Wednesday, 27 June 2012

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] assorted @CM McDuffie tweets from yesterday

So let me tell you what pissed people off that was so disrespectful!  When the Engineer from DDot said that "We are Proceeding"!!  What the hell was the meeting for - Kenyan - you/he could have said that via email?  If I was Kenyan, that would need to be answered unless Kenyan is tied in with the Mayor and Wells.  Don't tell me that you are looking for direction from us -- show me you are leading the charge!!  That's an issue - and I support Kenyan - but he needs to grow into those boots faster than this. This is what big brothers do and true supporters push for performance!

In addition, Commissioner Manning - Chair of ANC 5C stated that her ANC was not contacted about this decision.  They have definitely been disrespect to our ANC's.  There were some voices raised but only at the representatives of DDot not the community. 

As for the "fear" of speaking in support of -

1.  There is no need to speak in support of because this was not about having a "Barn" for the Trolleys.  No one was disputing that.  So there would be no need for a support unless someone felt that Spingarm's lawn had to be the place or was a fine place for it!  If many of the community said anywhere but here, that should be respected and supported by the rest!

2.  If you did think that this was a fine place for it, then whoever that person is has a compassion-less mindset as obviously, this wouldn't be done at Sidwell Friends and if it doesn't make a difference where it is placed, why support it being in a place where it is upsetting to so many.

3.  Even the one person who spoke in favor of was the head of H Street business and he wasn't yelled at - booed softly and few interruptions with "sit down" but nothing really disrespectful at all. 

So, it is a not that you were afraid of supporting it, you knew that it was selfish of you to do so!

Eric - addressing something you mentioned - I did say earlier:

"If Sidwell Friends was owned by DC and this issue came up over there, they wouldn't even dream of putting this Barn there!!

1.  So, it was identified that "if" sidwell friends was a DC property, it wouldn't happen.

2.  And, one does not have to mention a variable to surmise that the obvious is inclusive in the thought.

3.  It is shameful that along with this weak attempt at twisting a hypothetical parallel, you are still defending Catania and his involvement with M.C. Dean!  He is involved. He is not even once removed!!  The most dumb part about this that this behavior is actually allowed.  That is what needs to be changed.

4.  Do you really want us to believe that Catania is so wonderful and ALTRUISTIC that he left a much higher paying job to go be a VP in this Technology company tied to M.C. Dean just because he suddenly became Mother Teresa?  That dude is about being paid.  The only reason I give him slack is that he fights for a Hospital in an impoverished area and even that may be from a financially benefiting position.  While he is probably benefiting over there as well, I rather him get rewarded for saving lives there than spending Capital money on an outdated and upside down unnecessary Street Car project that will need to be subsidized!! 

Stop sucking up and stand erect!  In the end, you will get more respect as this is shoddy use of your brain and it is very embarrassing for us. 

5. It was amazing how Yvette Alexander adamantly stood up for her Ward's Green Space but Our Council Member let this nonsense continue!  From our discussion, he is against it but I have yet to see the paperwork filed!!  So you know I support Kenyan, and this is my support.  I hope he puts his foot where his mouth seems to be and with some vigor.

6.  So, this is now a rush because of a July 2013 roll out by Mayor Gray.  What could be the reason for this??  Does this justify the funding for the rest of contracts to be given out and development in S.E just in time for elections? 

7.  Can we get some ideas why destroying this campus and open space as well as placing in front of our Historic Golf Course is a choice of our Mayor?  Last I heard, he said from China - do we have another site - yes we do!!  And there may be one more added to that list that might accommodate 15,000sf.  There is a building a few blocks west adjacent to the Gas Station - a brick building with a very Tall chimney - already built of brick and might need expansion on the Back!

Part of DDot's job is to tell the Mayor and CM's that this is not a good idea  - an easier choice but a bad idea!  The Barn needs to be hidden.  No different than those stupid looking Verizon Buildings in the middle of the Block!!  But worse!!


On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 9:09 PM, KPW, KAPoW <> wrote:

You're right, Debbie.  That's the procedure.  I've saved some emails and remember others that were over the top.  Some of those writers have moved on and some are waiting for a sign of weakness to lash out again.  Women on the listserv were particularly brutalized.  We're not going there again and people that tweet and write in other forums can do their do there, but we check them there.

Sometimes we need to explain why we're sharing something from another social network so that the message is not misunderstood.


-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Smith-Steiner <>
To: ward5 <>
Sent: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 8:56 pm
Subject: Re: [ward5] assorted @CM McDuffie tweets from yesterday

The whole world is a stage and everybody plays apart.  Hit delete

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.
               Booker T. Washington

On Jun 27, 2012, at 8:53 PM, "RobbyCU" <> wrote:

Maybe I'm a little raw. It's been a hard day. Work stress, a memorial service and medical tests that wen awry.  But I cam home not so long ago, and I saw this email. I think Jaime did a good job putting this in perspective. Yet, I want to go on record, emails like this one are not helpful. They incite more than they inform. It's really discouraging to read things like this. Missives that draw conclusions out of thin air and levy unfounded accusations.  It is this very type and style of engagement that keep a lot of good people out of politics and civil engagement. This email was mean and it came from a dark place. The sender owes us an apology, but I know that wont happen. 

Moving on



"In everything you do. Always be yourself"- Lee Hall, Billy Elliot

Nixon Farewell Speech to Whitehouse Staff:

From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [ward5] assorted @CM McDuffie tweets from yesterday

There are a few among us that claim to fear being heard at meetings, so they hide behind their computer screens to promote their agenda. These individuals support things like having bars and strip clubs within walking distance of their homes, dog parks that cost on average at least $350,000.00 each and so on. A few of these individuals became very angry when they could not get their costly dog park at the new Joseph Cole Recreation Center because the larger community voted against it. Some of these individuals are now claiming the Spingarn car barn issue is an indictment against street cars in general, which is not true. Our councilmember should listen to them too, but at the end of the day must act in the best interests of ALL of Ward 5.

Kathy Henderson

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 05:17:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [ward5] assorted @CM McDuffie tweets from yesterday

Below is a set  mailto:%60%60@CM_McDuffie`` tweets from yesterday:

Jaime Fearer‏@bogrosemary

#GoodWard5News :) RT @jayridius My new councilman @CM_McDuffie @tnadc impresses. Knowledgeable across a wide range of citizen concerns

Robby Mann-Thompson‏@RobbyCU

@bogrosemary @jayridius @CM_McDuffie @TNAdc love it, love it, love it!

10:17 PM - 26 Jun 12via Twitter

Jaime Fearer‏@bogrosemary

#GoodWard5News :) RT @jayridius My new councilman @CM_McDuffie @tnadc impresses. Knowledgeable across a wide range of citizen concerns

9:51 PM - 26 Jun 12via TweetDeck · Details

say `Eye Em Gōph`‏@IMGoph

.@CM_McDuffie just left the @TNAdc. I think we made a smart choice, #ward5. Good things on the way!

Jay Chauhan‏@jayridius

My new councilman @CM_McDuffie @tnadc impresses. Knowledgeable across a wide range of citizen concerns

Jaime Fearer‏@bogrosemary

RT @TNAdc Thank you to @CM_McDuffie for joining us and listening to our #TrinidadDC neighbors` concerns

Linda Kurtz‏@lkurtz

amen. RT @TNAdc: Thank you to @CM_McDuffie for joining us and listening to our #TrinidadDC neighbors` concerns


Thank you to @CM_McDuffie for joining us and listening to our #TrinidadDC neighbors` concerns


RT @IMGoph Think we have about 35+ people in attendance at @TNAdc tonight. @CM_McDuffie is here now as well.

say `Eye Em Gōph`‏@IMGoph

Think we have about 35+ people in attendance at @TNAdc tonight. @CM_McDuffie is here now as well.

Rhode Island Insider‏@RIAInsider

@CM_McDuffie Just know, when ``taking cues from constituents``, there are a lot of people also for the car barn and for the trolley.

Kenyan R. McDuffie‏@CM_McDuffie

@TonyTGoodman thank you for coming last night.

Tony T Goodman‏@TonyTGoodman

@CM_McDuffie Great to see you in action as the new CM! I look forward to working with you and your staff on common Ward 5/6 issues,

12:48 PM - 26 Jun 12via Twitter

Life On The Edgewood‏@lifeontheedgewd

@IMGoph @cm_mcduffie most people in #ward5 I know are in support! Please consider all #ward5 not just a few that came to yell at a meeting!

say `Eye Em Gōph`‏@IMGoph

@CM_McDuffie i just saw you retweeting an opinion against the streetcar barn, and figured you had made your decision.

say `Eye Em Gōph`‏@IMGoph

hope @CM_McDuffie realizes some ppl aren`t opposed to streetcar barn, but are uncomfortable going to meetings where they`ll be shouted down.

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