheroes.    

Who:              Veterans, elected officials, activists, and community leaders

Where:           World War II Memorial-Ceremonial Plaza

                        1750 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C.

When:            Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 1:00pm ‐ 2:00pm





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