No Rob what is sad is the lack of effort by those who keep on complaining. Funny enough over the last four years the most effective members of the Council have been Mendelson, Evans, Cheh and Catania. Funny enough three of the four have outside positions.
In addition folks keep on talking about all these secret meetings and crap but can't show and prove.
This list serve has continued to be a place for rumors, accusations and complaints. This has truly become a toxic and negative environment on and off the web as many of the folks who take the lead on this medium continue to spread it throughout the ward and city.
It's funny folks complain about meetings, etc but aren't in the Wilson Building or in the community doing anything but complaining.
Eric J. Jones
- Oct 23, 2012 6:03 PM, "Rob" <> wrote:--Eric J,Let's be really clear - What you wrote is SAD!! Either you are just choosing to be blind or just really gullable. Either or, It is just Sad.Let's not call it a conflict of interest but instead, maybe they can collectively decide to either work solely for the city or for their respective Law Firms, MC Dean, etc. Just imagine, if they didn't have to work 40+ hours at the for DC City Council, they could make double or triple the money at their other Jobs - of course that depends on if they are working 20 or 40 hours per week over there. Who knows, maybe they work 40+ at both.Maybe we can have a referendum on that - have citizens vote on whether the City Council Members should only work for the City or be able to have outside work with those who do business in the District.Just Sad.Rob RamsonOn Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 2:32 PM, Eric J. Jones <> wrote.
Let's be clear and honest. Catania doesn't sit on any committee that has direct oversight on the labor issues IB question. Further Catania doesn't take meetings with firms and organizations which may be considered a conflict of interest.
Very similar to how Councilman Orange is rarely out front on issues related to PEPCO which is his former employer.
Further contracts that are awarded to folks come from the executive of which Catania has no control. This is totally different from the issue related to Councilman Barry.
As someone who has to deal with many of the folks listed in this article it is nothing more than political fodder in a slow news cycle.
As it relates to the appointment of Barbara Lang who knows more about DC's business interest than her? Her job is to do nothing more than promote DC business and she is independent of the government.
Kind of like the while Evans issue. I was in many of those hotel meetings and Evans nor his staff was their outside of committee folks from the finance committee which were required and they weren't there to run things. We actually have a large scale development from two great DC based developers, one being an African American owned company which is meeting or goals and requirements (which the GC on its own volunteered to set above city government requirements) and still folks are complaining about it.
Eric J. Jones
- ejjones.threed@gmail.comOn Oct 23, 2012 1:10 PM, "stephanie rones" <> wrote:I read that Catinia was instrumental in pushing the District to get into the streetcar business. If so, this is clearly a conflict of interest.
From: KPW <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ward5] Re: Examiner Local Editorial: For at-large D.C. council.First, not sure how we distinguigh our two active Erics on this listserv. How about Eric J and EricDC unless you have an initial to add instead of DC?Yes, the Catania Conundrum does give one pause and raise one's eyebrows. Catania can't be put above scrutiny just because he is effective on some fronts and gives the appearance and agitated responses that he is beyond reproach and ethically endowed. He could be just smarter at playing the game but no one ever questions him. He is/was at George Washington University where there could have been some conflicts. He shouted down Councilmember Barry when Barry asked about the budget at the United Medical Center (formerly Greater Southeast Hospital). But then again maybe he walks the water and is close to sainthood.I wonder if some of Brown's financial issues were caused by a split from his wife and all the drama associated with moving on while still taking care of family. Now that some of the dust has settled, he might have more control over his personal life. But I don't know and will keep reading and listening to make my decision on whether to return him to the council
As for Eric's comment to Catania, there is no way of convincing me that
his employment at MC Dean isn't a conflict. We have a Council plagued
by backdoor deals - it just doesn't pass the smell test for me. I may
be completely off base on this and I have nothing to go off of, but I am
going with my gut there. To me, as a CouncilMember, you make enough
cash - if you want to serve, then make service your focus.![]()
The Catania Conundrum
Posted by Alan Suderman on Oct. 17, 2012 at 7:46 pmBill Dean has the superhero alter-ego thing down pat.Heir and CEO of a giant electrical engineering and defense contractor that makes nearly $1 billion a year? Check. Thrower of epic parties featuring scores of scantily clad women at his Georgetown mansion? Check. Owner or part owner of a massive Miami beach house, a party yacht, a sports bar, and a newspaper? Check. Politicians on speed dial? Check.Dean's been a steady and generous donor to campaigns in the last decade, public records show. He and his company, M.C. Dean, have given more than $560,000 to federal, Virginia, and District pols, with more than $160,000 going to District races.But it's not Dean's political contributions that have raised some eyebrows at the Wilson Building. It's the fact that he's the direct boss of Councilmember David Catania, the sharp-tongued lawmaker who enjoys a reputation as one of the more ethical councilmembers on an ethically challenged body.Catania is M.C. Dean's $240,000-a-year vice president of corporate strategy, where he oversees the company's organizational development, compliance, legal, and government affairs issues (except for in the District). Yes, the same M.C. Dean that has various contracts with the city totaling more than $13 million in 2011, is currently fighting for a $100 million streetlight contract, and won a $50 million contract to build part of the new streetcar system. All of which is a set-up, say some of Catania's colleagues, fraught with problems."I am a firm believer that if you work for a company that's actually doing business with the government, that has contracts with the government, then that activity should be banned," At-Large Councilmember Vincent Orange recently said in a TV interview.Catania sounds more annoyed than a freshly bathed cat when discussing the nexus, or lack thereof, of his two gigs. (He indicates he thinks it's impossible for LL to write this article without implying that Catania is in some way corrupt.)"I've taken extraordinary efforts to divide these two worlds," Catania says, saying he's always recused himself from any potential conflict of interests, has kept himself "willfully ignorant" of M.C. Dean's dealings with the city, and never speaks to Dean about council matters. "I don't know how much more I can do."To be clear: LL has never seen a shred of evidence that Catania has done anything untoward to help any of his private employers. (Before becoming V.P. at M.C. Dean last year, Catania worked at OpenBand, a subsidiary of the company. Before that, he worked at the law firm Akin Gump.) Further, Catania has a well-earned reputation for being on the right side of ethical issues. He was the first to call for former Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas Jr. to resign and took on Medicaid contractor Jeff Thompson, now at the center of the federal investigation into Mayor Vince Gray's campaign, when Thompson was at the height of his powers.Even so, Catania's employment at M.C. Dean still looks iffy. Should D.C. really have a system where councilmembers vote on bills that affect how their employers, their employers' partners, and their employers' competitors do business here?D.C. hiring and contracting laws, which Catania has voted on and suggested changes to, affect just about every major construction company in the city by setting rules on who firms can hire and subcontract with. That includes not only M.C. Dean, but its giant partners in other ventures, like Clark Construction or Skanska.And your definition of a possible conflict of interest may be significantly different from the city's. Two weeks ago, Catania voted in favor a bill to expand the number of seats on the airports board—a bill moved to appease Virginia Republicans and make sure the $3 billion second phase of the Metro Silver Line to Dulles was built. Catania also voted to confirm Gray's pick for the new seat: D.C. Chamber of Commerce President Barbara Lang.M.C. Dean has been a major contractor on the first phase of the Dulles rail line, and Dean is a member of the chamber's board. But the D.C. Council's general counsel didn't see any problem with Catania voting on the measures because there was "no direct and predictable effect" on M.C. Dean's finances.(The potential for crossbreeding between council and outside employment isn't limited to Catania. Ward 2 Councilmember and Patton Boggs attorney Jack Evans advocated for a convention center hotel that one of his firm's clients ultimately invested in. Ward 3 Councilmember and constitutional law professor Mary Cheh has voted on budgets that include healthcare contracts between the city and her other employer, George Washington University.)M.C. Dean has contracts with the Department of Transportation and the Department of Youth Rehabilitative Services, has worked on school construction, and recently won a contract with DC Water. Catania's outside employment effectively mutes a good-government advocate and budget hawk on some important issues facing the city related to those contracts, like whether streetcars are worth their enormous cost.Catania's boss has been active in city politics and an outspoken critic against union-friendly labor provisions.Two years ago, after Dean rented his company's trucks and crews to Jim Graham to put up campaign signs, he told the Washington Post: "In Washington, it's important that businesses stay involved, and one of the ways that you've gotta stay involved is that you have to be active in contributing to people that you can occasionally count on for support."Dean has helped finance ads against former Councilmember Carol Schwartz (largely because she supported mandatory paid leave), leased office space to CouncilmemberMichael Brown's 2008 campaign at a rock-bottom rate, and funded a nonprofit that has pushed back against union-friendly changes to city construction laws. (Its executive director,Ted Trabue, is the District's school board president.)Dean says he never talks to Catania about workforce issues and doesn't pay attention to how his employee votes. And indeed, Catania has voted for labor-related laws that Dean finds objectionable. But Dean acknowledges that some might see a potential conflict stemming from his outspoken views and Catania's votes on issues related to those views."I understand what you're saying, but then you can't let councilmembers have jobs," says Dean.And Catania says the city shouldn't create a system that curries to career politicians rather than professionals who are successful in the outside world. "People can speculate if they like, 'Is this a good system?'," he says. "I just ask to be judged on my record."If only it were that simple.Photo by Darrow Montgomery-----Original Message-----From: Eric <>To: ward5 <>Sent: Tue, Oct 23, 2012 10:34 amSubject: [ward5] Re: Examiner Local Editorial: For at-large D.C. council.I have not idea who I am voting for either. The way I see it, we haveCM Brown who does have a decent track record although I am concernedabout his attentiveness, especially as it relates to METRO. I ride iteveryday and can never rely on it consistently. It is also so troublingfor the ederly when the escalators never work. He also has what appearto be significant personal and campaign problems with his finances. This is real issue for me - I wouldn't vote for "The Donald" either. Tome, I want an elected official to set the standard. I think,legislatitively, he has done some good things especially with trying toput DC residents to work.On the other hand, we have Grosso who has zero history. He worked as astaffer, but I, too, have volunteered around the community and haven'treally seen him. Maybe I am too much in the shadows, but he isvirtually unknown to me. Yet, he seems to be saying some good things.As for Eric's comment to Catania, there is no way of convincing me thathis employment at MC Dean isn't a conflict. We have a Council plaguedby backdoor deals - it just doesn't pass the smell test for me. I maybe completely off base on this and I have nothing to go off of, but I amgoing with my gut there. To me, as a CouncilMember, you make enoughcash - if you want to serve, then make service your focus.--- In, KPW <WKPW3@...> wrote:>>> While I have not announced who I am supporting for the second at largeseat and frankly, am just starting to get interested, I have to applaudyou, Debbie, for proving information on Councilmember Michael Brown. Hehas done more than I was giving him credit for and I am separating hispersonal life from his professional life.>> I am glad to see that people are proving information on the candidatesso that we will be better informed when we vote in the General Election.Information is power.>> KPW>>> -----Original Message-----> From: Debbie Smith-Steiner DLSmith112@...> To: ward5> Sent: Mon, Oct 22, 2012 4:15 pm> Subject: Re: [ward5] Re: Examiner Local Editorial: For at-large D.C.council.>>>>>>> Eric, while I do not expect you to take my word, that is fine. I havebeen corrected on this listserve plenty of times of providing inaccurateinformation.>>> But I will not accept a smear campaign to be used against someone whohas been held as a champion for the people. Again, with the unionendorsements that the CM has, no one is willing to take a chance on anunknown.>>> The CM has held two positions of employment simultaneously, and hasnot lost his footing or has been derelict in his duties as an At largeCouncilmember. Since you are trying to make a case of how CM Brown'soutside employment is twice of what he gets as a CM. Let's see; we have:Cheh, Catania, Evans, doing the same. If you can parlay your skills,which allow you to make more money and you have not failed yourconstituency, what's the issue? I guess it is good for some but not forothers.>>> Yes he did not attend the WMATA board meetings, he was being attentiveto his constituency. However, I would rather he not attend thosemeetings instead of being in throes regarding misconduct like Graham.But I guess Grahams behavior is ok too.>> Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one hasreached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while tryingto succeed.>>> Booker T. Washington>>> On Oct 22, 2012, at 3:53 PM, "Eric" ericindc@... wrote:>>>>>>> Debbie - thanks for replying,but some of us are actually trying to get> facts and I am not going to go on your word alone. Thanks to Eric and> Rob for replying. As we all know, facts can be distorted any which way> to support one cause or another. This is sort of a plus and a minus> against him. I wonder why he didn't attend the WMATA board meetings?> The other place Grosso was attacking him was because his "full-time"job> paid him twice as much as the council job - or perhaps the WMATA board> meetings are a mess to have to attend....>> --- In, "Eric J. Jones" ejjones.threed@> wrote:> >> > Just to be clear Councilman Brown had a horrible attendance recordas> it> > related to the WMATA (Metro) Board meetings but had a stellar> attendance as> > it related to the Council's Finance Committee.> >> > On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Rob indianrob@ wrote:> >> > > **> > >> > >> > > Hey Eric,> > >> > > I think I read somewhere he missed 3 of the last 17.> > >> > > Rob> > > On Oct 22, 2012 1:53 PM, "Eric" ericindc@ wrote:> > >> > >> **> > >>> > >>> > >> Debbie - I read an interview with Grosso this morning in the City> Paper> > >> and one of the issues that have been thrown in Brown's directionis> that he> > >> doesn't show up to hearings. Is this accurate?> > >>> > >> Here is the link:> > >>> > >>> > >>>\
> with-david-grosso-on-housing-and-development/#more-26482> > >>> > >> --- In, "Debbie Smith-Steiner" DLSmith112@> > >> wrote:> > >> >> > >> > STANDING STRONG TOGETHERâ¦> > >> >> > >> > The events of this campaign would lead one to believe that as> Americans> > >> in the District, we are in a time capsule where accomplishmentsare> > >> reversed and where reality is being distorted.> > >> >> > >> > While misguided judgment among the leadership at City Hall has> been> > >> quite prevalent; a few media outlets have taken it uponthemselves> to> > >> exploit this negative environment towards other current elected> officials> > >> to create the impression that all of our leaders are ethically> challenged.> > >> This is far from the truth.> > >> >> > >> > This is not the time to be passive. When you look at the> temperature at> > >> the national level, the challenge we face is from those that want> to turn> > >> back the hands of time. We should not accept these dangeroussteps> > >> backwards!> > >> >> > >> > Councilmember Michael A Brown has acknowledged that he has not> had a> > >> fairytale personal life and accepts responsibility for it.> Nonetheless, I> > >> would challenge anyone to show where Councilmember Brown has been> derelict> > >> in his duties to the residents of the District. However, the> current> > >> At-Large competitors continually pounce on his personal life to> deflect> > >> from their lack of ability to provide `now solutions' as itrelates> to all> > >> of the major quality of life issues that face us daily. Has> Councilmember> > >> Brown's legislative record worked on behalf of all residents in> good faith?> > >> Yes. Who do we really want to lead us in these current times?> Should we> > >> allow these mind games to be played on the minds of voters whowant> and> > >> deserve responsible legislative leadership? Do the residents ofthe> > >> District want to elect someone who will have to go through a deep> learning> > >> curve? We are hopefully that these questions are answered before> you casted> > >> your vote.> > >> >> > >> > We are smart intelligent voters who can see the mind games that> are> > >> going on â" we can see what is happening and who is being> targeted. But why?> > >> Those leveling these attacks on behalf of certain At-Large> competitor are> > >> doing so in order to have someone of their choosing in place.This> begs the> > >> question: will we be better off with this new style of leadership> in place?> > >> We say NO.> > >> >> > >> > Councilmember Michael A. Brown has proven himself honorable; to> be> > >> respected for the work he has performed in his leadershipposition> within> > >> City Hall. His public record is beyond reproach.> > >> >> > >> > Now it is time for us, the voters, to fight back and tell those> who> > >> want to continue this type of negative campaign to show wheretheir> > >> competitors can stand up against Councilmember Michael A. Brown's> > >> legislative record. Councilmember Brown has expressed disbeliefin> how> > >> certain media outlets have chosen to cover this election, and the> damage> > >> this does to our city; for this, he sincerely apologizes. Heknows> what he> > >> is up against; his only request - that the voters take an honest> look at> > >> what is really being said and what is actually happening.> > >> >> > >> > He's got your back! Please vote for Michael A. Brown onNovember> 6th !> > >> >> > >> > Respectfully requested, Minister, Marjorie Barnes; Julianne> > >> Robertson-King, Esq; Sister, Debbie Smith-Steiner, GTGC; Prince> Hall> > >> Chapter #5, OES P.H.A> > >> >> > >> > ----- Original Message -----> > >> > From: Aaron McCormick<mailto:aaron.mccormick01@?> > >> > To:<> > >> > Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 11:21 AM> > >> > Subject: RE: [ward5] Examiner Local Editorial: For at-largeD.C.> > >> council.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > The worst of the evils, well let's think on that? Who is totake> blame> > >> in this? Well we are the community because we keep playing the we> see no> > >> evil, speak no, and hear no evil. So you get what you play and> please do> > >> not think this just happen over night because it did not. Along> with the> > >> racial game as well because there are some good people ofdifferent> racial> > >> background that would do out standing work for a diverse city aswe> are.> > >> >> > >> > These is the same note on our school system as well.> > >> >> > >> > Aaron> > >> >> > >> > On Oct 22, 2012 11:00 AM, "Tony Humphries"ubalt@<mailto:ubalt@%3E?;;> > >> wrote:> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > We all talk bad about Mayor Barry, yet the current pool of folk> have> > >> their own sins and trangressions.> > >> > It is a sad day in democracy when we are voting for the least> worst of> > >> the best worst lists!!!> > >> >> > >> > And no one is running opposition in this City incumbents cause> the City> > >> if 97% Democratic... we are a ONE TRICK pony.> > >> >> > >> > *smh* ... and yall want Statehood? *lol*> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > ----------------------------------------------------------> > >> > To:<> > >> > From: DLSmith112@<mailto:DLSmith112@?> > >> > Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2012 12:49:50 -0400> > >> > Subject: Re: [ward5] Examiner Local Editorial: For at-largeD.C.> > >> council. Examiner endorses At Large Councilmember Vincent Orange> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > Thanks my Sistah!! Everybody and their sister knows that the> Washington> > >> Post is a hard driven, to the right newspaper.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > So let the Republicans have their day, while the residents have> their> > >> say on November 6th.> > >> >> > >> > Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one> has> > >> reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while> trying to> > >> succeed.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > Booker T. Washington> > >> >> > >> > On Oct 20, 2012, at 12:00 PM, KPW WKPW3@<mailto:WKPW3@%3E?;; wrote:> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > I didn't one want to do in anybody, so I only printed the part> about> > >> Vincent Orange. The Examiner endorsed two people.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > I didn't know the Examiner is owned by the Post.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > -----Original Message-----> > >> > From: Debbie Smith-Steiner DLSmith112@<mailto:DLSmith112@%3E?;;> > >> > To: ward5<> > >> > Sent: Sat, Oct 20, 2012 11:55 am> > >> > Subject: Re: [ward5] Examiner Local Editorial: For at-largeD.C.> > >> council. Examiner endorses At Large Councilmember Vincent Orange> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > This is not to take away from any accomplishments of VO's - the> > >> Examiner newspaper is owned by the Washington Post. I would not> have> > >> expected anything less. However, what I am finding interestingwith> the> > >> media, is how they are informing their readership that 'at least> one> > >> At-large candidate must be non Democrat' but the two top vote> getters will> > >> be elected into office. Food for thought.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > It is clear the Washington Post is trying to wield their> readership> > >> power. I am glad the unions did not fall for the okey doke.> November 6th> > >> cannot get here soon enough.> > >> >> > >> > Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one> has> > >> reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while> trying to> > >> succeed.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > Booker T. Washington> > >> >> > >> > On Oct 20, 2012, at 11:33 AM, KPW WKPW3@<mailto:WKPW3@%3E?;; wrote:> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > FYI, I cut out all of the except for the part supportingVincent> Orange.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > KPW> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > Excerpt from endorsement article> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >>>\
> -council/article/2511036#.UILCSsXA9bE> > >> <> > >>>\
> -council/article/2511036#.UILCSsXA9bE> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > Examiner Editorial> > >> > The Washington Examiner> > >> > Scandal-plagued and ethics-challenged, the D.C. Council is a> > >> demoralizing example of what happens when weak accountabilityrules> are> > >> combined with decades of one-party rule.> > >> > ..........> > >> > ...............> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > Fellow incumbent Vincent Orange, D-at large, did himself no> favors when> > >> he staged a dais-pounding hissy fit in protest, or when heaccepted> > >> questionable donations from Medicaid contractor Jeffrey Thompson.> But the> > >> former Pepco vice president has a solid legislative record and a> history of> > >> demanding fiscal accountability.> > >> > Orange is also running as a registered Democrat, .... so Orange> wins> > >> the truth-in-labeling contest.> > >> >> > >> >> > >> > D.C. residents will choose two at-large candidates from whatthe> > >> Northwest Current describes as an "ultimately disappointing> field."And> > >> soThe Washington Examiner endorses Vincent Orange and .. .> > >> >> > >>> > >>> > >> >> >> >> > --> > Eric J. Jones, MSF> > ejjones.threed@> >> >> > "I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understandingof> what> > confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they'll create> their> > own program, and when the people create a program, you get action."> >> >> > El Haj Malik El Shabazz> >>__._,_.___
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R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
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R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
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