The hard truth is that people fail. Failure is a part of life. Being poor is not a piece of cake it is not fun it is not enjoyable. If you want to sugar cold blindfold put blinders on the pole or to make yourself feel good you go right ahead but the last time I remember being poor sucks. If you want to truly help people you would not have been wait for the ladder. You would only be building your own ego like the rest of the advocacy industrial complex . They exist to help people if people to help they would not have jobs same for certain journalist they have to be warriors for the under class in order for them to be warriors they have to proliferate an underclass.. If we were truly focused on helping people we would recognize that the only salvation of mankind is man himself. All the bluster all the accusations all the name calling does not result in anything other than a culture of dependence of failure of poverty of shame of addiction of dependence. It is useful for the valves that advocated because they have people to advocated for it is useful for generous because they can stand for the people but what the people don't get is anything. How many times have people come 25 4 poor people really have no interest in helping the poor people because without the poor people they will have no platform. Rob I mean this with all sincerity you need to give up the ghost . If you want to help poor people then the best thing you can do is remind them they are poor . Is to say to men there is a nother way but you must fight for yourself yourself. You are your own Savior your effort is your own salvation and if you are unwilling to pull yourself up and you will be where you are and that is where you choose to be Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android |
From: Rob <>;
To: Ward 5 Google Groups <>;
Subject: Re: [WardFive] Jonetta Rose Barras: The return of 'separate but equal'?
Sent: Tue, Aug 12, 2014 12:44:15 AM
People often work towards something they can see. It is truly discouraging when options are limited and becoming more limited. And depending on circumstances, it is really tough to seemingly "spin ones wheels"! I think that providing a better environment coupled with mandatory education/job training/drug testing/rehab (attendance required) and job placement, folks have a chance. We almost have to hold the hands to guide them out. I have never seen a rescue team only put 1/3 of a ladder into a 10ft well and expect the person to jump the rest of the way. Hell, even with a full length ladder, we still seem to give the person a hand when they get to the top. This is the same approach that needs to be taken with our folks who are not as prepared to do it without easily being distracted. So your "anesthetizing" comment sounds like some mid-level of elitism to me. It doesn't hurt for Mrs. Barras to advocate for better conditions for our under achieved/performing community if the Developer is receiving City funds and/or getting bond money, etc.. Why is there negativity if she is trying to bring light to a situation in order to make it better/more humanely equal? Rob Ramson.
On Aug 11, 2014 7:00 PM, "'RobbyCU' via WardFive" <> wrote: No one has ever liked being poor. That's 1 big reason people work to get out of poverty. Our goal should not be to anesthetize the poor.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android | In addition to the separate entrances, why does the city need to put up $2 million to keep the place part "affordable". What is the profit margin of the developer at completion and what is the long term return. If the city is putting up $2 million, then the City should be getting a Return On Investment over the long run. As a matter of proper usage of funds, the city should be getting that $2 Million back and then the long term return for their part of investment should go to the residents who utilize the "affordable" aspect of the building so that they would eventually be on their own and others can utilize the "affordable" aspect.
This is not an attack on CM Bowser. This is a responsibility of all the CM's. There is no reason to fund any of these developers when they are going to develop in DC anyways. We should be passing legislation to come up with regulations of how to structure the funding so as the City becomes a REAL partner in the Public/Private partnership. These developers should have to produce the projected financials and the City should have a right to share in those proceeds; with the ability to get part of the surplus that is not part of the projection.
But, thinking through and properly addressing issues are not the top priority. Most legislation passed and most of the funding they do have loopholes big enough to sink a ship. Look at the Living Social benefit package -- and with all the testimonial warnings that was received. That's why we still have no legislation to make our City Council positions FULL TIME so they could stop PIMPING the system. That is the first bit of legislation that needs to be put into place. At some point, we need to really be serious about a realistic approach to who really needs assistance.
As to Robby's thinking -- that says a lot. Easier said than done " takes effort and drive to climb our of poverty". There was a movie made about that called trading places. It is easy to sit in a "Robby's" position and say those things. The reality is no one likes being poor and with some guidance and help, it is much easier to muster up the Effort and Drive to climb out of poverty.
It is sad that in today's world, we still condone this "front and rear" door entrance. Actually, it is worse when our own justifies it.
Rob Ramson
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