Friday 29 January 2016

[WardFive] News Release: Iowans Join Fight for DC Statehood

I hope everyone is doing well.  


I, and other members of the DC Statehood Congressional Delegation, will be traveling to Iowa later today.  There is a good ground game advocating for DC Statehood in Iowa,  This effort is being led by Senator Paul Strauss, and we will be there until the end of the Caucuses to ensure that full democracy for all Washingtonians is part of the agenda at some of the Iowa Caucuses taking place next Monday.   Please find attached Press Release about this trip. 


For those unfamiliar with the issue:  The Capital of the US, Washington DC, has over 600,000 US citizens that pay federal taxes, serve on all branches of the military, and are full US citizens for all purposes, except for having voting representatives in the US Congress that can vote in either the House of Representative or the US Senate.  The citizens of Washington DC, for a long time, through various means, have been asking that their voices be heard by having their elected representatives be recognized and allowed to vote in both houses on their behalf. 


Thank you.


Franklin Garcia

US Representative (Shadow) for the District of Columbia

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, C-09

Washington DC 20004

202-727-9110 (Office)






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