Ronnie Edwards was the Chairman.
A Grants Comittee was established in 2010 after Comissioners received a letter from the DC Auditor which outlined grants awarded from the pervious fiscal year that had outstanding (O/S) documentation issues. In the official letter, it stated that then Treasurer Tim Day had been notified about these outstanding financial documentation issues 30 days prior, but had not responded. At that time, Mr. Day was runing for W5 Councilmember.
Commissioners Denise Wright and Silas Grant were elected as Co-Chairpersons to accomplish this task. With limited paperwork of the awarded grants; having to get copies of listed awarded grantees, this Committee first created a definite list of the grantees, and status information, sent EMS to the grantees; collected some OS documentation, provided at least 3 updates throughout the term; and revised the grant application into a more accountable document.
Along with accomplishing all of this, out of respect for Tim Day as the Treasurer even though he wasn't active with the Commission until after the General Election, they kept him in the loop as to the status of the grants; and when needed provided him with a grantee's status for forwarding to the DC Auditor.
Albrette "Gigi" Ransom
From: Debbie Steiner <>
To: "" <>
Cc: Ward5 <>; wardfive Google <>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 10:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ward5] Tim Clark Should Resign as ANC 5C03 GiGi, I have a couple if questions before my comment; who was the Chair of ANC 5C at the time? Who was on the prior Grants Committee before the newly created Finance and Grants Committee was established.Also, I don't know if you are aware, Commissioner Joyce Robinson-Paul and myself were to be a part of the Finance and Grants Committee under Tim Clark's leadership.Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T. WashingtonOn Jun 21, 2013, at 1:17 PM, Gigi Ransom <> wrote: This is a follow-up to the post: [ward5] Tweet from AHM ✈ (@blackmanhelping) (Wed, 6/19/13) 4:27pm. Since the post's current status has been combined with another subject matter, I wanted to respond to the original post on Tim Clark. There will be no sound bits.I agree that Tim Clark must resign as the ANC for 5C03. I fully understand what Aaron is stating and wanting Tim Clark to do what is ethical for his unethical behavior. He was elected and has a responsibility to those who elected him to have the integrity to step down due to his illegal actions. Having being given the responsibility for this account should have been of utmost important to Tim for the integrity of CM McDuffie and the W5 office. No matter the amount stolen from the Ward 5 Constituent Service fund, whether $1.00 or $227.00, he needs to resign as a Commissioner.I feel comfortable in stating that his thinking is that he may have spoken to soon since what he did had nothing to do with his ANC position. Well that thinking is wrong.With all that has transpired in the past 2 years with our elected officials, the negative publicity with these officials also being men of Color, no matter that Tim Clark is an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner and an officer of the Commission, resigning is the right thing to do! Former Commissioner William Shelton resigned due to his transgressions. The same applies here.Though the ANC can't legally remove Tim as a Commissioner, a Commissioner can be removed as an officer for misconduct or negligence of duty. Tim is the ANC 5C Secretary. Along with his misconduct in McDuffie's office, I've also heard allegations of negligence in his duties as the current 5C Commission's Secretary which has delayed this Commission from becoming fully operational. Simple things which a Secretary should do!There are OAG Legal Advices on the matter. The Commission could also make contact with the newly established Board of Ethics and Government Accountability to consider their options and processes on this matter.I can now look back and confirm that during Tim's tenure on the pre-redistricted ANC 5C, he has the tendency to rationalize his missteps, ethical lapses, and attempts to undermined and/or control situations and individuals he deems in his way of his plan to a higher office he was pursuing.Tim has always stated and shown himself wanting to be accepted as someone "in the know" even though he lacked the skills, character, personality and knowledge. His low-self esteem came through as "one who wanted to be in control" to cover his lack of abilities, especially effective and honest leadership. He believed he was elected into his position over then Commissioner Denise Wright because he was the better person (2010 General Elections). There was only a few votes difference. However, truth be told, Commissioner Wright did not campaign as she should have, and admitted it. The same was confirmed by residents of the then SMD.The weekend after the election were certified by BOEE, at a meeting on the McMillan, I talked with Tim about supporting me for the position of 5C's Treasurer. While talking with him; Tim shared he also had an interest in the position. Since my intent in being elected for the position of Treasurer was to perform the duties (I was once an Accounting Mgr), but wanted to clean up the 5C grant program (over $41,000.00 outstanding) and to organize and create a standardized grant status reporting system which could be easily updated, to begin contacting the problem grantees, and show the problems in collecting outstanding documentation and/or refunds to the 5C account for DC Council review for amended ANC laws. I offered to train Tim during the current year so that he would have my support for him to have the position the next year. Tim stated he had accounting/budget skills from his work at DDOT.Approx a week before the first meeting of the newly elected 5C Commission, Tim circulated what he called the budget for 5C for the coming year. It was sad to see. The Excel spreadsheet was poorly formatted, he used the colors red, green and black to highlight certain numbers (yellow is normally used), but more telling, the numbers didn't add up! He wanted to spend all the money we had in the bank which was about $160,000 at the time. I still have this document. To at least have a better reference of what a draft Budget should look like and a reasonable spending plan, I created a better formatted, understandable spreadsheet for the Commissioners.At the first meeting of 2011, I was elected ANC 5C treasurer over Tim. For the record, it was not a life or death situation for me if I wasn't elected Treasurer.This was the first reveal of Tim's human character deficiencies, which came forth as a sore loser. At our first Executive Committee meeting, there was the presentation of proposed Committees and their leadership. Tim proposed to be chair of a Committee called "Finance and Grants". This was setup to give Tim "oversight over me". He had support on this (I knew there was "the crabs in a barrel mentality" behind this act). Remember I was the Treasurer, and the one who was bonded. Also there is nothing in the ANC laws that give "oversight" over a Treasurer, plus throughout the prior years of this Commission, there was never such a Committee, nor after I served my term. Nor was I able to find any other Commission which acted in this manner.To avoid discussion and the truth to be revealed about this Committee's structure and no guidelines, at the next regular meeting (Feb. 2011), with a packed house of attendees, the vote on the Committees and Chairs was proposed to vote on the whole slate of Committees, which passed.For further Tim Clark pettiness, we voted to approve disbursements for other Commissioners, but when it came to my request for funds to purchase simple items to maintain the Commission's financial records, Tim stated that "he would have to take this request up with his committee". Yes, there was very heavy discussion. If it wasn't for members of the community in the audience shouting "give her the money", I would have had to wait for this committee meeting, which probably wouldn't happen if left up to Tim. Obstruction of Duties. Another sad commentary!Examples of problems under Tim Clark's dysfunctional leadership as Chair of this "Finance and Grants Committee":· Changed a very good, established grant application that only needed minor tweaking, to one that listed the amount requested on the last page of the document;· Removed the ANC approval section from the Grant application. The Chair and Treasurer would sign off;· Wrote a scathing report on ANC 5C for prior awarding of grants based on misinformation;· Never established grant review standards to be approved by the Commission;· Refused to accept grant applications from certain potential applicants. All applications should have been accepted, with the Commission making the final determination whether or not a grant application is acceptable;· Refused to accept my ideas to separate the Grant Guideline section from the grant application; and to enhance the Grant Guidelines to include: A clause which includes accountability to the DC Auditor and the Office of the Attorney General for legal action if receipts, and/or refund requested for unexpended or unauthorized expenditures were made which the grantee to sign off on, which could be used in case of legal action;· Created a Grants Committee of members of the ANC 5C area which included a prior and future grantee who had not submitted financial reports, receipts, or refunds for grants in a timely manner, such as: Teri J. Quinn, President, Bloomingdale Civic Association, which as of March 3, 2011, had not submitted their financial report or reimbursed 5C for a $4,000.00 grant issued July 2, 2009. After EMs to Robert Brannum, then Teri Quinn on Mar 3 &4, 2011, the financial report dated April 2010 for the 2009 grant, was received approx Mar 7, 2011;· The DC Auditor had directed me to follow-up on the BCA and the HELP Foundation's outstanding grant documentation;· The BCA finally refunded 5C on a check dated 9/15/11, $3,768.79, the same day the BCA submitted a new grant application in the amount of $3828.40 for their annual House Tours. Ms. Quinn was still an active member of the ANC 5C Grants Committee;· Since Tim claimed responsibility for the grants, he didn't review the required grant financial reports for deficiencies, which lead to an increase in the amount to be deducted by the DC Auditor in following ANC 5C quarterly allotments;· I had requested a $100.00 refund from World Mission Extension Center for spending funds on entertainment from their awarded 5/31/12 grant, which is not allowed according to the DC Auditor;· Tim responded in an EM that the $100.00 in funds do not have to be reimbursed; World Mission should submit another receipt for the same amount;· Shortly after the submission of grant applications for a 5C Fall 2011 grants round, Tim wanted to add a criteria for his grant application reviews which was not requested before we announced the new round, nor would the requested information be in the applications that were already received;· Tim did not prepare a grant report for the 2011 awards. To avoid future embarrassment, I created one which was on the Dec. 2011 Special Meeting agenda, and was reviewed and voted on;· Tim was to get a status on or obtain missing documentation from the Cougars Cheerleading Group, which he didn't;· The documentation was to be lists of the club's members, ages, with contact information who would be receiving the uniforms. I had learned that most members of this cheerleading team lived in PG County, and that DC potential members had to pay $700.00 to receive a uniform, which ANC 5C already paid for; and,· That was a $949.61 check that had been written to Staples for supplies needed by grantee "Do the Write Thing. This group had claimed that Staples wouldn't accept the check and they needed the check written directly to their organization. This was not the truth. I had made numerous purchases at Staples using an ANC check. I just showed ID. After several rounds of discussions on the matter, Tim was to deliver the check again to "Do the Write Thing". This was never done. However, Tim never returned the check to ANC 5C, claiming that he lost it in his office at DDOT prior to his move to CM McDuffie's office.There is more, however, it is easy to see the pattern of behavior displayed by Tim. Whether this is another case of what has been described as "Post Civil Rights Entitlement", since his father has a reputation in DC, I don't know, but there seems to be a sense of "I can do what I want".No matter, based on the continuing pattern of behavior, for the good of the residents of 5C03, the Commission and the city crying out for ethical leadership, which has not be displayed by Tim, especially with the illegal actions in CM McDuffie office, Tim should resign.For the record, I have all the documents necessary to back up what I stated, so any desire to sue me for telling the truth will be met with a strong countersuit.Albrette "Gigi" RansomFormer Commissioner, ANC 5C12Former Treasurer, ANC 5C__._,_.___
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