Fern (and our paddling group/gang),Can't attain Sunday, but would love to go Attaining, next week, sometime. Jonathan Email:jonathanstevens@alum.mit.eduUS Mobile Phone: +1 (202) 415 9437 On Friday, November 29, 2013 11:45 PM, Fern Abrams <FernAbrams@ipc.org> wrote: Your my first taker, so tell me what time is good for you.Sent from my mobile phone please excuse any errors-----Original Message-----From: Anne...
This is an message board for LAKS Cheat Training members. It is also the message board for the Upper Yough Training program which directly follows Cheat Training. There are some other advanced trips in here too .QUICK way to advertise your company's business! INEXPENSIVE way to advertise your business! PROVEN way to advertise your home based business
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Friday, 29 November 2013
RE: cheat_training_group attaining Sat?
Your my first taker, so tell me what time is good for you.
Sent from my mobile phone please excuse any errors
-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Kibler [anne.kibler@verizon.net]
Received: Friday, 29 Nov 2013, 10:10pm
To: upper_yough_training_group@googlegroups.com [upper_yough_training_group@googlegroups.com]
Subject: Re: cheat_training_group attaining Sat?
If the time works out, and I get organized and get there,...
Re: cheat_training_group attaining Sat?
If the time works out, and I get organized and get there, I'd be interested. Let me know when.
Sent from amk's iGizmo.
On Nov 29, 2013, at 7:58 PM, Fern Abrams <FernAbrams@ipc.org> wrote:
> Anyone interested in attaining tomorrow - late am or early afternoon preferred.
> Fern
> ________________________________
> --
> --
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[WardFive] New Deanwood
Just some info about some of the neighborhoods in DC way back when...... http://dc.gov/OP/HP/Community%20Heritage%20pdf%204.2.2/Deanwood_%20Brochure.pdf2 &nb...
cheat_training_group attaining Sat?
Anyone interested in attaining tomorrow - late am or early afternoon preferred.
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[WardFive] THANK YOU!!! RE: Thanksgiving
5B04's 'THANK YOU' to DC FEMS & Engine 17 (Brookland) for their Thanksgiving generosity to our community. From: Steptoe, Carolyn C.(ANC 5B04) Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 10:02 AM To: Steptoe, Carolyn C.(ANC 5B04); Glaze, Charles (FEMS); Higgins, Ursula (ANC 5B02) Cc: Carter, James (FEMS); Bowers, Eric (FEMS) Subject: THANK YOU!!! RE: Thanksgiving Dear Lt. Glaze and Lt. Carter -- ...
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Re: cheat_training_group Grateful for you
Ashley, what a pleasure to be apart of the Lax program during the year. The thanks is to you and the program Lax provides. Thank you.
To the kind people I meet during the Lax program, may your cup stay full and plenty.
Happy Thanksgiving folks.
Jack Findling
> On Nov 28, 2013, at 8:24 PM, Liquid Adventures <liquidadventures@me.com> wrote:
> ... and for the Po
> Happy thanksgiving...
Re: cheat_training_group Grateful for you
Thank you Ashley, Tom and entire LAKS crew for support growing a great community of kayaking. Year has been a blast!
Have a great day
> On Nov 28, 2013, at 8:24 PM, Liquid Adventures <liquidadventures@me.com> wrote:
> ... and for the Po
> Happy thanksgiving everybody!
> Ashley
> Sent from my phone
> --
> --
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cheat_training_group Grateful for you
... and for the Po
Happy thanksgiving everybody!
Sent from my phone
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Very kind regards, Commissioner Carolyn C. Steptoe Single Member District 5B04 Vice Chairperson, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5B GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 5B04@anc.dc.gov (202) 321-3860/ANC cell (202) 636-8191/home (pardon typos, etc.) **************** WHAT IS AN ANC? The Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) are locally elected bodies which shall...
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
[WardFive] DCPS FY15 Budget Hearing tonight - details
District of Columbia Public Schools FY15 Budget Hearing Scheduled for November 26, 2013 6:00 – 8:00PM at Langley EC 101 T St NE, Washington, D.C. 20002 FY15 Budget Hearing Schedule1 Time Action Presenter 6:00 PM Hearing Begins --- 6:00-6:10 PM...
[WardFive] Dispatch announcement of new photo enforcement sites 11-22-13.pdf
Sent from my iPad
Alyce FosterPRINT AND KEEP HANDY &nb...
[WardFive] DPW To Hold Monthly HHW/E-Cycling/Shredding Drop-Off On Sat., Dec. 7
DPW To Hold Monthly HHW/E-Cycling/Shredding Drop-Off On Sat., Dec. 7 The DC Department of Public Works will hold its next monthly Household Hazardous Waste/E-cycling/Personal Document Shredding drop-off Saturday, December 7, 8 am to 3 pm, at the Ft. Totten Transfer Station*. The monthly drop-off is held every first Saturday, except holidays, at Ft. Totten, between 8 am and 3 pm. During the monthly HHW/E-cycling/Personal...
[WardFive] Mayor Gray Announces Distribution Schedule for New Supercans, Trash Cans and Larger Recycling Cans
Mayor Gray Announces Distribution Schedule for New Supercans, Trash Cans and Larger Recycling Cans Mayor Vincent C. Gray joined other District leaders today to announce that the Department Public Works (DPW) will begin distributing new Supercans in January 2014 to residents who receive once-a-week trash collection services from DPW. Mayor Gray made the announcement at a press conference attended by Ward 3 Councilmember Mary...
[WardFive] DC Snow Team Asks...
DC Snow Team Asks…“Have You Organized Your Neighborhood Snow Shoveling Team?” The DC Snow Team (Department of Public Works and Department of Transportation) is asking residents to reach out to their neighbors to organize snow shoveling teams to clear sidewalks after it snows. The District requires property owners (residential and commercial) to clear the sidewalks surrounding their property within 24 hours after a snowfall. ...
[WardFive] 5B04 Development: Oxbridge Development on 9th Street between Kearny and Lawrence (ZC Map
Good morning Community - Attached is the recently received Zoning Commission Notice of Filing application of a map amendment by Oxbridge Development for its property on 9th street parcel (between Kearny and Lawrence). The map amendment application seeks rezoning of the property from C-M-1 to R-4 district of Lots 42-45 and 830 in Square 3831. The enclosed Notice of Filing (page 2 of this...
Monday, 25 November 2013
[WardFive] Fwd: Help Langley earn money when you shop!
FYI - please see below. ----The Ward Five Council on EducationJoin our listserv!Phone: 202-505-4309Email: ward5coe@gmail.comhttp://w5coe.org/Are you on Facebook? Like Us - The Ward Five Council on EducationFollow us on Twitter: @Ward5EdCouncil Begin forwarded message:From: Sade Gray <sadegray@gmail.com>Subject: Help Langley earn money when you shop!Date: November 25, 2013 11:01:42 AM ESTTo: "Spann, Charlotte (DCPS)"...
[WardFive] Reminder: Ward 5 Dems Meeting today, 11/25/13
On Friday, November 22, 2013 10:39 AM, Silas Grant <silas_grant@yahoo.com> wrote: As a friendly reminder, the Ward 5 Democrats Monthly Meeting will be held: Ward 5 Democrats Monthly Meeting Monday, November 25, 2013 7:00 pm – 8:45 pm Michigan Park Christian...
Re: [WardFive] Update - Homegoing Services for "LaShawn" - Robert "Bob" King's Daughter

Robert, Thanks for the Infro. -----Original Message----- From: Robert Vinson Brannum <rbrannum@robertbrannum.com> To: ward5 <ward5@yahoogroups.com>; wardfive <wardfive@googlegroups.com>; ward5dems <ward5dems@googlegroups.com>; ward5dems <ward5dems@yahoogroups.com> Sent: Fri, Nov...
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