Saturday, 30 March 2013

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] Seeking Clarification

I hope the $$$ is worth it to you.On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Rob <> wrote: AMAAAAZING.  I guess that we just oppose because we are not as smart like you are -- imagine that.   Tell me again why we have 600 kids homeless but we continue to fund and tax credit large developers who under the guise...
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[WardFive] Re: [ward5] Seeking Clarification

AMAAAAZING.  I guess that we just oppose because we are not as smart like you are -- imagine that.   Tell me again why we have 600 kids homeless but we continue to fund and tax credit large developers who under the guise of "affordable" homes, build their rental dwellings -- their portfolio. But yet we are promoting...
Read More :- "[WardFive] Re: [ward5] Seeking Clarification"

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] So, other than the Taft, Backus, Bunker Hill sites,

That's my point -- WE do have a better chance of Convincing God than getting DCPS and the Govt to make changes !!! - but I guess that you didn't get it.   And this is not a debate -- this is just identifying the issues at hand.  If you or anyone else don't agree, that's on you.  I have made enough mistakes to have learned...
Read More :- "[WardFive] Re: [ward5] So, other than the Taft, Backus, Bunker Hill sites,"

[WardFive] Re: Moving forward--Brookland Middle School and Turkey Thicket Recreation Center Re: [ward5] So, other than the Taft, Backus, Bunker Hill sites,

"I see the plans as workable and seek to take it to the next level."  While I think other sites are possible but they don't want to explore that for whatever reason,  isn't what I am saying EXACTLY what you just said.    I am only asking that we get the MOU done first and that they put the necessary money into...
Read More :- "[WardFive] Re: Moving forward--Brookland Middle School and Turkey Thicket Recreation Center Re: [ward5] So, other than the Taft, Backus, Bunker Hill sites,"

[WardFive] Re: Moving forward--Brookland Middle School and Turkey Thicket Recreation Center Re: [ward5] So, other than the Taft, Backus, Bunker Hill sites,

Mrs. KPW -- Why do you and others keep putting the Cart infront of the Donkey.  We need to understand the utilization of Turkey Thicket by DCPS before we accept them trying to slip in under the common theme "the community chose this".   You wouldn't accept picking one of three...
Read More :- "[WardFive] Re: Moving forward--Brookland Middle School and Turkey Thicket Recreation Center Re: [ward5] So, other than the Taft, Backus, Bunker Hill sites,"