Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 1:52 PM
Subject: UPO Senior Housing Fair September 26, 2013 10 am - 2 pm

Dear Community Leader,
On September 26, 2013, UPO will be hosting its 1st Annual Senior Housing Fair at the UPO Petey Green Center located at 2907 Martin Luther King Ave SE, Washington, DC. Can you please forward this information to your constituent List Serve and residents. This fair is open to renters and home owners. Please call 202-562-3800 for more information.
Thank you,
Nathaniel L. Murrell, III
Certified Housing Counselor, Housing Services Unit
UPO: United Planning Organization
2907 Martin Luther King Ave SE
Washington, DC 20032
202-231-7901: Telephone
202-562-3802: Fax
UPO: Uniting People with Opportunities
Visit us at; ; CFC # 90524
DC Government hiring is going paperless! Beginning September 9th, all job applicants will submit online only! Visit DCHR’s website for a list of job openings and more information on the transition to online applications.
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