Sunday, 24 June 2012

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] Re: [Brookland] Pepco

Trying to be more accurate, but it was 3-4 yrs ago when there was either a public roundtable or hearing on the undergrounding of power lines and the related costs.  There was a group who presented their study on the matter.  Trying to recall, and if believe their costs was also in the millions per mile, but it was lower than Pepco's costs.
I also believe at that time Vincent Orange was a Vice President at Pepco.  Further recall that during the protest walk organized by Brookland residents, VO committed a few million by Pepco for the then 12th St NE project between RIA & Michigan for either undergroundng, replace Asplund butched trees and something else.  This was the Sat that HTJ and OV were to leave to go to the Democratic Convention in Denver.
Best source for confirmation about the hearing and the study would be the Office of the People's Counsel, Herb Jones; and Phil Blair that I can think of right now.
Albrette "Gigi" Ransom
From: Rob <>
To: Carole Jacobs <>
Cc: Brooklander13 <>; carolynsteptoe <>; "" <>;; Ward 5 Google Groups <>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 3:33 PM
Subject: [ward5] Re: [Brookland] Pepco

Good to see that the storm didn't cause as much damage that it could have. Just FYI, I wouldn't park under any trees for the next week or two as there could be some cracked branches that are still holding for right now but the weight might win over time and helped with a wind! At least that's what happened with the big Oak in my yard. It fell a week after some heavy winds!
Now for a comment this morning by Carole on the Brookland List Serv - "For whatever reason, Pepco's lines on Capitol Hill extended -- not just the gentrified parts -- have been underground for at least 40 years".   
I want you to know that the "gentrification" in Capital Hill Extended just occurred so your comment that I underlined is truly troubling???  Thus the two comments "not just the gentrified parts" and "underground for at least  40" are counter-intuitive and shows a level of dissonance! Something that a quite a few folks seem to have in common!  I keep trying to shed light on the psychological imprinting in many aspects of the comments on our listserv

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 8:38 AM, Carole Jacobs <> wrote:
The "lobbying" has got to originate with the ratepayers.  To start, we need to demand that they give us an accounting of the one-time cost of undergounding (which is not insubstantial) vs the cost -- say, over ten years -- of rushing in to repair storm-related damage eight times a year and badly butchering our trees whenever the spirit moves them.  Once we have the life-cycle costing figures, we can start talking to them about making the change and who -- ratepayers or stockholders -- would pay for it.

For whatever reason, Pepco's lines on Capitol Hill extended -- not just the gentrified parts -- have been underground for at least 40 years.  The juice goes out unexpectedly perhaps once every decade, and then only for a short while.  Pepco's own figures should show how much they saved by not having to maintain above-ground lines.


Carole on Kearny

From: Brooklander13 <>
To: carolynsteptoe <>
Sent: Saturday, June 23, 2012 11:58 PM
Subject: [Brookland] Pepco

Does anyone know of a way to lobby Pepco to spend the money to put power lines underground? The city has been digging up sidewalks on all of 13th St and Franklin for weeks. That could have been a good time to work with them to bury the lines. What can we do as a Ward to get this done? You drive around here and all you see are horrible poles and wires. Then we have a storm and people are without power. Food is lost. No AC. Its stupid.

ES on 13th

R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017

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