Wednesday 3 June 2020

[WardFive] FW: DONATE TODAY! Protest Relief Kits for George Floyd DC Protestors

From: NAACP DC Branch <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 17:24
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: DONATE TODAY! Protest Relief Kits for George Floyd DC Protestors


DONATE TODAY to support our efforts!  The NAACP DC Branch is providing PROTESTER RELIEF KITS (with Bottled Water, Masks, Snacks, First Aid Kits and More) to DC protestors responding to the death of George Floyd and countless other unarmed African-Americans.  MAKE A DONATION TODAY TO SUPPORT THIS EFFORT!  DONATE or CLICK HERE: 








WASHINGTON, D.C. —   The NAACP DC Branch calls for a movement and not a moment for George Floyd as the nation demands justice and accountability for the deadly and excessive use of force by police in Minnesota and nationwide.  The NAACP calls for all four officers involved in the murder of George Floyd to be immediately arrested, tried for murder and convicted.  The murder of this unarmed black-man is a tragedy, but police brutality against black and brown people is rooted in systemic racism and a biased criminal justice system designed to preserve the system of slavery through the prison industrial complex as, "The New Jim Crow."  Our communities are saddened and angry, but this is the time to channel this into strategic political and legislative actions advocating for criminal justice and policing reform.


Over the last few days, the nation has witnessed non-violent protests, violent protests and serious destruction of property in communities across the country.  Some of these demonstrations are led by protestors advocating for justice, while some of these acts are conducted by agitators working to fuel racial flames to a boiling point.  Last night in Washington, DC, there were widespread fires and destruction of several businesses throughout downtown DC.  Amidst COVID-19, the deadliest health pandemic of our generation, residents of the District, firefighters and first responders are now fighting multiple threats.


We must channel this moment into a movement to redress the systemic racism that led to this tragedy.  There are multiple methods of protests… We can protest through peaceful public demonstrations, we can protest through legislative advocacy and we can protest through political action.  Direct this moment of fury regarding the unjust murder of George Floyd and countless others into strategically responding to policing and criminal justice issues in your community through legislative and political action. 


The NAACP DC Branch's call for a movement of Criminal Justice Reform in DC and nationwide to:

·      Review Police Department's Use of Force Continuum ensuring that they have at least 6 levels of steps, with clear rules on escalation.

·      Demand that Police Departments ban the use of Knee Holds as acceptable in Use of Force Continuums.

·      Review of Open Records Acts to determine if Officer misconduct information and disciplinary histories are shielded from the public.

·      Review your Police Department's record of disciplining or charging Officers charged with Misconduct.

·      Demand fully resourced and independent Police Accountability oversight bodies with subpoena power, investigative resources and power to terminate offending officers. 

·      Demand a review board for Police officers who use deadly force - tied to recertification credentials.

·      Research the record of the District Attorney and vote based on the record and performance.


Salim Adofo, NAACP DC Criminal Justice Chair, stated, "we can implement policies that work towards protecting the human rights of our citizens. As an organization, we should take the lead in mobilizing our local communities to advocate for better budget priorities. Many of our cities spend millions of dollars on policing. Policing alone will not solve the problem. More funds need to be allocated to alternative methods such as mental health approaches, violence interruption and economic development in communities of color."


Devaughn Jones NAACP DC Economic Chair, stated, "We will not cast bricks today, but we will cast our ballots in June and in November.  Black people will not survive four more years of this racism empowered by this White House.  If you see violence tearing down our communities and businesses, remember the suffering and pre-existing economic hardship of our neighbors on both sides of the river who have lost too many lives and who know that violence has ruined too many families. Their pain will only be perpetuated by more destruction. We must fight for the changes that will give us a community we deserve: equitable police policies regardless of income or race, police accountability through empowered Citizens Review Boards, a flat ban on brutal police tactics like knee holds, and real accountability for the uniformed murderers whose conduct sparked the oil of oppression. Accept our call to action.  Reject violence and destruction. We are done dying."



For more information, please visit our website at or email  



Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are premier advocates for civil rights in their communities. The mission of NAACP is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic quality of rights of all 




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Washington, DC 20001

(202) 667-1700


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