Friday 21 February 2020

cheat_training_group Freestyle clinic

Hey all, 

I hope your winter paddling season has been going well, weather has been good enough to allow paddling all season! I am expecting to see people coming into cheat training super fast. 

I wanted to let y'all know that Bobby Miller is teaching a flat water freestyle clinic in the pool Feb 22. He has been teaching this class for us for awhile now and we have had great feedback. Not only is freestyle training good for when you get on the river, it is really great training for all disciplines of kayaking. What it teaches you is how to use your body to move the boat and not rely on the paddle so much. When you see folks doing bow stalls, loops, and all those other cool moves, they are really using their body to move the boat that way, the paddle is just there to assist their body movements. You only see the paddle which is why it common for people to over use their paddle and have bad technique or hurt themselves. 

Anyways if your Creeking boating or river running is doesn't feel as good as it should then you might be missing a little freestyle in your life. 

Director of Calleva's River School
(240) 678-8768

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