Since it appears that my responses from earlier haven’t shown up I’m going to try again:
Catania doesn’t work for M.C. Dean he works for a separate technology company that happens to be owned by M.C. Dean which doesn’t do any work related to the company’s core businesses. He actually took a pay cut to go work for this company which was as start up about 6 years ago from the Law Firm where he used to work. Further he still doesn’t vote on any issue related to M.C. Dean or any of their competitors because he doesn’t want to have any appearance of back room dealings.
With that being said every vote on a contract for M.C. Dean for at least the past five years which has come before the Council for approval has passed without any no votes. There are several reasons for this:
1. It is a local company which was founded many years ago by DC residents and is still run by a native Washingtonian.
2. They are one of the largest companies in their World in their sector and have been in the top three for at least the last 7 years.
3. They are the largest company in their sector in this half of the country.
4. The value added, past track record and service are unmatched by most competitors so they constantly excel and outperform expectations.
It is to the point in which the city needs to pull the strings and get this project done because waiting and going back and forth is only costing the city more money. They have already committed to this and now want to change their mind.
Eric J. Jones
P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
From: [] On Behalf Of Rob
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 12:01 PM
To:; Ward 5 Google Groups
Subject: [WardFive] Re: [ward5] Marion Barry tries to halt D.C. streetcar work By Tim Craig (D.C. Wire)
Good Morning,
So the issues that we continue to have are:
1. Dog and Pony show as it relates to getting community input!
2. Council Members should not be allowed to work for companies that do business in the City! Or have Family members working for those companies without recusing themselves. Honestly, couldn't McDean find any other lawyer who could be their VP? But until this type of behavior becomes unacceptable, then nothing changes. Any of them who are utilizing that CM position to enrich themselves financially should be removed!
3. That Ugly Trolley Hub will be sitting directly adjacent from Historic Langston Golf Course.
4. What Barry is getting at now is what I have been saying all along. Capital Money should be utilized in a more prioritized way like those Rec. Centers, like Upgrading Schools, like Upgrading fields and tracks, etc.
“It’s about priorities in spending and how much capital money we are spending on streetcars that benefit a small number of people,” Barry said. “We are already subsidizing Metro and also subsidizing the Circulator…People already have good bus service.”
Barry said he’s been told the initial phase of the street car line will serve about 2,000 riders a day, which he said is not enough to justify the price tag.
********Everyone should be asking ---- Why can't the 2000 riders per day ride the BUS and catch the train???
“I need five recreation centers in Ward 8,” said Barry, who is scheduling a meeting with Transportation Director Terry Bellamy. “I have not seen a cost-benefit analysis.”
********Why isn't everyone concerned about this???
I am not against street cars. In my opinion, it is just for show but I am one of 618,000. However, Electric Buses can do the same thing and much cheaper. It is strange that everyone is not on board with prioritizing!!! Why not let's focus on our more serious issues now. Those tracks will be there then to be utilized.
Maybe Kenyan will shake things up and start submitting bills to stop all the pilfering. As you see, it ain't just Harry. It is just done another way under a different name. This theft from our youth is much larger but comes under the name of "disclosure/outside income form" and Street Car!! I am sure that Catania is not the only "VP" being paid for his "unique specialized" talents!!Like I said, maybe Kenyan will show us how strong his Back is. Standing Tall in the political arena and proposing change is tough when the culture of politics weighs on you!!
Rob Ramson
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 9:38 AM, <> wrote:
Thanks GR. The plan DDOT presented underscored an unsightly industrial mess. The majority of the meeting attendees were very vocal in their opposition, yet they moved ahead anyway. The fight started at the February 29, 2012 hearing convened by Councilmember Wells. I testified against this plan as did our Capitol Hill neighbor Meg Mcguire and others. Our opposition was ignored and this ridiculous plan moved forward.
I have supported the return of street cars to our city from the beginning. I continue to support a logical and transparent plan that includes public engagement. We have a right to be heard and have our wishes respected. It is a bad idea to tear up the front lawn of Spingarn for a car barn. Our children deserve better and our community deserves better.
Kathy Henderson
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
From: Gigi Ransom <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 05:24:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [ward5] Marion Barry tries to halt D.C. streetcar work By Tim Craig (D.C. Wire)
I agree with you on this. Don't understand why school property would be used for this purpose. Not knowing how large the facility would be there is no doubt that there would be an impact on traffic due to the number of workers required, where would they park? Wouldn't the work create noise that could impact daily learning during the school year? Don't recall how far the track extend going East, but wouldn't the area just off the entrance to the DPW Benning Rd complex be a more viable site?
Brian, as you can tell by my questions to KH, I'm just learning about this. It is my hopes that CM Catania ASAP puts on the public record that he will recuse himself from any discussion or vote on the matter since he is associated w/MC Dean. DC truly does not need another ethical issue in the news.
"Let there be Light"
Albrette "Gigi" Ransom
From: Brian Bradford <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: [ward5] Marion Barry tries to halt D.C. streetcar work By Tim Craig (D.C. Wire)
How is this not a conflict of interest? I have a problem with Catania being involved.
Terry Bellamy the Director of DDOT and Office of Planning Director Harriet Tregoning are planning to tear up the front lawn of Spingarn SHS to place the car barn there. Our community opposes this plan and we are circulating a petition. Additionally, our Kingman Park neighbors oppose this plan as well as some neighbors from Ward 6. We believe the Benning Road facility or RFK are more suitable locations for the street car barn. Despite our very loud and clear objections to this very flawed plan Director Bellamy refused to wait to implement the plan until we elected a Ward 5 Councilmember. Overall, I support the plan to return street cars to the District but oppose the ridiculous plan to tear up the front lawn of Spingarn SHS for the car barn. We are entitled to enjoy our historic vistas without the interruption of an unsightly industrial eyesore jutting from Spingarn's front lawn. Our students should not have to navigate around an unsightly industrial mess as they attend school. The street car plan has taken an odd turn. Perhaps, we should withhold further funding until we address existing and emerging problems.Kathy Henderson Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry® From: KPW - KAPoW <> Sender: Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2012 16:08:09 -0400 (EDT) To: <> ReplyTo: Subject: [ward5] Marion Barry tries to halt D.C. streetcar work By Tim Craig (D.C. Wire)
The final phase of the H Street line is the construction of the turnarounds near the H Street Bridge and Benning Road and 26th Streets in NE. Eventually, officials hope the 37-mile network will touch nearly every quadrant of the city Transportation officials said they selected Dean-Facchina for the H Street work because it has experience in the District and can both design and build the project. Dean Facchina is a joint venture between M.C. Dean, Inc. and the Facchina Construction Company, Inc. D.C. Council member David A. Catania (I-At large), one of Barry’s chief rivals on the council, is a vice president at M.C. Dean. D.C. Council member Marion Barry has launched a last ditch effort to slow or derail the city’s planned street car line on H Street, arguing it’s not been well-thought out and is too expensive for the number of riders it will serve. Last week, in an effort to push the H Street line toward its planned opening next year, Mayor Vincent C. Gray (D) announced a $50 million contract to design and construct the turnarounds, overhead power system and car barn for the $200 million project. The council was expected to quickly move ahead with the contract with Dean-Facchina LLC, but Barry has filed a disapproval resolution.
“I want to find out what his objections are because it’s important and a delay might have a cost effect,” Cheh said. “He can put a hold on it for a certain period of time.” In an interview, Barry said he wants to slow up the project because he’s not convinced the streetcar line is needed because the District has an “excellent METRO system” and reliable bus service along the H Street corridor. “It’s about priorities in spending and how much capital money we are spending on streetcars that benefit a small number of people,” Barry said. “We are already subsidizing Metro and also subsidizing the Circulator…People already have good bus service.”
“I need five recreation centers in Ward 8,” said Barry, who is scheduling a meeting with Transportation Director Terry Bellamy. “I have not seen a cost-benefit analysis.” But Cheh notes the H Street line, which officials hope is the start of a 37-mile network, has been debated for years. “This is the first time I have heard anything about him focusing on things not being well thought in terms of this contract,” Cheh said. “I’m really at a loss. He never spoke to Bellamy. He never spoke to me.”
“It doesn’t seem like a well-though-out plan,” Barry said of the city’s overall $1.5 billion streetcar plan. ”They haven’t even figured out how to get over the H Street bridge.” The District has already laid down tracks and erected platforms for the street car along H Street NE and Benning Road and owns three street cars. Another two cars are on order, officials said. The final phase of the H Street line is the construction of the turnarounds near the H Street Bridge and Benning Road and 26th Streets in NE. Eventually, officials hope the 37-mile network will touch nearly every quadrant of the city Transportation officials said they selected Dean-Facchina for the H Street work because it has experience in the District and can both design and build the project. Dean Facchina is a joint venture between M.C. Dean, Inc. and the Facchina Construction Company, Inc. D.C. Council member David A. Catania (I-At large), one of Barry’s chief rivals on the council, is a vice president at M.C. Dean. By Tim Craig | 01:25 PM ET, 06/19/2012 |
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