Monday 20 October 2014

[WardFive] PZ for AG 2014

"Today we won. The D.C. Court of Appeals ruled that the D.C. Council acted unlawfully when it cancelled the 2014 attorney general election. The Court held that the first election for attorney general must be held in 2014. The real race for AG is on.
But today's victory was only the first win in our campaign to restore the public trust in our government, to reform of our broken juvenile justice system, and to ensure fair wages, fair housing, great schools, safe streets, and the equal application of the law to all - without favor or bias."
-Paul Zukerberg-
These words of empowerment truly reflect the voters of the 2010 desires to reform our highest legal protection system to one that restores the public trust in its operations, accountability for its decision making, along with upholding DC laws without favor to special interests to the detriment of our city.
Though unlike others States who have elected their AG for many years, the DC resident (remember the appointed AG who refused to move into the District?) who has a history for working on behalf of the interest of DC residents in court, in testimony before the DC Council, who has shown a true love & respect for our city and its residents, many who he has fairly defended in court is Paul Zukerberg!
I've been to AG Candidate Forums.  Paul's answers (based from honesty and integrity), come from his experience in the DC Court system, his knowledge of the operations of the AG office, his knowledge of the city and its residents & its legislative process, and where vital reform/reorganization needs to be made to make our Attorney General's office one of the best in the country!  Yes, the majority of current OAG employees are dedicated to the required work.  But this office is truly in need of a 21st century evolution to more effectively and efficiently address today's legal problems.
During Early Voting and the Nov 4th General Election, make your vote for Paul Zukerberg!  His heart is in the right place, his legal and community experiences give added value; his willingness to listen to the residents exceeds expectations that don't exist today in this office, and most importantly, his already displayed leadership abilities, taking on the challenges to defend our rights are without question!
Again, during Early Voting and the Nov 4th General Election, vote PZ for AG, No.4 on the ballot!  A vote for effective, accountable change for the best interest for DC!
Albrette "Gigi" Ransom


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