Friday, 15 September 2017

Re: cheat_training_group CheatFest - boat pickup request

Dear Everyone, 

Thanks so much for offering to help - we are very appreciative. I've just talked with Ursy by old-fashioned telephone method. So quaint, and yet so practical sometimes. :)

We think the best option is for Jeremy and Anand to help out, and maybe get the boat back with the Calleva-LAKS van to Tom's home if possible, or otherwise home with Jeremy for a later pick up. 

The boat, an Eskimo Kendo Starlight will have had quite an adventure of travels by the time it gets to Ursy - many good people helping along the way. 

I"ll send out a separate email to connect up the folks involved.

Thanks everyone - and now, back to your regularly scheduled program. Gauley Fest - yay!!!!


On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 7:20 AM, <> wrote:
Hey festival goers, do you think that someone could bring back a boat for Ursy Potter? I have copied her on this email. Anyone that could get it to the DC-VA-MD area?

I would be happy to pick it up from anyone and deliver it to Ursy's doorstep.

In exchange, I can offer craft beer and some fresh homemade cinnamon buns from Mike 😊 .

Jen Sass

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Jennifer Sass

Let there be no peace without justice, no worker without rights, no child without future, no elder without care, no individual without dignity. Let us take great care of Mother Earth. (adapted from Pope Francis on the Poor and Indigenous Peoples)

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