Happy first day back to school to teachers and parents with children starting back today.
Most of you probably have internet access at home and/or at work. But you probably have friends, neighbors, or relatives who don't. If you or anyone you know has a child in school and they receive free or reduced-cost lunch, Comcast is offering Internet service for $9.95. They are also offering computers for $150.00. For those in need and on a budget, here's a pretty cool deal. Maybe you can invite them over so they can sign up online. Or, they can call 1-855-8-INTERNET(1-855-846-8376). (In order to be eligible, they must not currently owe Comcast any money.)
Feel free to forward to other neighbors who can pass this info along to the appropriate people. Have a wonderful day.

Shelagh Bocoum
Public Relations Officer
Ward Five Council on Education
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