Friday 24 December 2021

[WardFive] Fw: Ward 5 Democrats Oppose Land Grab that includes Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington Hospital Center and the New York Avenue Recreation Center.

We applaud the Ward 5 political, community and civic leaders who came together as ONE united voice to stop the unwarranted Redistricting land grab in Ward 5 and to made the will of the Ward 5 residents known.  Congratulations on a job well done!!

Happy holiday and Merry Christmas to all of you and your families.

Hazel Thomas, Board Chair
Premier Community Development Corp. 

From: Ward 5 Democrats <>
Date: December 21, 2021 at 9:07:56 AM EST

Subject: Ward 5 Democrats Oppose Land Grab that includes Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington Hospital Center and the New York Avenue Recreation Center.

Dear Council Members:


At the December 13, 2021 meeting of the Ward 5 Democrats Executive Committee, Ward 5 Democrats Parliamentarian, Hazel Thomas made a motion that was seconded by Ward 5 Democrats Committeeman Harry Thomas Jr. that changing the Redistricting boundaries of Ward 5 would be tantamount to an unjustifiable land grab that is both unnecessary and not in keeping with the regulations governing Redistricting. 

Therefore, we strongly support and endorse the amendment proposed by Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie and the Ward 5 leadership that the current boundaries of Ward 5 remain untouched in accordance with the guidelines of the U.S. Census. This land grab includes Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington Hospital Center and the New York Avenue Recreation Center.   


RATIONALE:  Redistricting requires that all eight wards of the District of Columbia have a range of equal distribution of population.  Wards 1,2,3,4 and 5 do not require boundary changes because they are within an acceptable range of population growth.  Only Wards 6, 7 and 8 require population adjustments to meet the requirements of the Redistricting law – not Ward 5.  The Redistricting Act of 2021 as passed by the Council Committee, goes far beyond the scope, purpose and law mandated for Redistricting.  In addition, the Council Office of Racial Equity has determined that the Act as presented would have a disproportionate racial impact on Ward 5.


We ask that you give due consideration to the united voices of the Ward 5 civic, political, and community leaders who are opposed to a Ward 5 boundary change and not be swayed by ONE resident of Ward 1 who proposed the unwarranted, "land grab" based on projected commercial development rather than population change which is the legal basis for Redistricting. 





Gordon Fletcher


Ward 5 Democrats


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