As a matter of fact, this Crap is all about Mr. Gray's "legacy" and getting the Trolley done soon as it brings a level of completion and paid for Promises to reality. The reality is that if this takes too long - like going through the red tape to get it done at Union Station or RFK - there is a likelihood that it won't happen and the tracks are going to be termed "tracks to nowhere", like it has been termed from the beginning - and that will become Mr. Gray's legacy!!
And - what difference does it make what Ward the Barn is placed. Hopefully, we have a soon to be awakened Council Member that is adamant like Ward 7 CM when it came to putting the Barn on Ward 7's Green Space!! I hope Kenyan is taking notes on how to Energetically React with Responsiveness when it comes to protecting our Schools and Green Space! Kenyan wanted to lead, he should understand what Leadership is all about - All he has to do is let his inner soul to recognize where the needs are!!
Correct. My mistake. It is however, on HSt and could be an alternate location.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: "Eric J. Jones" <>Sender: ward5@yahoogroups.comDate: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 10:41:12 -0400To: <>ReplyTo: ward5@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [ward5] assorted @CM McDuffie tweets from yesterdayUnion Station isn't in Ward 5.
Eric J. Jones
- ejjones.threed@gmail.comOn Jun 28, 2012 10:31 AM, <> wrote:Question: Can all of this still happen for this and the next generation at another location in Ward 5 like the Union Station?
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®From: Aaron McCormick <>Sender: ward5@yahoogroups.comDate: Thu, 28 Jun 2012 09:29:14 -0400To: <>ReplyTo: ward5@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [ward5] assorted @CM McDuffie tweets from yesterdayIt is a shame that this has become to some type of hate, and have shown that the individuals who have turn this into hate need to STEP BACK!First this Car Barn/Training Facility will be built @SpingarnHighDC and why because for one thing this is bigger than anyone on this listserv,twitter,blog,facebook,and google+, and community meeting. God wish for this to be for our children/youth, and you may not like the location, but their is a bright light at the end. Training Facility on light rail for the next generation of coming adults in a career not a title of a "job."The dreams of careers back in the eye's of our youth and young adults is worth every million spent to have that back in their eyes. One I am on twitter,facebook,listserv and meetings. So hate me, but one thing is for sure they hated God.AaronOn Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Eric J. Jones <> wrote:
Well let me give an example. I'm 260lbs and 6 feet tall. A few years back we had a meeting about historic preservation and I was one of the few in favor of it to protect the fiber of the community which I grew up.
I of course wasn't scared to speak up but afterwards I was approached by many who were scared to say something after seeing how I was attacked and yelled at. So when saying that folks aren't scared it isn't true. People are scared to speak up in these events because of the interactions much like many on this list serve.
Eric J. Jones
- ejjones.threed@gmail.comOn Jun 27, 2012 12:28 PM, "Debbie Smith-Steiner" <> wrote:
Why Alice - is that you my sista. As I projected my voice at the meeting you and KPW said the same thing I did but in a softer yet firm voice. Do you and KPW provide voice lessons? 😜
Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.Booker T. WashingtonSo the tweets indicate folk where afraid to offer support for the car barn at the Phelps meeting. What did they think was going to happen to them if they did!? Give me a break!! Here we go again. I was at the meeting and it ran just like the meetings West of Rock Creek Park. Yes I have live there.
Everyone was offered a chance to have there voices heard. I support a car barn just in a location other than the front lawn of one of our High Schools.
If those that were afraid to attend bothered to get the facts they would find out that the majority of concerns expressed were about the location of the car barn. In fact, before the end of the meeting attendees made sure everyone understood that. It is not unusual for folk to be passionate about issues especially if they feel disrespected and left out of a process or opportunity offered to others.
I think that was very clear when folk wanted to get their points across about same sex marriage -- for and against. Don't hate the player hate the game.Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®Sender: ward5@yahoogroups.comDate: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 05:17:34 -0700 (PDT)ReplyTo: ward5@yahoogroups.comSubject: [ward5] assorted @CM McDuffie tweets from yesterdayBelow is a set mailto:%60%60@CM_McDuffie`` tweets from yesterday:
Jaime Fearer@bogrosemary
#GoodWard5News :) RT @jayridius My new councilman @CM_McDuffie @tnadc impresses. Knowledgeable across a wide range of citizen concerns
Robby Mann-Thompson@RobbyCU
@bogrosemary @jayridius @CM_McDuffie @TNAdc love it, love it, love it!
10:17 PM - 26 Jun 12via Twitter
Jaime Fearer@bogrosemary
#GoodWard5News :) RT @jayridius My new councilman @CM_McDuffie @tnadc impresses. Knowledgeable across a wide range of citizen concerns
9:51 PM - 26 Jun 12via TweetDeck · Details
say `Eye Em Gōph`@IMGoph
.@CM_McDuffie just left the @TNAdc. I think we made a smart choice, #ward5. Good things on the way!
Jay Chauhan@jayridius
My new councilman @CM_McDuffie @tnadc impresses. Knowledgeable across a wide range of citizen concerns
Jaime Fearer@bogrosemary
RT @TNAdc Thank you to @CM_McDuffie for joining us and listening to our #TrinidadDC neighbors` concerns
Linda Kurtz@lkurtz
amen. RT @TNAdc: Thank you to @CM_McDuffie for joining us and listening to our #TrinidadDC neighbors` concerns
Thank you to @CM_McDuffie for joining us and listening to our #TrinidadDC neighbors` concerns
RT @IMGoph Think we have about 35+ people in attendance at @TNAdc tonight. @CM_McDuffie is here now as well.
say `Eye Em Gōph`@IMGoph
Think we have about 35+ people in attendance at @TNAdc tonight. @CM_McDuffie is here now as well.
Rhode Island Insider@RIAInsider
@CM_McDuffie Just know, when ``taking cues from constituents``, there are a lot of people also for the car barn and for the trolley.
Kenyan R. McDuffie@CM_McDuffie
@TonyTGoodman thank you for coming last night.
Tony T Goodman@TonyTGoodman
@CM_McDuffie Great to see you in action as the new CM! I look forward to working with you and your staff on common Ward 5/6 issues,
12:48 PM - 26 Jun 12via Twitter
Life On The Edgewood@lifeontheedgewd
@IMGoph @cm_mcduffie most people in #ward5 I know are in support! Please consider all #ward5 not just a few that came to yell at a meeting!
say `Eye Em Gōph`@IMGoph
@CM_McDuffie i just saw you retweeting an opinion against the streetcar barn, and figured you had made your decision.
say `Eye Em Gōph`@IMGoph
hope @CM_McDuffie realizes some ppl aren`t opposed to streetcar barn, but are uncomfortable going to meetings where they`ll be shouted down.
Aaron McCormick
R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
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