Friday, 29 August 2014

Re: cheat_training_group I need a Jackson Happy Feet

You can borrow mine Sent from my iPhoneOn Aug 29, 2014, at 12:18 PM, Todd Henry <> wrote:Does any one have a Jackson Happy Feet that they would be willing to sell me?  Mine has a hole in it and I need one for my playboat so I can paddle it during Gauley Training.Thanks for any help,Todd -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the...
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[WardFive] Albert Einstein on Racism -- "a disease of White people,"! I assume we have some who aren't!!

  GOOD READING!  Sharing emails sent by a friend.   Shirley Rivens Smith srs-usasc@rcn.com202-635-3138    Good Morning,Just wanted to share this wonderful piece of information: According to Gates, an African-American physicist  "These examples have led him to conclude that...
Read More :- "[WardFive] Albert Einstein on Racism -- "a disease of White people,"! I assume we have some who aren't!!"

Re: cheat_training_group I need a Jackson Happy Feet

I do On Aug 29, 2014 12:19 PM, "Todd Henry" <> wrote: Does any one have a Jackson Happy Feet that they would be willing to sell me?  Mine has a hole in it and I need one for my playboat so I can paddle it during Gauley Training.Thanks for any help, Todd -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cheat Spring Training...
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Re: cheat_training_group I need a Jackson Happy Feet

I might, I'm away for the wknd but will check when I get home. Fern Abrams Sent from my mobile phone. Please excuse any errors. Todd Henry <> wrote: Does any one have a Jackson Happy Feet that they would be willing to sell me?  Mine has a hole in it and I need one for my playboat so I can paddle it during Gauley Training. Thanks for any help, Todd Henry
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cheat_training_group I need a Jackson Happy Feet

Does any one have a Jackson Happy Feet that they would be willing to sell me?  Mine has a hole in it and I need one for my playboat so I can paddle it during Gauley Training.Thanks for any help,Todd -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cheat Spring Training Group" group. To post to this group, send email to
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Thursday, 28 August 2014

[WardFive] Fw: [WARD5] Bowser Advisor Tom Lindenfeld Connected to Philadelphia Corruption Case

On Thursday, August 28, 2014 5:26 PM, "Debbie Steiner [WARD5]" <> wrote:   Bowser Advisor Tom Lindenfeld Connected to Philadelphia Corruption Case (Updated)Posted by Will Sommer on Aug. 28, 2014 at 2:22 pmTom Lindenfeld (left)...
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Re: cheat_training_group paw paw season

Ha! I've been eying them below the Gates at lock 6 and I think several of them will be ripe this weekend. There are several of them on the trees hanging over the water on the far bank. Save me a couple. ; ) Leif Jan KindbergPh. 202.716.6352Skype: lkindbe From: Jennifer Sass <> To: "" <> Sent:...
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Re: cheat_training_group paw paw season

All along the river... Look up during the walk down to Sandy Beach put in at GF or on the river view trail just is just upstream of the heli pad (across of the white lock house). Eat in moderation - ate 5 in one sitting a few years ago and lets just say it didn't go too well. ewb aka "Captain Colon Blow" On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Jennifer Sass <> wrote: > Hey all, > the paw paw season seems...
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cheat_training_group paw paw season

Hey all,the paw paw season seems to be upon us. Has anyone seen any? Locations they want to share? -- Jennifer SassEmail: -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Cheat Spring Training Group" group. To post to this group, send email to
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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

[WardFive] DPW Observes Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 1

DPW Observes Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 1 Sanitation and parking enforcement services will be suspended until Tues., Sept. 2.   The Department of Public Works (DPW) announced today how services will be affected Monday, September 1, when the District observes Labor Day. Trash and recycling collections and street and alley cleaning will be suspended.  Parking enforcement also will be suspended. Services...
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Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Re: [WardFive] Albert Einstein on Racism -- "a disease of White people,"! I assume we have some who aren't!!

Rob You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still swine. Both were killed. They are both tragedies. Loved ones of both are grieving. All the backwash of historical farce and showmanship you put forth doesn't heal wounds or even do either loss of life justice. Black people are not perpetual victims. No matter if you say we are oppressed we are not victims. My people did not fight to read to send there kids to school for...
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