My Dearest Tom,
I am not planning to. I am not looking for friends like you. And so you and your cohorts get it, this is not about the Cafe - it is about the Double Standard and Racism that exists in what occurred. Everyone who comes to the Cafe loves it and like any other restaurant, service sometimes can be an issue. Anyways Tom, every time you are out, just look around you and understand this - 99.9999% of Black People you see feel the exact same way as I do about Everything I Have Been Saying - not just about the Cafe - but everything. Whether some of them like me or don't like me, we all agree on what I have been saying - and the reason that you and your wife skate around answering the questions is that you are being faced with the reality of your thoughts.
Imagine when you tell me that I am "wrong", you are telling everyone Black that they are all wrong as well. The wonderful part is that there are Many Whites who share in our feeling and we know who they are. We can always tell from their smiles, their reactions, their language, etc., just like we can tell the racist ones from the same variables.
SOOOOOOOOOO - The questions stand. Tell us what the reason for protesting was/is after 2.5 years. Remember, Manomale has ZERO PARKING!!!! And DON and Abigail PADOU lives almost EQUIDISTANT to both places and lives within "walking distance so they have no reason for "parking"!!
So you know, there is no easy way to avoid a root canal when your teeth are so rotten since you have let your cavities get to the point of no return. And this is what Racism has come to - it is just like cavities; and not all are visible to the naked eye and often times, is not easy to detect - I am and we are your X-RAYs. You see, we can all sit in the LOOK SEE MORE (Luke C. Moore) school's auditorium and have this discussion. The After Party can be held at Turkey Thicket so I can put on my "John the Baptist Robe" and immerse you to cleanse your inner souls.
The fact is, You, your wife, the Padous and the rest of your silent Klan just can't stand the fact that I say what I say and it makes you uncomfortable to the point of "punching me in the mouth". Like I said - the Professional Psychological term is "cognitive dissonance" - eventually it will bother you to the point of driving you crazy everytime you see me, read my name, and have to fae anyone Black - because we all see you and your Klan.
So, you can keep your "ego" skeleton on if you like and eat PIZZA Everyday, but you and your wife can't convince us that you don't eat Mac and Cheese, Grilled and fried Fish, Coleslaw, Vegan Food, Curry, etc. Oh, let me not forget the awesome Beef and Turkey burgers!!! Maybe you only have a diet of Mexican and Italian. So you get it, unlike many, I am not betrothen to $$$, have no intentions of being "ANC" or any other political position, and ain't begging for no handouts, so I don't have to be quiet about the Tsunami of Racism that is laying Right Here in Brookland. We know which Whites are racist and who is not as soon as they open their mouth or write. What makes you think that this is any different here than in our National Arena where the same positions are being played out on a larger scale. We rather you just admit it as we know that numerically speaking, the %%% is usually very similiar in a "diverse" community as compared to the National %%.
Once again, what is the reason for protesting the Liquor Lic. and Protesting outdoor seating after 2.5 years of a business offering a better selection, great tasting food, community oriented more than all the rest COMBINED, no neg. issues, etc;. PRAY TELL US???
Whether you like me or not, tell us why? We already know the reason but we would really like to hear yours since you so vehemently object to our reason????
Understand this - imagine how an entire religion and almost an entire Race can portray Jesus as Blonde Hair and Blue Eyed, then this is nothing in comparison when you and the rest of your Klan are trying to hide from reality of your thoughts being anchored to the CORE of RACISM.
So you know, I have made many mistakes in life and still paying for some but what I have written on these listserv should be looked at as an Online Education to some - everyone won't get it, only the ones open to growth and change. And by the way, I and the Cafe Definitely need the money but neither are for SALE. Know that I have never heard a disagreement from anyone who works at the Cafe about what I write. So, if you and the rest of your Klan don't ever patronize the Cafe or the Inn, it is your loss. The price for freedom has always been a costly one!
Now, answer the question or we will all know for sure your true character.
Rob Ramson
On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:42 AM, tbridgeflickr <> wrote:
Don't ever change, Rob.
> On Aug 23, 2012 9:25 PM, "Tiffany Bridge" <tiffany@...> wrote:
--- In, Rob <indianrob@...> wrote:
> Which part of Mr. Lumukanda's mother had been terminaly sick for a few
> months and sad to say, she passed on at the same time the application was
> made for the liq. lic.didn't you get. And of course, our favorite
> "journalist" and her so self righteous husband who fought abra on
> "procedure" chose to not publish that along with the lies that she
> witnessed Feeley trump up about complaints he admitted that he never got
> (in front of 3 commissioners). What happened to procedure then?? But
> before I backtrack and explain all the trumped up issues and nasty tactics
> used to mobilize Whites in this community to protest using fear (ask former
> commisioner Blair), I am going to simply ask you this --- So pray tell me
> after two and a half years of operating with a great menu and no
> disturbances, etc., what was the reason was for still appealing the
> original lic in the court of appeal for a second time and protesting the
> application for the outdoor lic. and expansion??
> Please humor me and Explain how you "understand" where the opposition
> came. If there was a reason to doubt, Black folks definitely only see
> racism as the reason now!! Are we all incapable of properly analyzing this
> situatuon?? And you and others who continue to avoid the racist elephants
> in the room, says volumes. Or do you need the "N" word for you to get the
> message.
> FYI -- once again is this statement close enough for you -- (in writing to
> the public) Mr. Lumukanda attire is that of the nation of islam -- signed
> "Christ's Servant". Pray help us understand!! We are listening!!!
> > **
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 10:30 PM, <jeromepeloquin@...> wrote:
> >
> >> **> > the grounds that children might *see alcohol being consumed* during their
> >>
> >> Still, having said that, here are a few rational if not impartial
> >> observations. If one just looks at the situation from a community
> >> perspective a few question come immediately to mind. First, two small
> >> commercial food businesses start in our neighborhood. One is immediately
> >> set upon by the ANC, the local paper, and a number of other community
> >> members. Charges (unsubstantiated) are made, characters are attached, and
> >> legal actions initiated. All charges, actions, and efforts are found by
> >> ABRA to be baseless and a license is issued. Still, additional charges are
> >> fabricated, license is suspended, charges are also found to be baseless,
> >> license is restored ... after two years of clean operations and the
> >> accolades of the community, the first entity seeks to obtain an outside
> >> seating permit. It is immediately challenged again by the same group of
> >> disaffected citizens! I can assure you as an experienced business person,
> >> that this has cost him and the establishments he owns hundreds of thousands
> >> of dollars in lost revenue.
> >>
> >> Next case ... The second establishment applies for and receives a permit
> >> without challenges and without any obstruction whatsoever. WHY!...?
> >>
> >
> > This is rather an oversimplification of what actually did happen.
> >
> > In the case of the BCafe, a significant part of the issue was that a lot
> > of its original paperwork and licensing applications reused a lot of info
> > from a separate business that had been planned for Adams Morgan, the
> > character of which was not at all like the BCafe that actually opened. A
> > specific group of residents (not the whole community, but a specific group)
> > opposed it on that basis. The subsequent issues with BCafe's liquor license
> > were based on the plaintiff's assertion that ABRA had not followed its own
> > rules and needed to take another look. This is not to say that I think the
> > Cafe should not have been granted its license, only that I can understand
> > where the opposition came from.
> >
> > In the case of Menomale, perhaps you missed the ridiculous kerfuffle about
> > its license, in which the ANC commissioner originally opposed Menomale's
> > liquor license based on the objections of the principal of the nearby Noyes
> > school (who should have raised his objections through the DCPS process
> > created for that purpose, rather than improperly taking it to the ANC) on
> > walk home from school. Halfway through that thread, the ANC altered his
> > objection saying new information had come to light, but refused to say what
> > it was for a couple of days. He finally admitted that it had recently come
> > to his attention that there was a residential alcohol treatment facility
> > near to Menomale's location that he was concerned about, but this
> > information hadn't come to light in any of the previous several months when
> > a restaurant was obviously being built (a 5500 pound stone pizza oven being
> > moved in and installed apparently didn't raise any alarms), and only came
> > to light shortly before the hearing. In any case, the ANC dropped his
> > objection after Menomale agreed to not serve alcohol between 2 and 5.
> >
> > But if we're going to have this conversation about Rob and me,
> > personally... I really must point out that at no point did I oppose the
> > granting of any kind of license to the BCafe, and when its license was
> > temporarily suspended, I was as shocked and dismayed as anybody. In fact,
> > the first time I heard the name Rob Ramson was on the listserve thread
> > about it, in which I expressed support for the Cafe and, somehow, he felt
> > the need to attack not just me, but several neighbors who supported the
> > Cafe but had the gall to think there might have been an explanation for the
> > opposition, for doing so. So I'm really not sure why I am bearing the brunt
> > of Rob's ire over that (indeed frustrating) situation, but I do know that
> > it was his behavior toward the people who spoke up in support of his
> > business that convinced me I wasn't interested in visiting the BCafe
> > anymore. I'm sure he IS very frustrated by the whole thing, and I don't
> > blame him, but that's not at all an excuse for the abuse he heaps on people
> > who actually HAD been on his side.
> >
> > Which is why I continue to find it perplexing that any time I express
> > appreciation of a business I happen to enjoy patronizing, Rob suggests that
> > I go to THAT business over HIS business because of some nefarious form of
> > bias. Speaking only for myself, I go to Menomale over the Cafe because 1.
> > The food is more to my personal liking, and 2. The owners do not choose to
> > attack me in every possible public forum over the slightest imagined
> > provocation. I assure you, if Leland and Ettore treated me the way Rob
> > does, I wouldn't eat at their place, either.
> >
> > So yes, I actually do think it's too much to ask to show Rob a little
> > support at this point, because I've seen how Rob treats people who express
> > support for him.
> >
> > -Tiffany in Brookland
> >
> >
> >
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R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
Washington D.C., 20017
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