Read on to learn all about the latest news and information in Ward 5, D.C. |
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Dear Neighbor,
In an election week that surprised many of us, we do have some things to celebrate within the District of Columbia.
The voters of D.C. overwhelmingly approved a new constitution for the State of Washington, D.C. (Douglass Commonwealth). With over 85% of those who voted on the referendum voting 'yes,' D.C. sent a strong message that it is long past time for District residents to enjoy full congressional representation, like every other citizen in the the United States.
I would like to specifically congratulate all of the Advisory Neighborhood Commission candidates; both those who were elected and those who were not. To those who prevailed: congratulations and I look forward to working with you. To those who fell a little short of winning: thank you for running and entering the arena of public service. I hope you will continue attending meetings, asking questions and organizing your neighbors for a better Ward 5.
Finally, a hearty congratulations is also in order for my new and returning colleagues on the D.C. Council. I look forward to continuing to work with Councilmembers Robert White, Brendon Todd, Jack Evans and David Grosso. And I welcome Councilmembers-Elect Vincent Gray and Trayon White. There is much work to be done on behalf of District residents and I am proud to continue to represent and work tirelessly for Ward 5 residents on this distinguished Council.
In Service,
Kenyan |
Legislative Update Below are just the highlights of the legislation Councilmember McDuffie has championed and supported recently at the District of Columbia Council:
- Automatic Voter Registration - This bill passed the first of two votes on November 1 after coming out of the Committee on the Judiciary, which is Chaired by Councilmember McDuffie. This bill makes it so that when someone goes to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to get a drivers license or identification card, they are automatically registered to vote (unless they choose to opt-out). Automatic voter registration removes a barrier in the process of voting and has been shown to increase turnout, particularly in traditionally marginalized communities.
- Comprehensive Juvenile Justice Reform - On November 1 the D.C. Council held its mandated second vote and again unanimously passed the Comprehensive Youth Justice Amendment act of 2016. This bill is the result of over a year of listening and working with the youth and families in the District, as well as researching best practices from across the United States. Among the many parts of this legislation, this will ensure that youths who commit crimes have an opportunity to rehabilitate themselves; make sure youths in custody are not incarcerated with adults; and remove mandatory minimums for juveniles. In addition, President Obama has recently championed juvenile justice reform and this legislation includes many of the policies he supports.
- Omnibus Public Safety Amendment Act - On November 2 the Committee on the Judiciary will held a 'mark up' on the bill and passed it unanimously to the full Council. This bill will help the Metropolitan Police Department keep residents across the District safe. It makes the laws surrounding tampering with any GPS monitoring device consistent and punishable (there are currently different rules for the different reasons a person may be required to wear such a device). It will also make it easier for the Metropolitan Police Department to hire back police officers who have retired from the force and increases the age at which residents can enter the MPD Academy.
SAVE THE DATE - Ward 5 Holiday Party

Thursday, December 15, 2016 Dock 5 at Union Market 1309 5th Street NE, Washington, D.C.
D.C. Department of Parks & Recreation Winter Programs Sign-Up is Next Week D.C. Department of Parks & Recreation (DPR) offers a wide array of programs for young and old, but spots often fill up fast! Registration for 2016 winter programs begins on Thursday, November 17 at 6:30 a.m. To see a fulling of programs, follow the link and go directly to the A to Z ASAP Program Index page for the entire list of programs, activities and classes offered.
DPR will also be hosting a Winter Wondercamp during D.C. Public Schools winter break. Registration for those programs begins Monday, November 28, 2016 at 12:00 p.m. Follow this link for more information. Camp operates from December 27 - 30.
The DC Office of Planning Needs your input as they update the District's Comprehensive Plan The DC Off ice of Planning (OP) is amending the District's Comprehensive Plan, a 20-year framework that guides future growth and development in the city. OP has been holding meetings across DC and the final one is right here in Ward 5 on Monday, November 14. Please come out and let them know what you'd like to see in the District look like in the future. More details can be found here.
Date/Time: Monday, November 14, 6PM-8:30PM Location: Luke C. Moore High School, 1001 Monroe St NE
Meeting Agenda:
- Registration (6PM-6:30PM)
- Presentation (6:30PM-7PM)
- Open House (7PM-8PM)
- Open Mic (8PM-8:30PM)
- Close
Councilmember McDuffie has been out and about all over Ward 5. Below is just a taste of the action. Follow the Councilmember and the office on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to get the updates as-they-happen. |
Above you will see (L to R, from the top) Councilmember McDuffie visiting seniors at Model Cities Wellness Center; reading to young scholars at Langdon Elementary School; addressing the monthly meeting of ANC 5A; meeting with a delegation of Delta Sigma Theta alums for #DeltaDays; taking part in a panel at Brookland Middle School for the Week of Non-Violence; speaking to the Edgewood Civic Association; Cutting the ribbon at a new playground at Montana Terrace and delivering a keynote address at Phelps High School Engineering Day. |
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