Tuesday, 19 August 2014

[WardFive] SHARING: Unified Statement of Action to Promote Reform and Stop Police Abuse

As national civil and human rights organizations and leaders committed to the protection of the rights of African
Americans and all Americans, we come together as a unified collective to urgently impress upon elected officials, law
enforcement, the legal profession, businesses and all those in this nation interested in social justice, that we must not allow
the killing of Michael Brown and other unarmed individuals across this nation to be in vain. As organizational leaders we
represent millions across this country who are, as the old saying goes - "sick and tired of being sick and tired."

As we all mourn the loss of Michael Brown and remain steadfast in our unyielding support for his mother and father
who have suffered a loss no parent should endure, we also continue to call upon the community at large to make sure that
this tragedy results in future systemic change to prevent similar tragic shootings and the use of excessive force. We
commend the actions of President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. and other elected officials for their
strong stance against the senseless use of deadly force and the militarization of law enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri.
We are now extremely concerned with the increasingly unstable situation in Ferguson and encourage more respectful
responses from elected officials, along with a permanent restructuring of law enforcement so that it is more reflective of
the racial and gender diversity and the overall needs of the community.

Beyond Ferguson, we must similarly demand mutual respect from law enforcement and elected officials toward other
affected communities where lives have been tragically lost and endangered.
As we call for immediate and short term remedies to address the challenges in Ferguson, we know that more must be
done to prevent future abuses across the nation. Nothing will be resolved until there is systemic change throughout this
nation in the implicit and explicit bias against people of color and particularly African American youth who are routinely
targeted by law enforcement even within their own communities.

Furthermore, it has not gone unnoticed that the images of militarized law enforcement personnel surrounding peaceful
demonstrations in Ferguson are eerily similar to those we equate with the inhumane and racist tactics used against
protestors during the Civil Rights movement in the 50's and 60's. This sight reminds us that despite the tremendous
progress this nation has made in many areas, including the election of the first African American President, we are not and
will never realize a post-racial society until we honestly acknowledge, confront and address the systemic structures that
maintain the old vestiges of racial segregation and de-humanization in this country, particularly in law enforcement.

With so much to be done, we cannot begin to provide an all-inclusive list, but in an effort to outline a beginning
strategy of reform, we are recommending the following:

* An independent and comprehensive federal investigation by the Department of Justice of the fatal shooting
of Michael Brown, an unarmed African American teenager shot by police in Ferguson, Missouri,

* A comprehensive federal review and reporting of all police killings, accompanied by immediate action to
address the unjustified use of lethal and excessive force by police officers in jurisdictions throughout this
country against unarmed people of color,

* A comprehensive federal review and reporting of excessive use of force generally against youth and people
of color and the development of national use of force standards,

* A comprehensive federal review and reporting of racially disproportionate policing, examining rates of
stops, frisks, searches, and arrests by race, including a federal review of police departments' data collection
practices and capabilities,

* A comprehensive federal review and reporting of police departments' racial profiling and racially bias
practices, as well as any related policies and trainings,

* A final update and release of the Department of Justice's (DOJ) June 2003 Guidance Regarding the Use of
Race by Federal Law Enforcement Agencies (hereinafter "Guidance"), with substantive reforms including
updates that would 1) make the Guidance enforceable 2) apply the Guidance to state and local law
enforcement who work in partnership with the federal government or receive federal funding; 3) close the
loopholes for the border and national security; 4) cover surveillance activities; 5) prohibit profiling based
on religion, national origin, and sexual orientation,

* Required racial bias training and guidance against the use of force for state and local law enforcement that
receive grants,

* The required use of police officer Body-Worn Cameras (BWC) to record every police-civilian encounter in
accordance with and policy requiring civilian notification and applicable laws, including during SWAT
deployments, along with rigorous standards regarding the retention, use, access, and disclosure of data
captured by such systems,

* The universal use of dash cameras in police vehicles,

* Concrete steps to ensure that federal military weapons do not end up in the hands of local law enforcement
and, if they do, to prevent the misuse of those weapons in communities of color,

* On the ground community training to educate residents of their rights when dealing with law enforcement,

* The elimination of the "broken windows" policing policy initiated in the 1980's which encourages overly
aggressive police encounters for minor offenses and the promotion of community-based policing,

* Greater and more effective community oversight over the local law enforcement and policing tactics, and

* The establishment of a law enforcement commission to review policing tactics that would include in its
composition leaders/experts from civil rights advocacy groups who represent the most impacted

Even as we provide this initial outline in an effort to bring together our respective communities and work toward
immediate and long-term change, we know in order to truly be effective, we must ensure that our elected officials are
responsive to our demands. If they are not, we must exercise our political power and elect officials that will be arbiters of
social justice and change and not barriers to this process. The vote is a precious tool that we ignore at our own peril. On
the heels of the anniversary of the Voting Rights Act - we must demand action with our vote and we call upon every
person to take responsibility in their respective communities to exercise their fundamental right as a citizen in the
upcoming elections in November - and EVERY election so that those in power truly represent and reflect the
communities they were elected to serve.

African Americans, like so many in this country, have suffered, bled and died for this country. Not only do we
deserve and demand that we be respected in the communities in which we live, we will not be silent, and instead
encourage every concerned citizen to work with us to fulfill the promise of this nation - LIFE, Liberty and the Equality of
opportunity for all.

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
* Barbara Arnwine, President and Executive Director
* Tanya Clay House, Public Policy Director

A. Phillip Randolph Institute
* Clayola Brown, President
Advancement Project
* Judith Browne Dianis, Co-Director
* Penda D. Hair, Co-Director
* Susan Lee, National Director, Urban Peace Program
American Civil Liberties Union
* Laura Murphy, Director of the Washington Legislative Office
* Vanita Gupta, Deputy Legal Director
* Dennis Parker, Director of our Racial Justice Program

Hip Hop Caucus
* Reverend Lennox Yearwood, President and CEO
Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
* Wade Henderson, President and CEO
* Nancy Zirkin, Executive Vice President
* Lisa Bornstein, Legal Director
National Action Network
* Reverend Al Sharpton, President
* Michael A. Hardy, Executive Vice President & General Counsel.
* Janaye Ingram, Acting National Executive Director

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
* Cornell William Brooks, President and CEO
NAACP-Legal Defense Fund
* Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel
* Janai Nelson, Associate Director-Counsel
* Leslie Proll, Director, Washington DC Office
* Vincent Southerland, Senior Counsel, Criminal Justice Project

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation Black Women's Roundtable (BWR)
* Melanie Campbell, President, Convener of BWR

National Bar Association
* Pamela Meanes, President

National Urban League
* Marc Morial, President

Rainbow Push Coalition
* Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr.

Help DC become an Age-Friendly <http://agefriendly.dc.gov/> city by participating in the Block-by-Block Walk on Saturday, September 6. Sign up here <http://agefriendly.dc.gov/page/age-friendly-dc-block-block-walk> to volunteer.

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