Neighbors, Councilmember McDuffie wanted me to share the following statement regarding the VRE train facility that is being discussed to go adjacent to New York Avenue NE: “I oppose the proposal to park VRE trains along New York Avenue NE. When I was elected to the Council, I spearheaded the creation of the Ward 5 Industrial Land Use Task Force and I share the vision for New York Avenue NE as outlined...
This is an message board for LAKS Cheat Training members. It is also the message board for the Upper Yough Training program which directly follows Cheat Training. There are some other advanced trips in here too .QUICK way to advertise your company's business! INEXPENSIVE way to advertise your business! PROVEN way to advertise your home based business
Tuesday, 28 February 2017
[WardFive] Councilmember McDuffie Opposes Proposed VRE Train Facility near New York Ave NE
Read More :- "[WardFive] Councilmember McDuffie Opposes Proposed VRE Train Facility near New York Ave NE"
[WardFive] Residential Mechanical Street Sweeping Starts March 1
Residential Mechanical Street Sweeping Starts March 1 Parking Enforcement Of Street Sweeping Violations To Begin Tomorrow, March 1, the Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin residential mechanical street sweeping. The District’s residential street sweeping program is an important tool used to keep the streets clean. Motorists are asked to obey parking signs posted with the days of the weeks and hours...
Monday, 27 February 2017
Liquid Adventures Kayak School Announcement
Calleva's Liquid Adventures is excited to announce our new website! Calleva's Liquid Adventures is excited to announce our new website. We have a fresh look and all the class information on one site. Take a look and let us know what you think! ...
[WardFive] DPR Summer Camp Sign Up Begins This Week
Neighbors, DC Department of Parks and Recreation offers a wide range of summer camps for kids from 3 – 13. Rolling summer camp registration begins this week and continues for a several weeks. (‘rolling’ meaning that each day DPR opens registration for a couple of rec centers). For those of you with some experience, you know that popular programs fill up very fast (if not immediately). TOMORROW,...
Sunday, 26 February 2017
Your first 3 minutes are FREE talking live with me.Please visit my website at:, call me right now at: 1-800-275-5336 x0...
Thursday, 23 February 2017
[WardFive] DCPS Press Conference Tomorrow , February 24, 2016 at 10AM Brookland Middle School

Good Evening Commissioner, I’m writing to invite you to a press conference tomorrow where Mayor Bowser and Chancellor Wilson will announce $6.2 million in new investments for middle and high school students. The Fiscal Year 2018 budget priorities continue DC Public Schools’ focus on equity and excellence...
[WardFive] FW: COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION NOTICE - 14th and Jackson Street, NE
Sharing.... Commissioner Ursula Higgins Chairperson, ANC 5B Single Member District 5B02 Telephone: 202-321-5289 Email: Website: COMMUNITY CONSTRUCTION NOTICE Thursday, February 23, 2017 Construction Outreach Coordinator: Tanya Hedgepeth ...
Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Good Afternoon,
"Are you ready to buy in the Nation's Capital? Join The Greater Washington Urban League on a FREE guided bus tour of homes in Wards 7 and 8. This interactive event will also allow guests to talk with lenders at the on-site meeting location and ask questions about the home buying process. Lunch will be provided concluding...
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
[WardFive] Warning from Police ( worth reading )
SHARING!I don't know how true this is but it's better to be safe than sorry!!!! This was sent to me from one of my friends just thought I would share it with you all. JohnnieThis is the thing these days, with people out of work and needing cash (mainly for drugs!). Beware, it's headed your way. Just last...
[WardFive] List of Events this week: Great parks and urban areas can go hand in hand – Greater Greater Washington
Sunday, 19 February 2017
[WardFive] Your complete guide to choosing an unlimited data plan. Tweet by Washington Post on Twitter

SHARING, a must read for those using mobile phones! Washington Post (@washingtonpost)2/19/17, 4:29 AMYour complete guide to choosing an unlimited data plan the Twitter app...
[WardFive] In 1968, a ‘Resurrection City’ of Tents, Erected to Fight Poverty -
In 1968, a 'Resurrection City' of Tents, Erected to Fight Poverty - from bruce johnson's Tweet Download the Twitter ...
Friday, 17 February 2017
[WardFive] The Washington Update: Top 3 Things You Need to Know and News You Can Use, February 17, 2017
February 17, 2017In this Issue:Top 3 News You Can Use! | Around the Hill | Inside the Bureau Top 3 Things You Need to Know with Don Cravins, Jr. The Washington Bureau presents the Top 3 Things You Need to Know with Don Cravins, Jr. This week, Don gives an...
[WardFive] Job Opening at UDC-CC, CARE Program/Academic Affairs
SHARING! UDC-CC is looking for a new Program Coordinator for College Readiness, Partnerships, and Volunteers. The position information is posted on the website now. To see the full job posting, visit: UDC-CC is accepting applications until Thursday, February 23rd. If you know someone who might be interested, please...
[WardFive] WATCH: Birth of a Movement
SHARING! Shirley,One hundred years ago, blackface and other offensive media representations of African Americans were not only common, but celebrated. Few cultural moments encapsulate this more fully than D.W. Griffith's "The Birth of a Nation" (1915), a notoriously Ku Klux Klan-friendly reimagining of history."Birth of a Movement,"...
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