Monday, 25 June 2012

[WardFive] Car Barn Question



I won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight but have been trying to follow this discussion for the last two weeks and still have one all important question.  Folks have talked about feeling slighted and like they were not part of the process yet I haven’t seen a tangible solution put forth.  So with that in mind what is the proposed alternative to placing the car barn at Spingarn to replace the dilapidated library building which has sat empty for years?  I have tried to find another logical location in that area and wasn’t able to do so with ease.  At the same time I know that it may be fully logical that I have missed something which is why I am asking.  At this point we know that the street cars are coming and that they are coming to  H street, so my question is what are we going to do now.  Further if we are stating that we don’t like what has been proposed what alternative(s) are we proposing as simply saying no isn’t an option.


Thank you and have a great day,


Eric J. Jones, MSF

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