Tuesday 6 October 2020

[WardFive] UPDATE: "The IRS extends to November 21, 2020 deadline to claim your stimulus check. Info on missing, lost, destroyed or stolen stimulus checks

Greetings all, I am forwarding this IRS update.  The IRS has extended to November 21, 2020, https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/get-my-payment, the deadline to claim your stimulus check.  If you received a letter from IRS indicating a check was mailed, but you have not received it or your stimulus was lost, destroyed or stolen, the following information link is provided: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/economic-impact-payment-information-center-topic-f-payment-issued-but-lost-stolen-destroyed-or-not-received or you may call 800-919-9835.  According to IRS, live telephone assistance is extremely limited.





Coronavirus Tax Relief and Economic Impact Payments







Last week, September 17, 2020, the IRS issued a news release urging nearly nine million people to sign up to receive the $1,200 stimulus check. This letter, which was recently mailed out, represents the latest attempt by the IRS to reach people who are eligible to receive a $1,200 stimulus check but either don't realize that they can claim this stimulus check or don't understand how to go about requesting it.

The IRS is urging you to claim your stimulus check by October 15.

If you don't typically file a federal income tax return, this message is for you. It doesn't matter if you're unemployed. It doesn't matter if you didn't earn any income at all. It doesn't matter if you are homeless, and it doesn't matter if you haven't filed taxes for years. What matters is that you may very well be eligible to receive a $1,200 stimulus check, and it is important that you use the IRS Non-Filers tool by October 15 to claim your stimulus check.

Low-income, no-income and/or homeless people are eligible to receive a stimulus check.

Stimulus checks are just sitting there waiting for low-income, no-income, unemployed and those who have become homeless. If this sounds like you or someone you know, the only requirement is that this stimulus money must be claimed. If you haven't yet received a stimulus check, you should register here now because the deadline is October 15—though the earlier you sign up, the sooner you can get hold of your stimulus monies.

There is absolutely no requirement in the law that you must actually earn an income or pay taxes in order to get a stimulus check. According to the IRS, U.S. citizens, permanent residents and qualifying resident aliens who meet the following guidelines are eligible for a stimulus check.

  1. You have a valid social security number,
  2. You cannot be claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer, and
  3. You have an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less if single; $112,500 or less if head of household; $150,000 or less if married filing a joint return.
  4. Reduced payments are available for those who earn more than the above amounts but still earn less than $99,000 per year or less for individuals, $136,500 per year or less for head of household and $198,000 per year or less for married filing jointly.

Robert Vinson Brannum

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner

President Emeritus, DC Federation of Civic Associations, Inc.




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