Thursday 25 January 2018

[WardFive] Christmas Tree Update


Dear Resident,


We are writing to provide an update on our scheduled Christmas tree collections for today and tomorrow.


As a reminder, holiday trees and greenery should be placed next to your blue recycling bins—not at the curb, unless that is where your recyclables are normally collected. We are collecting holiday trees and greenery on residents’ regularly scheduled recycling collection days through February 2. While tree collections take place on the same day as your recycling collections, they are done by a separate crew and truck.


This collection service is only available to residents who are serviced by DPW. DPW collects trash and recyclables from single-family homes and apartment/condo buildings with three or fewer living units. Residents living in larger apartment and condo buildings will need to contact their building management.


All DC residents also have the option of bringing their holiday trees and greenery to either of the District’s transfer stations. The Fort Totten Transfer Station is located at 4900 John F. McCormack Drive, NE, and is open Monday—Friday from 1pm—5pm and on Saturdays 8am—3pm. The Benning Road Transfer Station is located at 3200 Benning Road, NE, and is open Monday—Friday from 1pm—4:30pm. Trees and greenery brought to either of the transfer stations, along with those collected by DPW, will be composted.


Whichever option residents choose to dispose of their trees, all ornaments and lights should be removed, and the trees and greenery should not be bagged. If your tree has not been collected by February 2, please call 311.


--DC Department of Public Works



Tree Collection Routes Scheduled for Thursday, January 25:


Mount Pleasant                1D

Friendship Heights, American University Park, Tenleytown          3E

American University Park             3E

Spring Valley, American University Park 3D, 3E

American University Park, Tenleytown  3E

Palisades, Foxhall Crescents        3D

Palisades             3D

Foxhall Crescents, Wesley Heights, Foxhall Village            3D

Glover Park, Burleith/Hillandale                3B, 2E

Massachusetts Ave Heights, Glover Park, Cathedral Heights        3B, 3C

Cathedral Heights, Cleveland Park, Woodley Park, Woodland-Normanstone, McLean Gardens   3C

Mount Pleasant, Woodley Park, Woodland-Normanstone            1D, 3C

Spring Valley, Palisades, Wesley Heights               3D

Foxhall Village, Georgetown Reservoir   3D

Crestwood, 16th Street Heights                4A, 4C

Petworth             4C

Near Northeast                6C

Stanton Park, Kingman Park, Near Northeast      6A, 7D

Stanton Park      6C

Near Northeast, Stanton Park    6A, 6C

Near Northeast, Stanton Park    6A


Tree Collection Routes Scheduled for Friday, January 26:


Neighborhood  ANC

Benning Ridge, Fort Davis Park   7E, 7F

Fort Dupont, Greenway, Twining, Dupont Park, Penn Branch, Fort Davis Park      7B, 7F

Fairlawn, Randle Highlands, Dupont Park, Twining            7B, 8A

Fairlawn, Historic Anacostia         8A

Historic Anacostia, Fairlawn, Skyland, Hillcrest, Naylor Gardens   7B. 8A, 8B

Hillcrest, Fairfax Village, Fort Davis Park 7B, 7E

Barry Farm, Hillsdale, Fort Stanton, Garfield Heights, Knox Hill/Buena Vista, Shipley          8A, 8B, 8C

Douglass, Congress Heights         8C, 8E

Congress Heights, Bellevue, Washington Highlands          8C, 8D

Washington Highlands   8C, 8D, 8E

Lanier Heights, Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle    1C, 2B

Gerogetown      2E

Georgetown, West End, Kalora Heights, Dupont Circle, Golden Triangle (1 household)    2A, 2B, 2D, 2E

Georgetown, Glover Park            2E, 3B






Kevin B. Twine

Staff Assistant

Office Of The Director

Department Of Public Works (DPW)

2000 14th St., NW, 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20009

Ph: 202-673-7084

DPW: 202-673-6833

Fax: 202-202-671-0642



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