Let me help you out. I was mainly talking about you as you do the most complaining and the least work sir. You talk and complain constantly yet we see no initiative that your expertise has you leading or playing a key part in.
You pontificate constantly but your track record shows little outside of your home or the building you own.
With that being said I am going to give myself and everyone else a gift and leave you to your pontificating emails.
Be well.
My name is Eric J. Jones and I have prepared and approve this message .
Much appreciated Mrs. KPW -- these are the things that keep me up at night -- Simply put, I am tired of the BS and I don't want this to be the same environment that my daughter will have to deal with in twenty years -- even if she has to deal with while riding that Stupid Trolley, but most especially I don't want other children who might not be as fortunate as her to continue to suffer and be "herded" towards the school of hard knocks and eventually Jail.Heck -- it is tough for those who have had opportunities muchless those who don't. Let's make it happen. It is time for our Generals to step forward and reign all of the Young Soldiers in and really train them with proper Leadership Responsibilities.RobOn Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 3:47 PM, KPW <WKPW3@aol.com> wrote:Let me bypass the personalize of this toward any one person, but in a broad perspective you spoke a lot of truth here. I won't point out which items. Skipping references to Eric J., you spoke a lot of truth or at last align with the viewpoints of others. And thanks for speaking in a way that did not need to be moderated and without ruthless attacking. I'm sure you've spoken for many, especially those that have worked so hard in the vineyard and are growing apathetic. Some of the community soldiers are growing weary of the battles. And note that all the soldiers are not over 40.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob <indianrob@gmail.com>
To: ward5 <ward5@yahoogroups.com>; Ward 5 Google Groups <wardfive@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, Dec 12, 2012 3:30 pm
Subject: Re: [WardFive] Re: [ward5] Ward 5 should have a meeting with all councilmembers residing in Ward 5 to suggest what we'd like to see on their 2013 agenda
Dear Eric J,
First, I just want everyone to understand that this is not about Kenyan. While I nudge him at times, I know that he is new at this and I understand that the culture down is like quicksand and when the hardened entanglement surrounds you, it is hard to cut through it -- especially with self serving guides.
Second, I want you (ERIC) to understand that this is REALLY about your thought process -- When Mrs. KPW made a suggestion, your response dictated that the Community should be MORE PRODUCTIVE -- and made this statement below;
"Wouldn't it be a little more productive if Ward 5 residents came up with their legislative agenda much like other groups and organizations. Then they can present the elected officials with their list of priorities. This would also allow the residents to then grade them on their performance in the areas identified. Just a thought."
SO you get it, we do -- the CM's and their folks read the listservs -- so they should understand the pulse and the logic of the community -- unless they are focused on the community that they want to which supports their agenda. They should wrap themselves in the Blanket of our concerns and come TO US and address them -- not in 10/15 minute increments for publicity sake to say that they come to the "community/anc/civic/friends of/etc. meetings.
I simply responded that the reverse to your thought process should be the approach!! It is the CM's Job to come into the community and develop that involvement. If he is looking for a female (solutions), he should go where the females (concerns/solutions) are. Wouldn't it be more productive if their approach was to come to the community BEFORE HAND AND GET HELP CREATING THAT AGENDA!! At least that is what SERVICE is all about. Isn't that what he/she is conveying when -- "knocking on Doors" Approach for votes from folks he/she doesn't even know.
Then you got all defensive (in your feelings and brown nosing all at the same point) with your response. So in answer to your youthful and thoughtless spew-- here are your answers.
1. Folks who realize that most often, their opinion is not really what CM's want; especially if it does not fit the CM's/developer/Campaign/lobbyist position/agenda.2. The SOAP BOX which you are spewing from without full thought is that -- Your ability to be in the "know" and "testify" is almost fully correlated to your profession - this being within your scope/screen on a daily basis and you get paid to "be in the KNOW". And you should realize by now, Soap Boxes are flimsy - because they collapse because like most people who have specific agendas - like being paid -- stand on one side of a block which eventually tips over (meaning people see you for what your are).
3. You don't have kids, while many people have their job - non related to the Wilson Building, maybe two jobs or a business or two or three -- which is more consuming than a JOB and also have kids, animals and other responsibilities that ties up most of their life -- it makes no sense to many to fight an up hill battle against the "lobbyists" the developers, the intensely crooked culture of "politics". It is shameful to see a Black Man in that position and Black Men in those positions doing the things to SCREW the community and enhance themselves -- especially when they were part of the Civil Rights movement or so closely removed but benefited from it. AND YES -- HELD to a HIGHER STANDARD as WE HAVE MORE AT RISK!!!!4. Why are CM's and their staff getting paid to do a job and we have to volunteer our time and effort to get your people to do their jobs and not allow the corruption to occur or simply guard us against the corruption ??
I would put a special bonus on snitching on issues at the Wilson building and in other Agencies. I bet you it would be cheaper than the LOSSES.But here you go, with your comments (5 points) that is totally condescending - to say the least and ignorant/ill informed as well -- probably directed at me but condescending of the entire community -- some of who do a lot with their time that they feel would be more worthwhile than dealing with some of the PRICKISH attitudes down there. PLEASE REFER TO #1 -- self serving CM's with their campaign supporting agenda.
--- You should really go read the IVY CITY order granting plaintiff motion for preliminary injunction -- see why the Judge did what she did --- Imagine how blatantly disrespectful and SLICK approach they took to CIRCUMVENT the Community. How often does this happen and they get away with it so many times, it becomes discouraging as no one is stupid -- and who wants to keep beating their head against Walls with SPIKES coming out of it. That's one of the main reasons that people are DISENGAGES!!
BTW -- As much as you talk, I don't see your "umbrella of protection" there in IVY CITY -- because you are too busy kissing where the sun doesn't shine!! It is not that you don't care because I know that you do -- (please re-read the previous 6 words) but you have to hang your mouth where the SOUP is dripping. Furthermore, when I suggest the Benning Trash site, I don't hear you saying anything about "DC property" and it simply making sense to fix the bridge if the INTENT is to go to Ward 7.Even more, when I skin you back you like a ripe banana (and expose your soft thoughts and agenda), why don't you acknowledge it or at least incorporate it. So you know -- the reason for "encasement's" like a banana skin or in your case -- riding the fence -- is the banana's protection of its precious cargo -- or in your case -- protecting your interests/paycheck and growing your $ncome. We would respect you more if you just did your job and not try to convince us of how PURE you are -- there is nothing altruistic about what you are doing -- it is all of self interest or it would be more fair in the approach.
So while I know you have written this to be about more than just me -- I will personalize it so that you can see that others may just feel the exact same way.
1. Wouldn't it be nice if the CM puts forth the legislation that he is thinking about and working on, who got in his ear about it, why they are in his ear, what they want from this so that we can have the discussion in real time and not at the end.
2. What is the real point about testifying ERIC -- I watched hearings and lots of people give lots of intelligent suggestions, point out loopholes, etc., and the CM's are not interested at that point. Perfect example -- $25 million of incentives for Living Social but the council didn't include lots of what was suggested to make the City's money Worth it. And they do this alot because it is the approach of getting money back into their COFFERS -- a Self Funding approach to their Campaigns with City money -- of course, LEGALLY!!
Another example - This last DCPS hearing -- What could I say that 100 people and 12 CM's would not have covered that has not made much difference at all -- on a 1 day notice to testify -- REALLY!! Where is your comment on that MR. COMMUNITY??
3. So you are talking to the wrong person -- I have attended many meetings -- ANC, COW, SMD, CIVIC, CIVIC, CIVIC, Business, Dems, and what??? They CM's or our School Board REP really don't say much there other than try to look/sound good. Often times, they don't come because they really want to but because it serves their progression in the political world.
Also, there may not be a overwhelming amount of people at the meeting but enough come - and that is not a direct correlation to the community's level of Care/concern. Most people don't come because the GOVT is Corrupt to the point that folks don't feel that it makes a difference --- a simple waste of their time. In addition, the organizations have not evolved to accommodate their inter-connectivity. Furthermore, because it is so unstructured from a calender perspective, we have too many meetings too many nights -- hell -- it is difficult to attend and still have dinner with the family or a life outside of work and "community meetings". It would be best if there is a daily post from the council person allowing the accountability of time and with who so as to be transparent -- just like putting the books online.
Anyways, here is an Example -- The day I saw what Corey and Crew do what they did with 901 Monroe to those seniors -- I will never forget and I say Corey -- because he lead that charge for his personal benefit -- and then they have the audacity to come up with "trash cans for seniors" when they just stole the lives from 5 senior couples over two years!!! Stop PLAYING --- I am not the one.If you can only read between the lines and I had everything to lose taking a side. Furthermore, when the Zoning Board has to send OP back 4 times to get the justification right on whether a project is "not inconsistent" with the Comp Plan and SAP -- yet voted for it's approval -- it tells you that the agenda is already set -- trust me when I say that this comment can cost me.
Another example --- When you are watching TV and as a Deputy Mayor introduces a Developer Friend and states that he helped him staff his office -- it is difficult to digest. Then he has the audacity to tell a Judge that He is IGNORANT of what occurred in IVY CITY -- If I was her, I would put him in JAIL for contempt. AND the problem is that they are down there TRAINING our young Black Men and Women to do the same thing -- and because they want to keep their good govt. jobs -- they do what they do and you can't really blame them. The leaders should be leading Properly.
Another example -- when a Mayor spends his entire campaign "against Fenty" based on Fenty's disrespect -- then does the same thing -- it is discouraging. And when he fights the Rhee Regime for years and approach but Keeps Kaya and her entire Crew without adjusting her Budget or putting guidance or control mechanisms in place, it says alot. Nothing against Kaya -- but there is a serious agenda in that DCPS CAMP and a serious DISCONNECT.
4. School Board -- When we have legislation that says that you can't be on the School Board and be working for/Connected to a company that gets a 26 million dollar contract. In addition, what difference does it make when an entire community gets up and speaks out about Firing teachers and Gandhi fabricating a shortfall only to find money later -- yet the teachers are still fired. To our specific School Board Representative -- If he has a war to wage on anything, he has enough support and HIS JOB IS TO MOBILIZE the support or fight the WAR with the weapons he has and leave the dead weight where it is -- at home. Please tell me what our School Rep is doing. Don't you think that there is a reason that he didn't put his name in the hat for TOMMY'S spot?? Let's be real -- the culture of what has occurred thus far is FAR REACHING and needs to stop. Once again, I share -- I have also bent some pages in life but not the crap that I got blamed for by the PADOUS, Sunday and Co.
5. We are creating strategy -- one of the strategies is working on your brain as well as others and hopefully forcing you/us into alignment as well as creating a paradigm of thought for us as a larger community to think about. What I do my youthful friend, money can't buy and more than any investment you have ever made into anything, it carries a cost factor that you can't even begin to imagine -- I have opened myself up to lots of criticism, financial loss, loss of "friendship", maybe funding, etc. But like I have always said, PEOPLE DIED to get us these rights and privileges that so many of us throw away or misuse. Like the book == Miseducation of the Negro, here is another and in the same spirit as the Honorable Carter G. Woodson -- ++ WAKE UP NEGRO!!So YES DAMMIT -- you are asking a "bit much" when using your brick goggles of youth and inexperience with the expectation to see anything. Remember my statement -- some of the most detrimental people in our culture today is the YOUNG EDUCATED BLACK MEN who feel their Kahunas that they know so much but so much of experience is left on the table by not tapping into the really experienced Good Seniors. Not saying that we don't have sharp young educated Black men -- but often times they get overshadowed by the ones who are like semi Empty Cans of experience and true knowledge of how to fully effect change and implement solutions -- and Like I said -- this is bad propaganda for Whites to hear and see as this becomes the barometer that they use when viewing the "Educated Black" Man.
So NO - you don't thank folks for what they do -- because "progressive" people who care, when information is provided and flaws are identified, usually PROGRESS with adoption of those new variables -- but yet you continue to KEEP FIRING your self serving GUNS!!
So what you refer to "talking the talk and walking the walk" -- you are once again clueless and just rambling. If this wasn't part of your job or in your best interest to do, I would respect this comment, but since it is your job -- YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED to make that statement. Lots of people "WALK THE WALK" in their own way and have done it for years -- but just don't take the credit or ask for the light to shine on them --- that's why you are able to do what you do and have the Privileges that you do. WHAT you have done is minuscule to what others have done so your entire note below --"Yes it would but I guess that would be asking a bit much. I thank those who put their time and energies to not just talking the talk but working for what they want. While we may not always agree I appreciate the work. Keep up the great work"
-- Shows Ignorance -- lacks information -- exposes experience level and mindset and is just a brush stroke of what appreciation is to a PAINTED CANVAS -- whether a real Picasso or an original Sarah (my daughter).
I close with this -- if you don't get it, laying out the issues over and over ("talking the talk") is a very important part of the SOLUTION Process -- ("walking the walk") -- it takes time to for a revolution to seep into the core of a nation -- and that is what it will take to change the culture of the Wilson Building. So you get it -- It often takes lots of WD40 to loosen a really rusted bolt and it is done in intervals. In addition, we have lots of FREELOADERS who have no SOLUTIONS but takes credit for the solutions or ideas that come up in the complaint/venting phase -- or at least it may trigger a thought or two -- the more we discuss, the more we focus on the issue and the more creative the solution process becomes as the brain will focus on solving the problem if it continues to take it in.
Furthermore --- Changing a rusted culture takes time and WD40 may not be enough -- we need something stronger -- like acidic words to break the bolts --- especially when there is so much resistance/lobbying being done to keep the controls in place!!!!
So, this is the type of Walking the Walk that you haven't arrived at as yet -- I am working on the engine (brain) of our Ward/City so that we can develop a more aligned perspective where it doesn't currently exist in our very "diverse" community!!! Resistance is futile if we mobilize and the Internet has changed the "lecture hall"/propaganda paradigm. You will be surprised at the formation of the Above Ground Railroad -- even if it is self serving at first as "self preservation" but in time evolves -- From the Civil War to the Civil Rights leading into the Women Rights and the Gay Rights era. Maybe we will have a Human/Economic right era.Have you ever wondered why the road around Mountains are so winding -- because it is tough to travel straight over!!!Another bend On the Highway to Heaven!!Professor Ramson,PHD of Philosophy and URBAN-POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT.
1. Wouldn't it be nice if those who claimed to be uninformed or not know what issues are coming up hopped on the council website and looked at the information.2. Wouldn't it b nice if those who actually say they want input in legislation actually took the initiative to be more active in doing research and offering recommendations in the form of testimony, letters, comments on regulations, etc.3. Wouldn't it he nice if we had more community folks attend ANC, Civic/Citizen Association meetings, etc where in most cases the elected officials and their staff actually attend and present information.4. Wouldn't it be great if the PTSA meetings were packed and our School Board rep was able to have overwhelming support during meetings and when he is fighting or against issues.5. Wouldn't it be great if those who want change actually made the investment to actually work on creating strategies, plans and agendas to support.Yes it would but I guess that would be asking a bit much. I thank those who put their time and energies to not just talking the talk but working for what they want. While we may not always agree I appreciate the work.Keep up the great work.On Dec 11, 2012 9:04 PM, "Rob" <indianrob@gmail.com> wrote:Good Evening Ward 5,1. Wouldn't it be nice if CM's take charge and host meetings to discuss what their Ward plan are moving forward -- their list!!2. Then wouldn't it be nice that CM's disclose who is talking to them and about what.3. Wouldn't it be nice if the weekly newsletter really gave us more -- like the issues that are ongoing --4. Wouldn't it be nice to let us know about what Lobbyists are pushing and if we need to pull with them or push back.5. Wouldn't it be nice if the community actually has input in crafting the Legislation with the CM -- just so he could leverage more brains and experience than he/she has within their office or coming from their Campaign financiers.I believe all those things above would fall under the Job Description of a CM who wants to keep his constituents informed and involved. Now -- that would be really nice!!!Rob Ramson
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 7:42 PM, KPW <WKPW3@aol.com> wrote:
Whatever works best. I thought that people/groups would bring agenda items to the meeting. Someone needs to take the lead on organizing such a meeting, unless protocol suggests that one of the councilmembers set up the meeting. Surely some groups could coalesce and make a ward meeting happen. We could start listing some issues online to begin to prepare a Ward 5 agenda. Maybe the Ward 5 Dems could work with the Ward 5 Council on Education, PCDC, Ward 5 Business Group, activists restaurants, ward universities, and any other ward-wide group, the ANCs, civic associations, media, and so forth. Maybe the meeting could be held at one of the universities. Whoever can pull this off, just invite me.
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric J. Jones <ejjones.threed@gmail.com>
To: ward5 <ward5@yahoogroups.com>; wardfive <wardfive@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, Dec 11, 2012 7:32 pm
Subject: Re: [ward5] Ward 5 should have a meeting with all councilmembers residing in Ward 5 to suggest what we'd like to see on their 2013 agenda
Wouldn't it be a little more productive if Ward 5 residents came up with their legislative agenda much like other groups and organizations. Then they can present the elected officials with their list of priorities. This would also allow the residents to then grade them on their performance in the areas identified.Just a thought.On Dec 11, 2012 7:24 PM, "KPW" <WKPW3@aol.com> wrote:Early in 2013, it would be good to have a meeting with Councilmembers McDuffie, Orange, Grosso, and Bonds to discuss what issues Ward 5 residents especially want these councilmembers to address. Any other councilmember that wanted to come would be welcome, but it is time to make sure Ward 5 gets the city to take a look at the ward's agenda. What are the key issues in Ward 5 that need to be addressed? What citywide issues do Ward 5 residents think the city should address? What priorities do Ward 5 residents envision besides the District's emphasis (obsession) on sides bicycle lanes, increasing the number of speed cameras, closing schools, and depriving D.C. residents of affordable parking spaces? How can residents maintain the zoning they want in their communities?
In 2014, D.C. voters will vote on the first elected Attorney General. It is time that residents begin to focus on who they might want and think about drafting or grooming that person for the job. Who would you like to see as the first elected Attorney General? Do you think the current one is a shoo-in?
R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
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R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
"We must become the change we want to see" - Mohandas Gandhi-
(Together, for a Brighter Tomorrow)
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