Eagle Fest
Greater New York Avenue Gateway Group
Saturday, April 25, 2015
9:30 am to 2:00 pm
3015 Earl Place, NE, District of Columbia
Who should attend: Those who want to make a great city greater
Twitter: @gnyagg
Website: greaternyavegateway,webs.com
Tomorrow, Saturday, April 25th at the Annex at Mt. Horeb beginning at 9:30 am and going strong until 2:00 pm, interested parties will come together to discuss the possibilities and promise of the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor in northeast D.C. and see how stakeholders can coalesce to make things happen. The beauty of the day is that we'll be operating on a philosophy of "working together to make a great city greater". We're not limited by political boundaries or other turf or philosophies or by naysayers that can't imagine the big picture and making things happen for the greater good. We're uniting for a common cause.
The Greater New York Avenue Gateway Group (GNYAGG) has pulled together several speakers to speak on an array of issues. Go to the website to learn more.
Out of this meeting, we want to begin to put together a blueprint or strategic/action plan to achieve common goals over a period of time. We want to prioritize ideas on how to make the Corridor an even better place to live, work, do business, dine, shop, learn, think, visit, raise families, and enjoy.
Our purpose will be to make things happen and deliver options while respecting individual communities. The goal is to bring diverse stakeholders together to make a difference. The Gateway Corridor is broad and diverse with competing interests.
GNYAGG models itself after or rather envisions itself sort of like a National Capital Planning Commission or Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation. However, we're a coalition building group and dream maker.
The Vision: A family-, age-, transit-, and pedestrian friendly, sustainable, economically and culturally diverse signature Corridor in a world class capital city. See the website for more on the vision.
When the event is over, we want solid ideas on what we want to work on and the best direction to go on developing and pushing a blue print and an action plan. We're taking the studies off the shelf and focusing on implementation/action/urgency.
Premier Community Development Corporation (PCDC) is partnering with GNYAGG and will be moderating the Elevator Pitch Challenge during Eagle Fest. Anybody that wants to can talk, sing, or rap for two minutes about their business, organization, school, church, cause, idea, vision for Corridor, or whatever. Participants can also do a poem or jingle. Have some fun bringing greater awareness to your brand. Get feedback from the audience. Earn some bragging rights.
The event is called Eagle Fest in recognition of the Eagles nesting at the National Arboretum, which is in the Corridor. (Go to website to Corridor boundaries.) This is the first time in 70 years Eagles have nested there. Our Eagle Fest is a"festive-symposium". We will be sitting around tables weighing in on the issues of the day and planning for our city, our future, our shared vision. Yeah, you can bring your own picnic basket for your table 😎😌😋
The event is free and open to the public. You can register at GNYAGG.eventbrite.com or register at the event.
Speakers of the day include:
Dorinda White
Communications Expert Extraordinaire and Activist
Doug Siglin
Executive Director, Anacostia River Initiative
Federal City Council
Lisa Richards-Toney
Interim Director
D.C. Commission on Arts and Humanities
Robert Looper
Commissioner, Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C-03
Ft. Lincoln Community (newly elected)
Polina Bakhteiarov
Greats Street Manager
Ronald Dixon
Creative Director
Christine Brooks-Cropper
President, D.C. Fashion Foundation
Chair, Commission on Fashion, Arts, and Events
Eagle Fest will be held at 3015 Earl Place, N.E., Washington, DC. There is a parking lot across the street with free parking.
Subject: [WARD5] Fw: Eagle Fest 2015: Where We Can Make A Difference (April 25, 2015) [3 Attachments]
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Please share this email with others that might be interested in this event. Also, follow us on Twitter, @gnyaggIf the image does not show, go to the website and look at attachments.We have a great line up of speakers/presenters.There will also be an Elevator Pitch Contest/Challenge. Anyone can stand up in front of the audience for two minutes and talk about a cause, business, group, or idea. You can state a position, rap, or do a poem or jingle at this family friendly event. The audience will give feedback and cheer you on.
Register for Eagle Fest: April 25, 2015
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Our City, Our Future, Our Vision
Eagle Fest: The Rise of the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor
Gathering at the Annex at Mt. Horeb beginning at 9:30 am interested parties will gauge strategies and solutions to enhance, protect, promote, and connect the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor, including the Anacostia River.
From the Maryland/District State line (Eastern Avenue included) and the Anacostia River on the east, Benning Road and H Street to the south, Rhode Island Avenue on the north, and North Capitol Street on the west, the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor is emerging into a highly coveted place to be. A myriad of interests is vying for the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor in Northeast Washington, D.C. Therefore, this a prime time to engage and work collaboratively to create and maintain a signature world-class, sustainable, family- friendly, economically/culturally diverse, and inclusive Corridor to work, live, shop, do business, eat, visit, raise families, learn, and enjoy.
With changing communities, demographics, needs, ideologies, priorities, leadership, and interests, it is paramount that people unite across boundaries to achieve common goals. It is important that they work together to deliver options that matter.
To that end, citizens, government, businesses, and other stakeholders are coming together on Saturday, April 25, 2015 for Eagle Fest to learn, exchange ideas and lessons learned, and collaborate on a blueprint and strategic/action plan for the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor and our shared future. Attendees are invited to mingle in a festive setting as they take on the issues of the day and work toward solutions. Come as you are, but bring your ideas, knowledge, and understanding. We're sitting around tables where we can snack, listen, and talk.
This year's theme for the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Group (GNYAGG) Eagle Fest is The Rise of the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor: A Jewel on the Anacostia. We'll discuss:
- Bike Trails
- Anacostia River
- Housing
- Transportation (advocacy for long term goals such as Metro station & Circulator Bus)
- Retail
- Creative Economy, Creative Industries (for example, Studios and Fashion Industry)
- Small Business Empowerment
- Economic Opportunity, Economic Development
- Streetscape
- Public and Playable Art
- Environment
- Balancing the needs and interests to benefit the many
There will be an Elevator Pitch Competition. Anyone can participate. Pitches are limited to two minutes and can be a description, narrative, jingle, rap, or whatever to boast about your idea, business, or organization and bring awareness to that entity.
The GNYAGG Focus for the Corridor:
Accessibility, Sustainability, Economic Vitality, Attractiveness, Appeal,
Livability, Inclusivity, and Quality of Life
For information, go to greaternyavegateway.webs.com or email greaternyavegatewaygroup@gmail.com.
Premier Community Development Corporation (PCDC) is working in partnership with GNYAGG for this event.
Special thanks to Mt. Horeb Baptist Church for opening their doors for this event to be held at their facility.
Note that there will not be a tour of the Corridor as originally planned.
GNYAGG is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, independent organization dedicated to the improvement of the Greater New York Avenue Gateway Corridor, including the Anacostia River and to bring about desired benefits for the District of Columbia, citizens, and its residential and business communities. GNYAGG seeks to improve Economic Vitality, Quality of Life, Accessibility, Inclusivity, Attractiveness, Appeal, and Connectivity of the Corridor and Anacostia River.
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