One really dislikes to be negative and cynical about city agencies and plans but ... this is a typical play .. make a last minute announcement to limit public participation and then pay lip service to those who do attend. I agree with Rob ... it is time for direct action.
Jerry in Opposition
----- Original message -----
From: Rob <>
To:, Ward 5 Google Groups <>
Cc: "Watson, Tiffany (Council)" <>
Subject: [WardFive] Re: [ward5] Re: Announcement: DC Streetcar Public Meeting on November 27, 2012 at the DOES Building
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 21:46:12 -0500
Hello Everyone,
Tell me that they are smarter than a 5th grader -- Or were they just "smoking" before they wrote this.
"The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is hosting the final public meeting for the Benning Road Streetcar Line Extension Feasibility Study on Tuesday, November 27. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update on study findings and solicit input from the community.
And this part sounded just like the DCPS strategy that was rolled through Ward 5 for imput.
"The meeting will be structured to allow for 30 minutes of materials review and individual discussion with team members prior to a 30-minute presentation. A one-hour question and answer session will follow the conclusion of the presentation in an open house style and will offer an opportunity for participants to provide additional input at each station".
SERIOUSLY -- There will come a time that all these folks who are punishing our children, stealing their education and being greedy will get theirs -- some of these same children will be paying them a visit for food, clothing and whatever else they need to support them.
SERIOUSLY -- There will come a time that all these folks who are punishing our children, stealing their education and being greedy will get theirs -- some of these same children will be paying them a visit for food, clothing and whatever else they need to support them.
Experience is an amazing teacher -- and Karma always finds it's way home.
Rob Ramson
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:27 PM, stephanie rones <> wrote:
This is real short notice tomorrow. This last minute invitation makes me believe it is all a charade and a farce. You can't really be interested in what the community thinks. Otherwise, community members would have been represented on the task force.What I would like to know is has the City identified where it plans to get the 2.5 billion necessary for building the trolley? Otherwise, I do not think the City should be able to move forward.From: "Watson, Tiffany (Council)" <TWatson@DCCOUNCIL.US>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: Announcement: DC Streetcar Public Meeting on November 27, 2012 at the DOES Building
DC Streetcar: Public Meeting NoticeDDOT to Host Final Public Meeting for the Benning Road Streetcar Line Extension Feasibility StudyTuesday, November 27, 2012
6:00 – 8:00 PM ESTCommunity Stakeholders Are Encouraged to Attend and Provide Input on Proposed Streetcar Line Extension
(Washington, D.C.) The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is hosting the final public meeting for the Benning Road Streetcar Line Extension Feasibility Study on Tuesday, November 27. The purpose of this meeting is to provide an update on study findings and solicit input from the community.
As part of the study, DDOT is looking into how it may be able to link the H Street/Benning Road streetcar line to the Minnesota Avenue or Benning Road Metro Stations in the future, providing service east of the Anacostia River, in Northeast Washington.
At this meeting DDOT will present the preliminary findings of the technical work that has been performed as well as present the constraints and opportunities of each alternative. Findings from this study will inform any future environmental work related to the study area.
The meeting will be structured to allow for 30 minutes of materials review and individual discussion with team members prior to a 30-minute presentation. A one-hour question and answer session will follow the conclusion of the presentation in an open house style and will offer an opportunity for participants to provide additional input at each station.
Public Meeting for the H Street/BenningRoad Streetcar Line Extension Feasibility Study
Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Department of Employment Services, Community Room 4058 Minnesota Avenue, NE
The meeting venue is adjacent to the Minnesota Avenue Metro Station and is accessible by Metrobus routes A31, U2, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8, V7, V8, X1, X2, X3, and X9.
For more information about this meeting please contact the DC Streetcar management team at or call 855-413-2954.
For more information about the DC Streetcar, please visit FastMail.FM WARNING: URL text and host don't match, possible phishing attempt. URL disabled. Original URL=' '. Original text='<b><span></span></b>'. For more information on phishing click here..r=80877374&msgid=103 5965&act=D45W&c=3852 32&destination=http% 3A%2F%2Fdcstreetcar. com
DDOT is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, its projects, programs, and services on the basis of race, color, national origin, or gender, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or on the basis of disability as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
If you need special accommodations or language assistance services (translation or interpretation), please contact the DC Streetcar management team at or dial (855) 413-2954 no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting. These services will be provided free of charge.Tiffany B. WatsonCouncilmember Yvette M. Alexander Ward 7Council of the District of ColumbiaDirector of Communications1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 400Washington, D.C. 20004(202) 724-8068 - Main Office(202) 741-0911 - FaxTwitter: @CMAlexanderNews
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R. Ramson
3744 12th Street, N.E.,
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