I looked on the LAKS page to see about joining a Mexico trip. I'd love to skip the whole Christmas gig this year and go boating. We need a LAKS Scrooge trip!! Surely there are some other Grinches out there like me! (?) -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cheat Spring Training Group" group. To post to this group, send email to cheat_training_group@googlegroups.com...
This is an message board for LAKS Cheat Training members. It is also the message board for the Upper Yough Training program which directly follows Cheat Training. There are some other advanced trips in here too .QUICK way to advertise your company's business! INEXPENSIVE way to advertise your business! PROVEN way to advertise your home based business
Thursday, 31 July 2014
cheat_training_group we need a Scrooge trip!
Read More :- "cheat_training_group we need a Scrooge trip!"
Re: RE: [WardFive] AGOA Dinner Saturday Night
Contact Mr. Bobby Felder. (202) 291-8844. He's "the Dean" of D.C.'s jazz musician community. He can connect you with a group.Bradley A. Thomas On 07/31/14, Charles Luther<charles.luther@apha.org> wrote: Call student affairs department of UDC…; From: wardfive@googlegroups.com [mailto:wardfive@googlegroups.com]On Behalf Of shirley smithSent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:11 PMTo: shirley...
[WardFive] : Africa Leaders Summit-related Program Information and Invitations
The Africa Society has been asked to forward information to you about twoupcoming programs-The AGOA Civil Society Session of the 13th AGOA Forum andan event hosted by the African Women's Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP), atrade and investment initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of State on"Strengthening the Bottom Line with African...
RE: [WardFive] AGOA Dinner Saturday Night
Call student affairs department of UDC… From: wardfive@googlegroups.com [mailto:wardfive@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of shirley smith Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:11 PM To: shirley smith Subject: [WardFive] AGOA Dinner Saturday Night Looking for a jazz group to play at the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) Dinner on Saturday night! If you know of anyone please contact me or Fred...
[WardFive] AGOA Dinner Saturday Night
Looking for a jazz group to play at the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) Dinner on Saturday night! If you know of anyone please contact me or Fred Oladeinde gokeoladeinde@gmail.com phone # 202-460-4360 Thanks in Advance. ANC Commissioner 5B01Shirley Rivens Smith, PresidentUS Africa Sister Cities Foundation, Inc.DC-Dakar2000 Upshur St., NE Washington, DC 20018www.usasc.org202-635-3138202-321-3582 (cell)...
[WardFive] Ward 5 Day at the Shakespeare Theatre

Good Afternoon Ward 5!
Please see attached invitation to the Ward 5 Day at the Shakespeare Theatre. This year's production will be A Winter's Tale on Saturday, August 30 at 2pm. To request tickets, please call 202-724-8028.
Commissioner Ursula Higgins
5B Correspondence Secretary
Single Member District 5B02
Telephone: 202-321-5289
[WardFive] Article: D.C. students' proficiency rates inch upward on annual city tests
http://m.washingtonpost.com/local/education/dc-students-proficiency-rates-inch-upward-on-annual-city-tests/2014/07/31/585af6ac-189c-11e4-9e3b-7f2f110c6265_story.html Education D.C. students' proficiency rates inch upward on annual city tests By Emma Brown July 31 at 10:00 AM Average student proficiency...
[WardFive] Mayor Gray Announces Continued Gains in Student Achievement on DC CAS Exam
http://osse.dc.gov/release/mayor-gray-announces-continued-gains-student-achievement-dc-cas-exam Thursday, July 31, 2014 Mayor Gray Announces Continued Gains in Student Achievement on DC CAS Exam Results Show Highest 10th Grade Growth in Six Years Contact: Doxie McCoy (EOM) (202) 727-9691; doxie.mccoy@dc.gov Briant Coleman (OSSE) (202) 654-6120; briant.coleman@dc.gov Melissa Salmanowitz (DCPS) (202) 535-1096; Melissa.salmanowitz@dc.gov...
[WardFive] HHW/E-cycling/Shredding In August
DPW Offers Options to Dispose of HHW, E-cycling, Personal Documents for ShreddingCheck www.dpw.dc.gov for 2014 drop-off, document shredding schedules. The DC Department of Public Works announced today the August 2014 schedule for disposing of household hazard waste, e-cycling and personal documents at the Ft. Totten Transfer Station*. Weekly, Saturday HHW and e-cycling drop-off schedule: August...
[WardFive] This Morning: Mayor Gray to Announce 2014 DC CAS Results
http://osse.dc.gov/release/mayor-gray-announces-2014-dc-cas-results-0 Mayor Gray to Announce 2014 DC CAS Results WHAT/WHO: Mayor Vincent C. Gray and representatives from the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Education (DME), the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), the State Board of Education (SBOE), D.C. Public Schools...
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
[WardFive] Article: D.C. Mulls Change to High School Graduation Requirements
http://washingtoninformer.com/news/2014/jul/29/dc-mulls-change-high-school-graduation-requirement/ D.C. Mulls Change to High School Graduation Requirements Dorothy Rowley | 7/29/2014, 10:54 a.m. Courtesy photo 131 The DC State Board of Education is leaning toward implementing a more competency-based graduation system for...
[WardFive] Taft/Dwight Mosley Field
Dear Taft/Dwight Mosley Field Community,
As you may know, The Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and Department of General Services (DGS) has Capital funding to renovate the existing Taft/Dwight Mosley field. To date we've held two (2) planning meetings with the community to ensure that the field is designed and renovated based on the needs of the community. The community includes not only the teams that play on the field...
[WardFive] DPW Suspends Street Sweeping In Bloomingdale On Certain Blocks
DPW Suspends Residential Street Sweeping in Bloomingdale on Certain BlocksDue to DC Water First Street Tunnel Construction Project The Department of Public Works announced today that weekly mechanical sweeping of certain residential blocks in the Bloomingdale neighborhood will be suspended through the end of residential street sweeping season, October 31 while DC Water’s First Street Tunnel construction project is underway. ...
[WardFive] Fwd: SAVE THE DATE | Meet the New Director of the Library

Meet the New Executive Director of the DC Public LibraryRichard Reyes-Gavilan Wednesday, August 6, 2014 @ 6 pmWilliam O. Lockridge Library @ Bellevue 115 Atlantic Street, S.W.Washington, D.C. 20032 -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ward 8 Education...
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Sunday, 27 July 2014
[WardFive] RE: 5B02 Family and Community Day - THANK YOU
Commissioner Higgins -- For the second year in a row, you have done an OUTSTANDING job as newbie commissioner organizing your community's celebration. Clearly, all attendess have a marvelous time; the time, energy and volunteer efforts by yourself and your community did not go unnoticed or unheralded by city leadership. They showed up to support your efforts and to celebrate with your 5B02 constituency. Great job!!!
Very kind...
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