To all concerned,Thanks for finally saying that it was publicized -- not had any community input - and it was not asked for either until now. The problem is that they knew about this Co-location for over a year and I don't know who other than Rae knew about this but it is a surprise to me that no one else on the W5COE of that time period knew that it would be a Co-Location -- so someone or more dileberately chose not to tell us.That's done and over. They probably didn't expect the resistance and for whatever reason various groupings have resisted now -- they have. Had this "playground" money not come into play, a certain grouping wouldn't even be involved which would have made it a much easier roll over.I am involved because I am looking longer down the road than just getting a Third Middle School when even W5COE only "asked for one". Now we have been given three -- McKinley is done and Browne is going through its various phases.TO ME, it would make sense to re-evaluate this site -- especially with Backus being a great possibility, or even doing what was originally planned with renovation of a elementary school at Brookland and putting the Middle School at Bunker Hill where DCPS property is more appropriately sized for it.And before anyone says close to "METRO" -- if you are going to send your kids across the Ward on a Bus and Train -- two more blocks for them and the teachers to walk can't be so bad. As it stands, Middle Schoolers walk 7 blocks from Brookland Metro to Taft everyday. Walking from Brookland Metro to Bunker Hill would only be 5 blocks.I believe the walk from a Metro to McKinley is more than 5 blocks and the Walk to Browne is definitely more. And even when the trolley arrives on Benning Rd, the walk to Browne will be just as long as it is to Bunker Hill, maybe Bunker Hill will be 1 block longer -- so this sales job on "close to metro", I don't swallow. Sounds good but not consistent with other approaches. And in the future, when they do re-line and negotiate the charters default to more of a neighborhood acceptance, they become neighborhood schools, all on the bus line.Mine is only a suggestion -- a view that should be something that Planners should have -- to create a space for indoor activities when it is cold 3 months of the year and a place for our kids to be when it is scorching outside. One that we can control the environment and have intramural programs. HOW HARD IS THAT TO SEE?It would be so AWESOME to -- FOR ONCE in my lifetime -- when there are suggestions that makes sense -- that a DCPS/GOVT. would adjust their lens, their timeline, their agenda to be inclusive of what is CONSISTENT with what they are preaching -- a more GREEN approach to life -- and providing what's really needed to create an overall healthier/well planned lifestyle -- especially with 250,000 more people to arrive here in DC in the next 20 years. What about the following 20 years -- does the world in DC end in 2033 or does it continue??People don't use Turkey Thicket now because it not functional as is and would become more functional if they focused on making this a true extensive INDOOR/OUTDOOR SITE. I will paint the view later on this as it relates to the funds allocated to this site that may make for the re-thinking.With 2 DCPS middle schools now in Ward 5 as well as Public Charters -- we may be able to wait a year or two to see how things fizzle out to make the decision on our 3 location.Rob Ramson
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 8:22 AM, KPW <> wrote:
Quick comment. It has been publicized for quite awhile that the middle school would be at Brookland. I think the Council put something out about three middle schools in Ward 5 with one being at Brookland. The issue appears to be the co-location with Turkey Thicket vs. a standalone middle school. That's what appears to be new. Also, I'm not so sure people are on board with the emphasis of the school. Once I heard it was an arts school then a language school. I don't know. Whatever, the Upper Northeast community needs a middle school. We loss Backus and Taft. There is no traditional middle school in Ward 5.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob <>
To: Ward 5 Google Groups <>; ward5 <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 21, 2013 3:52 am
Subject: [ward5] Re: [WardFive] Middle school
Leslie,You are an intelligent and nice young lady so I appreciate your views. At no time I want you or anyone to feel that I want to take facilities away from educating children and adults. In the case of UDC/Backus, I expect adults who want to take steps towards bettering themselves after experiencing/understanding their own life, would appreciate/understand that the best of the best facilities being made available for our middle school kids first.As to the Arts Middle School in Brookland and the fact that you may have a child that would be attending there if better options are not available, I can understand your immediate need for it. However, even though I have no plans of sending my child to that school or any other school other than having her involved in various learning opportunities, I still am very interested in what is best for our kids in the community, our seniors and the rest of the community.If you remember, I suggested that Spingarm, Young, Brown, Phelps Campus be used as an Educational Campus that focused on sports -- offered Golf (something we don't have), Swimming, Diving (something we don't have - instead of a trolley barn), track and Field, Gymnastics (something we don't have) just like what is being offered at a STEM Campus at McKinley. Crazy for me to think that we could attract kids and diminish TRUANCY by such an attractive offer and relationship building to slip education into their minds. At least it would be better than learning to drive a CAB!!!Well, just like that crazy idea, I suggested that we put the the 3rd Middle School elsewhere and Turkey Thicket be extended to include the Brookland School Site and even purchase the 3 houses on the south-western side of Shepherd. This would have allowed for a State-of-the-Art Recreational Facility to evolve our NOW GREEN approach to life by allowing for 12 months vs. 9 months of full activity and the ability to offer more than what is being offered at Turkey Thicket now -- especially an array of intramural sports. Backus actually allows us to be inclusive of Ward 4 (as you reminded us) and other locations accomplished facilitating the this Crazy Idea. Now, that's just my long-sighted approach. So glad that we all have the ability to share our views.As to DCPS (Kaya) being short sighted -- Kaya's Eyes are wide open and is doing what she was hired to do very well. She is behind a steering wheel that has POWER and REMOTE Steering that even overrides her. I can't really argue with what all who is much more intelligent, thoughtful and insightful than me. As someone told me tonight -- we are attempting to make sense without all the variables and using our Common Sense when We are not really involved in the PLAN.For example, the community (as of 4 weeks ago) is now being told about a Co-location and/or Co-Use of the School/Rec. Center. Heck -- we are even being told that WE made the decision to have the school there when we we were just told that it was going to be place there. On the flip side, you have been on TEAM W5COE and TEAM SIT over the last 3 years and even you didn't know. So, unless you knew and didn't share that, we are all wasting our time. We should all recognize that and instead, ask that DCPS, DGS, PARKS AND REC. and DC GOVT. just send all of us a Rubber Stamp with our signature for us to use when they hold the "Community Involvement" meetings. It really would make for a much easier approach for them and a much less consuming life for us.In addition to those Rubber Stamps, on April 10 Community Budget meeting, we should ask our Mayor to include in the Budget, an "INFLATABLE DOLL/STOOL PIGEON" catagory of funds -- from the Capital Funds -- so that each resident could have one made in their image with velcro on its hands to attach the Rubber Stamps to when our input is needed. It would be sooooooooo much easier and simple and we could spend the time usually spent being "involved" with our family and friends or planting a tree somewhere -- maybe even being a "French Model". While we are at it, we should get Kenyan to put forth legislation so that we can even get a health insurance credit as to blood pressure and stress will be lowered tremendously -- and for some of us who don't sleep well, would get some.Have a great day and I really am sorry to have been so rough with you a few days ago.Rob Ramson
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:21 AM, Leslie Jones <> wrote:
Quick point on the use of Bunker hill, Taft, Backus, Langdon-It seems that it's not OK to use The Brookland site because it may take something away from those who use the rec center but its OK to take aways facilities being used to educate children and adults.Personally I don't think Marshall would be a bad option but it's a little isolated and not very accessible. The buses that come through there don't go too far. And there will be a need for an elementary school there soon (short sightedness on the part of DCPS)Leslie--
On Monday, March 18, 2013, wrote:
- Reminder: W5COE March Meeting Tuesday [1 Update]
- Ward Five middle school [2 Updates]
- Awesome Tweet about Luke C. Moore Principal Speight [1 Update]
- [ward5coe] Colbert King: Illiteracy is D.C.'s biggest challenge [1 Update]
- [ward5] Re: Ward5 discusses proposed middle school at Turkey Thicket in Brookland: Standalone vs. Co-location with Recreation Center [1 Update]
Ward Five Council on Education <> Mar 18 11:41AM -0400
*The Ward Five Council on Education will hold its monthly meeting on
Tuesday, March 19th from 6:30-8pm at the Lamond-Riggs Library (5401 South
Dakota Ave NE). This month's meeting will be held in conjunction with the
Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association*
March Agenda includes:
- Michael Quadrino, from the Dept of General Services, who will provide
an update on the plans for Brookland Middle School
- Mark Jones, our Ward5 State Board of Education Rep, will discuss the
pending graduation requirements
- A representative from the Dept of Parks and Rec who will discuss
summer opportunities for our Ward 5 children
We hope that you will join us! If you have any questions please feel free
to contact us at or 202-505-4309. We hope to see you on
*Also, JOIN US ON WEDNESDAY as well for the…*
*DCPS FY 2014 BUDGET BRIEFING: How We as a Community CAN Make an Impact*
The Ward Five Council on Education - in conjunction with S.H.A.P.P.E., Ward
7 Education Council, DC Fiscal Policy Institute and the DC Alliance for
Youth Advocates - is co-sponsoring a
Public Briefing on the FY 2014 DCPS Budget
on Wednesday, March 20th, from 5-7pm, at Luke Moore
Presentation by:
Soumya Bhat,
DC Fiscal Policy Institute
This meeting is designed to help inform and educate all education
stakeholders on what is in the FY 2014 DCPS budget and to learn how to have
an impact on the budget process. We hope that you will join us on
There is still time to make sure your voice is heard and reach out to the
Mayor's office (prior to March 28th) and the DC Council throughout April.
Local School Budget Allocations can be found at the below link:
Ward Five Council on Education
Join our listserv! <>
Phone: 202-505-4309
Are you on Facebook? Like us - The Ward Five Council on
Follow us on Twitter: @Ward5EdCouncil
Rob <> Mar 17 03:24PM -0400
So, I hear you Leslie.
The issue is still over *imposition on Turkey Thicket* -- but let's say we
don't have any schools available, we still *can't be be expected to go into
this blindly without the functionality details being ironed out. So you
understand,* they are only being this generous with using parts of the
school as additional space for the Rec. *because they need something from
us --- they want the community to agree on the Co-Usage*. Wait and see
when it remains separate and we will see how much of it the Community gets
to use as part of a Rec. Center needs.
Now for the rest of your response which might add a little more info to
Widen your Scope:
1. Yes while Taft is "gone", they are doing a joint program in Southeast
at a Charter School. So this is not a foreign subject. Taft is big enough,
it is built for a large middle school and has fields galore for activities
-- WHICH Middle Schoolers Need and would enhance the fields to the
betterment of both the Charter and a DCPS Middle School.
2. While Backus is not a guarantee, it is a Great Conversation worth
having -- For Ward 5 and *and for exactly for the reasons that you
discussed about Ward 4.* Furthermore, I am not worried about facilitating
UDC at Backus *those are grown folks that we are talking about and they
can be put anywhere if they are interested in developing themselves*, in
any Ward, in any of the closed schools or DCPS buildings --- Including
the DCPS bldg. downtown --* the one that most people don't know about on
13th and K, N.W*. (I believe -- I think that is still available) --
where they could be surrounded by a VISION of WORKING PEOPLE every day. *So,
our young kids come first on this* *location* and it is a conversation
worth having -- last I checked, UDC is having financial issues so this
might be a Great opportunity for them.
3. As to Hamilton -- kids and teachers walk from Brookland to Taft
everyday and Hamilton is closer to a Metro than Taft. DC can use any
building to house students temporary. And even though it hasn't been used
as a school for decades -- I have $50 Million reasons that says that it
could happen. *And I am not sure about this METRO thing being a
necessary thing for Middle Schoolers - lots could happen from a lack of
"decision" ability at 11, 12 and 13. Those are delicate years to be out
travelling by self and for that to be the focus of a LOCATION!! Highly
*** the problem here might be the use of the field there -- I believe that
a high school has a lease over there and also the Govt. may want to develop
this as it is so close to Union Market and the rest of the development
coming there. Not that we couldn't work around both issues. (A Bridle to
the Brookland Site if that wasn't disclosed)*
4. Langdon -- $50 Million says we can tear that down just like they can
tear Brookland down. Both are built for elementary kids. Furthermore,
there is a piece of land that belongs to DC that sits between the field and
the first house on the SE side of the fenced field across from the Senior
Center that is about 50' X 200 that could extend the playground
area. Furthermore, the kids should have been moved from Langdon to Marshall
over by Costco. It is nicer and has a pool -- (I believe Brian Bradford
touched on this a while back) but I guess that they could always enclose
Langdon's Rec. Pool if they want to expand on our kids experience with
learning lifetime skills unlike Rae Zapata's feelings towards Middle School
kids not having the time for swimming. So if her statement doesn't Say
Vision Missing, then I can't say much other than it reinforces why she
believes W5COE of past and the "Community" picked Brookland.
Once again, not too late for DCPS unless they have other plans for Marshall
-- like a Charter School or Development and the fact that *they are
building houses* so enrollment has a better chance. This leaves Langdon
available with enough space to build a Middle School --* I believe it is
closer to kids who will utilize it which is different from "middle of the
Ward BS* -- the difference is not that much in travelling time!!!
In about 7 - 10 years, with the movement of European Americans into the
area, this will be a new School for kids here and the others will still
look the way they do -- will be all part of the restructuring to bring kids
back from NW -- Last I checked, Brookland is Heavily White and heading more
that way. Just calling it the way I see it -- My opinion.
*I am not believing this "choice" of W5COE but more guided by DCPS as to
locations based on "Central Location". Central to our kids who need a
middle school would be Langdon or even a Bunker Hill or should have been
thought through for Taft.*
4. So, I am with you about the after school activities at the rec.
centers. I am assuming that it can be coordinated for kids to be dropped
off at their perspective recs for this -- not just a opportunity for kids
at the Turkey Thicket rec. center as a selling point for this location. *So,
"This is OUR opportunity to develop fantastic programming activities for
our younger citizens" should be done ANYWAYS -- regardless of whether we
build here or not.*
5. So, I am with you on the PK - 8 nonsense and the fact that our kids have
been short changed for too long. I understand their "segregation" movement
and am with you on building schools. The reality is that I have seen kids
learn and perform better in much WORSE conditions!! So while building
schools is awesome, it would be nice if DCPS embraces your ideas on the
academic side. I might have one or two as well.
6. Hilarious is the focus -- sales job -- on WORLD LANGUAGE as lots of our
kids can't read, comprehend English properly . So, I could care less
about "World Language" that seems to be the new "freedom bell
ringing". I took 2 years of Spanish and live in a Hispanic World and
hardly use Spanish!! When it comes to the kids that I am focused on, they
get a double order of English and Math, an order of Science, a side of
Music, Art, PE and DREAMS TO GOALS and Exposure to the "White W class --
with a heavy focus of English and Math being utilized Subliminally --
Because they won't be using Spanish, French, Latin and the rest in Jail --
as that is where they are heading. But, a foreign language doesn't hurt --
only takes time away from real problem solving solutions. Funny - tell me
the proficiency again of the kids who will be attending this Middle school.
*Here is where we agree -- "Personally, I like the idea that the architects
showed with the school on the far end of the block (edge of Michigan and
10th). It allows for a drop off access road (which is not designed for
metro buses), places the school even closer to the metro, further from a
residential street and allows the playground to be built as originally
planned, with room to expand to the site of the current Brookland". *
The only issue with this is that at a quick glance, I was able to realize
that the school needed to be on the 10 Street side of that corner to allow
for a entrance from Michigan Ave and exit to Otis with parking for the
school facing Michigan Ave. Also, if DDot can figure it, maybe even an
indented lane on Michigan for Buses to park to allow for flow of cars to
front of school to drop off and teachers to access parking lot. It is not a
good site to come across a bridge and be sandwiched in between the school
and Condo building -- like a wall. In addition, a recessed building allows
for more open space and there would not be a need to lose space to Quincy
cutting through from 10th the Michigan Ave. And the Design would be more
Grand to look at from Michigan and still flow to Turkey Thicket.
***A reason that they might not be pushing this is that I believe that
Catholic and Carroll might have a lease on the baseball diamond*** and
maybe that DDot may have some time issues with planning the Quincy Street
cut through -- something that would be eliminated if they use my design
Still, we should see if we could get the 3 Houses on Shepherd Street and we
still need to work through any dual usages prior -- especially the pool.
Extra -- Written by
A Father of 1 who Loves Kids and whose focus is to figure out how to get
every child the oppotunities they have a right to, who understands that *a
Great School Building is not the same as a "Great School"* or high
performing Kids. You can show me all the studies and I will tell you about
friends I grew up with whose shoes were remnants of a shoe and were high
performers. I will show you kids here in our schools who with a little
brushing up would be much better performers.
I also definitely understand that no matter how beautiful a school is, if
there is an opening at a high performing Charter or other "Great" School --
like the STEM school at Mckinley, I don't believe your child will go to a
school that may be filled with underperforming kids fed from Langdon or
Bunker Hill. And since you are a teacher and I know that you are a
dedicated person -- there is a good chance your child will be going to the
"ARTS" School here in Brookland if better opportunities are available.
BROOKLAND SIT as well via folks like Eric and You who are quite capable.
So you know, I didn't want to come on the SIT team as I didn't want to be
frustrated as Eric has been and I don't have a Half Speed -- I jump in with
both feet. Furthermore, when he invited me on, I declined as I was
comfortable with him and also found out that Faith and you were on there as
well. Also, I thought that this would give Eric the Breathing Room to suck
him out and into the War rather than a few words behing the Computer
screen. He has a lot to offer and especially as a White Man who is
passionate/real about things -- not only when it affects White Folks.
Rob Ramson
R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
Rob <> Mar 17 11:55PM -0400
1. This school is for achievers. Overachievers will be going elsewhere.
2. Most of children who read, write and do math well will be attending a
middle school that is not "Arts". Of course, there are acceptions.
3. Yes we would like to keep our children in Ward 5 -- don't know why a
Ward wouldn't have middle schools.
4. Yes Language courses are critical to a global economy. However, the
reports that I am reading here in 5 says the kids that I am focused on *are
having problems with Language Courses for local economy -- so I believe
that should be the focus.* Last I checked, reading and comprehension has a
lot to do with math so as they say in gambling, I would double-down on
local language to accomplish both.
5. Almost all of the kids that I am referring to might never get hired by
companies that work outside of a city much less a company doing business
outside the Country (global) and with the influx of Hispanic folks and
Hispanic Americans, spanish is on lock!!
6. Learning any language is great. We only have so much time in a school
day and if we are having problems with basic English, then we will have
problems reading another language as well, understanding Math, Geography,
History, Science, etc. Of course there are exceptions like a person who is
gifted in music, etc.
7. The only other language that helps one understand English is Latin (I
could be wrong -- but I had French and Hindi as a young child and that
didn't help and I studied Spanish as an adult and that definitely didn't
help with English). But, what do I know. Other than Latin, the rest
confuses becuase the conjugation often conflicts.
** If a child is on par with English and Math, I have no problem with
foreign language. But, if they are not, I would stress those
to more and include Art, Music, PE, Science, and a character
building/confidence/motivation/perspective Personal Development
Class, before I even worry about a Foreign Language ***
** If I want to teach about culture, it wouldn't be about language but more
customs, religious practices, etc.**
Like I said in an earlier email, I would be surprised if more than a few
who studied foreign language for 2 years in Junior High or even High School
can remember 50 words in that language. Not exactly what that would do for
you in getting a Job. I think that after a child masters certain basic
things that would be pertinent to Graduating and qualifing for College or
even going into a Trade, then we can get them a Rosetta Stone or a Pimsler
Language CD.
Never saw College courses taught in foreign language other than if you
signed up for a Foreign Language course.
But what do I know, I studied Spanish and Hindi and I retain information
well but I don't think that it would be a resume builder.
Rob Ramson.
R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
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Thursday, 21 March 2013
Re: [ward5] Re: [WardFive] Middle school
Thank you and I agree with your perspective.
Charlotte Lewis
In a message dated 3/21/2013 11:52:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
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