Mrs. Coleman,
I have a dog and 3 cats and they are terrified of storms and noise from firecrackers - especially my dog. However, it is insensitive to want this one day and a few lingering festivity events banned because of your dogs comfort. Had you said safety, I can understand you prohibiting your child(ren) from participating, but not others who parents allow them. Now, imagine how this translates into the overall sharing of everything in this world.
I remember seeing a large Hispanic group of people in a parade on Rhode Island Ave during Easter and wondered how folks would accept an Islamic, Sikh or Hindu group doing the same.
While it is not identical as this neighborhood fireworks is not really part of the celebratory "event" of July 4th but mostly a fun activity, it is part of a one day rights that people should have that others may experience a little discomfort, even an evolved family member or two who is still considered an animal.
This is a miniscule amount of hours compared to the rest of the year. Please allow our kids to have some fun without ruining it with possible calls to 911/311 from you or others who share your ideas about banning this experience.
Imagine if we all got together and banned lights aroumd Christmas because of the waste of electricity and the emmitance of carbon into the athmosphere! Lots of kids and some of us adults would be saddened.
Just one day! Call the police tomorrow!
Rob Ramson
After the storm two Friday nights in a row, my poor animals cannot tolerate loud noises. I wish that fireworks were banned in DC altogether.
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 2:19 PM
Subject: RE: [Brookland] fireworks
Call 911. That is the number to use if you need a police presence. At
least in DC, it is not just for emergencies.
Phil Raidt
Original Message:
From: Melissa Lawton
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 05:25:22 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Brookland] fireworks
Happy 4th of July!
I have started to dread the 4th. On our block and many others blast off
fireworks that are illegal and dangerous. Last year it went beyond 11pm and
way past my kid's bedtime. My son is now terrified of fireworks. For the
past two years I have called 311 but they never come. Any advise? or just
let it go for one day of fun for some and me picking up another shattered
picture that falls off my wall from a blast....
Irving Street
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