Barry didn't sell us out. The city did and gave and gives us no respect. Barry is the Councilmember for Ward 8. Now we need folks to do right by the Councilmember of Ward 5 and the rest of us. Barry stood up for his cause as we are doing for our communities. We have to make sure we are not perceived as the weak link because we have new leadership ready to be tested. Barry knew how to go after what he wanted and we have to do the same. Some people seem to want this streetcar system at any cost and we need to be aware of that. Ward 5 could be collateral damage. We need to discuss our vision for that area so we won't get dumped on because we are easy or not in tune with the plan. We have to anticipate needs, motives, and moves in order to be successful at claiming what is right for us in Ward 5. We need more friends in the media, too.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob <>
To: ward5 <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 25, 2012 4:49 pm
Subject: Re: Eric and Rob Re: [ward5] Ward 5 Community -- Car Barn Question
Mrs. Walker,Regardless of how tonight's meeting goes, we should organize! With the talent in this Ward as well as all the other wards, there is nothing that should ever be slipped by and everything should be FLUSHED/Washed like one looks for gold and diamonds. The frustrating thing here is the lack of respect for the community! With the available technology, all this should be public and our CM's should be discussing everything with us.If what CM Barry is saying, he sold us out long term for a short term benefit that might be benefiting a few or maybe just some contractors that he knows. If you noticed, he mentioned Poplar Point and $50+ Million to get that started. That's money to all his collegues when that gets started. Lots of mouths are watering there! Maybe that's what he negotiated. At some point, this back and forth "for profit" negotiating needs to stop.Like I said, I made lots of mistakes and I am sure others did as well so we all have a wealth of knowledge, education and experience to make our city function at a much higher level of proficiency!Rob
On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 3:31 PM, Walker <> wrote:
Eric and Rob, Depending on how tonight's meeting goes perhaps the community should follow up and organize to flush out possible logical financial recommendations and options for this and future projects in the Ward.
---- Original message ----
>Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 15:11:05 -0400
>From: Rob <>
>Subject: Re: [ward5] Ward 5 Community -- Car Barn Question
> Eric,
> Can you find out how many millions will be lost to
> lawsuits? At some point, moving forward or not has
> to have some real numbers attached to it. From
> what CM Barry said, this system will have to be
> subsidized. Even though I think that we could
> probably negotiate away some or most of the fees you
> pointed out, it is difficult to believe that you,
> CM's or any resident would suggest we spend $50
> million more just to operate a financially upside
> down people delivery service when we already have
> one.
> It also seems like for no cost, we could have some
> electric cabs available in the area for those who
> don't want to ride the bus with other residents.
> It seems better to pay the few $$$$ now and save
> about $40 million and build some rec. centers,
> parks. If you and yhe CM's want, I can tell you
> how to spend $40 or $50 million that will help with
> income generation for and from small businesses and
> maybe hire some more of the residents.
> Rob
> On Jun 25, 2012 2:30 PM, "Eric J. Jones"
> <> wrote:
> I will start on this issue by saying that going
> back and and forth on this issue an potentially
> losing out can and will cost the city millions in
> legal fees which the contractors can in turn
> request because of its decision to hold up the
> project. Now as it relates to the actual
> placement of the Car Barn at this point I must
> agree with the previous statements about the
> concerns over Union Station. While some may want
> to consider placing the facility there there are
> issues related to procuring the land as well as
> the increase cost of building in that area which
> would make the location where the current Library
> is located more logical from a practical stand
> point.
> With this is mind I would also like to add another
> part to this. Currently the city has a 12% debt
> cap which is one of the reason which we have been
> able to keep such as positive credit rating. We
> are currently near this limit which is why there
> was a discussion about raising the debt cap late
> in 2011. While this may not be of major concern
> to many this could and would more than likely
> cause us to have a downgrade of our bond rating
> which would increase the cost to the city for
> financing projects through debt. This would mean
> that in the future we would (a) have to reduce the
> amount of projects including schools, parks and
> libraries, etc which we would be able to finance
> for obvious reasons or (b) raise taxes, fees and
> other revenue raising items such as parking and
> ticket fees to make gather more funds to do
> projects which would cost more.
> With this in mind it is important that we are
> prepared to make logical financial recommendations
> for what ever we would like to see as this will
> down the line impact us all from a financial stand
> point.
> --
> Eric J. Jones, MSF
> "I for one believe that if you give people a
> thorough understanding of what confronts them and
> the basic causes that produce it, they'll create
> their own program, and when the people create a
> program, you get action."
> El Haj Malik El Shabazz
R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
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