Monday 23 September 2013

[WardFive] Tool for Parent Advocacy for school funding

DC Fiscal Policy Institute (@DCFPI) introduced a new tool to help parents advocate for school funding. Check it out!

District of Columbia School Finance Primer

by Soumya Bhat | September 23rd, 2013 | 

Public education from pre-k through grade 12 in the District of Columbia is offered through two systems:  DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC Public Charter Schools (DCPCS). Both receive basic funding based on student enrollment, but the systems differ in how money flows to individual schools and how much autonomy each school has in spending decisions. All schools receive funding to operate during the school year and summer, including resources for teachers, principals, supplies and utilities. The two school systems also get funding for capital construction – which includes both major renovations and new construction. This funding comes from a mixture of sources, including local DC government, federal government, and private sources. 

This guide is designed to help residents, parents, and even elected officials understand how DC schools are funded. The way money is allocated to schools can be difficult to understand and navigate, making it challenging for anyone interested to try to get involved. This primer is designed to answer the following questions: 

  • How are the total budgets for DCPS and DC public charter schools set?
  • How does DCPS allocate funds down to local schools?
  • How do individual schools make spending decisions?
  • How are school facilities funded? 

This primer to school financing uses budget numbers for the 2013-2014 school year for DCPS and DCPCS. Throughout the guide, there are suggestions for parents and other stakeholders looking to better understand how they can influence the school funding process during various stages of the budget cycle.

Ward Five Council on Education
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