Wednesday 18 April 2018

cheat_training_group Cheat OG Week 7

Hi Ya Boaters,

It looks like Wednesday and Saturday are going to be the warmest days of the week. Good job us! 

As you guys know, we have LOTS of water in the river. The Po is 8.2 now and should be cresting shortly. This will be the highest we have seen the river for a while! You will really enjoy seeing the familiar features of the chutes in a new way. We will paddle up the back channel, maybe stopping for a surf at Dead Cow hole, making some ferries and moves at the top of the back channel and potentially checking out Skull Island wave. Please do come out, check it out, and bite off what you can. 

The Cheat had a bunch of water in it, too, but is on its way back down. Based on the predications it should be around 3.8 on Saturday. 

Thanks to all of you guys for your patience last weekend with the delayed shuttle. Everyone had a great attitude and paddled so well on the Cheat! 

Yough Training is about half full at this point. Led by Tom McEwan, Bobby Miller, and New Zealand charger Rhys, this is a great way to step up your boating after the Cheat. Bobby is leading slalom on Tuesdays, Tom on Wednesdays. We all meet on Saturdays for a downriver run.  If you want to be a part of this awesome program, you should sign up soon!

See ya tonight! Ashley

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