For the community's information....
10 Ways a Government Shutdown Might Affect You – Even If You're Not a Federal Worker
1. Trash Pickup and Parking Enforcement:
First, a few caveats: D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray is attempting to help the city dodge a potential government shutdown by declaring...
This is an message board for LAKS Cheat Training members. It is also the message board for the Upper Yough Training program which directly follows Cheat Training. There are some other advanced trips in here too .QUICK way to advertise your company's business! INEXPENSIVE way to advertise your business! PROVEN way to advertise your home based business
Monday, 30 September 2013
[WardFive] 10 Ways a Government Shutdown Might Affect You – Even If You're Not a Federal Worker
Read More :- "[WardFive] 10 Ways a Government Shutdown Might Affect You – Even If You're Not a Federal Worker"
[WardFive] Fwd: DPR Offers "DPR Fun Day" During DC Public Schools' Professional Development Days
Begin forwarded message:From: "Department of Parks and Recreation" <>Date: September 30, 2013 at 3:30:28 PM EDTTo: ward5coe@gmail.comSubject: DPR Offers "DPR Fun Day" During DC Public Schools' Professional Development DaysReply-To: DPR Offers "DPR Fun Day" During DC Public Schools' Professional...
Sunday, 29 September 2013
[WardFive] Fwd: Great things are happening at Hugh M. Browne Education Campus
Begin forwarded message:From: "Samuels, Andre (DCPS)" <>Date: September 29, 2013 at 11:46:25 PM EDTSubject: Great things are happening at Hugh M. Browne Education Campus Our Mission:At Browne Education Campus educators develop rigorous, student-centered lessons aligned to the Common Core State Standards to better prepare students for success in college and future careers. We incorporate...
Saturday, 28 September 2013
[WardFive] TODAY: Family & Community Day @ Taft/Dwight Mosley Athletic Complex
On Behalf Of Higgins, Ursula (ANC 5B02) []
at the
Taft/Dwight Mosley Athletic Complex
18th & Otis Street, NE, WDC
Saturday, September 28, 2013
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Commissioner Ursula Higgins
5B Correspondence Secretary
Single Member District 5B02
Telephone: 202-321-5289
New, expanded library hours start Oct. 1. More hours for story...
Friday, 27 September 2013
[WardFive] DC Height Master Plan

SHOW-UP | SIGN-UP | SPEAK-UPSpecial Commission Meeting on Height Act Study We want to make certain that members of the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) hear from as many voices as possible. To do so, we're making the testimony process easier. Just show-up at NCPC's special Commission meeting on...
[WardFive] Fw: [PBMWeeklySourceEmail] Updates for Sports Industry Career Day (This Saturday!): Gifts from our Presenters and Partners - RSVP by 6pm for guaranteed raffle entry! [1 Attachment]
Wonderful, empowering event scheduled for tomorrow, Sat, 9/28/13, 10a-3pm, at the West End Library, for our youth 12-19 to consider careers in the sports industry. See below for more information. Pls. share! Thanks Tracy!!! You're the best Albrette "Gigi" Ransom ----- Forwarded Message -----From: T racy...
[WardFive] Invitation to NAACP Centennial Freedom Fund Banquet (11/7/2013)
Dear Family & Friends, I need your support :-) We are hosting our first and largest fundraiser for the NAACP DC Branch and I am asking your support in spreading the word to your friends and family requesting they purchase a ticket to the 100th Anniversary Centennial Dinner of the NAACP DC Branch. Tickets are $100 and available for purchase online at Attached...
[WardFive] You Tube Video/ANC 5B Sep 25 meeting
Good afternoon Community - For those who may be interested, 5B04's Shani Hernandez (Brookland Bridge) posted a you tube video of Wed's ANC 5B meeting. - 9 segments.... Very kind regards, Commissioner Carolyn C. Steptoe Single Member District 5B04 Vice Chairperson, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5B GOVERNMENT OF THE...
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