Tuesday, 26 June 2012

[WardFive] Legacy: NCPC Vision for DC in the 21st Century

At least a year ago, I posted in relations to a post on a project in DC.  Sharing again that all the development was are seeing flows from the Federal's 21st Century Vision for DC last named, "Legacy". As shared then, federal funds were placed in a dedicated fund to support the vision's development.  Federal legislation, then Council legislation say regarding Small Area Plans, Comprehensive Plan and other development are follwoing this "Vision" to bring into reality.
Streetcars were part of the plan, walkability, etc.  Along w/Kingman Park reps Veronica Raglin, Fraizer Walton and others, we were involved in the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) meetings on this future project.  This was in 1995-1997 or 98.  Of course as time evolved some aspects have changed, however the "Vision" is moving forward and will continue to move forward.
What concerns me is the scrambling for information after inuendo and other non-relevant information is shared w/W5 list members which bogs down the matter from the community standpoint.  For example the continuing sharing of the RFK parking lot /areas designation as for sports.  Did anyone confirm this through Mrs. Norton's office our DC Council?
See the attached 2007 NCPC Annual Report, "A Course for Change, Legacy Vision Takes Shape in the Nation's Capital", and the "2006 RFK Redevelopment Study".
This way, informed educated choices, opinions, etc can be shaped.  Remember, this is a federal project.  DC has to follow through as the feds desire.  For the record, I don't like the Car Barn at Singarn.  It should be at Union Station.
"Let there be Light"
Albrette "Gigi" Ransom


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