Friday 21 December 2012

[WardFive] Re: [ward5] Twitter Account with Ward 5 ListServ quotes

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
It doesn't surprise me about these few "neighbors"  -- the irony in all of this is that the White folks who are my friends are still my friends and definitely understand the things that I point out.  I also see that with Malicious intent, some of what is tweeted is partial and misrepresents the entirety of the conversation. Sad that this is what those "angels" have to stoop to.  But that's life?  I wear big boy pants and most important, I know that they completely understand the issues I address -- it's just either too difficult for them to chew on as it makes them an oppressor or they just don't give a __________ as long as they get their "needs" taken care of. 
First they wanted to punch me in the mouth and now, they want to stone me, punish me, and now, because I don't take their bait, I am "physically/verbally abusing" my wife. Seriously? Really!!!  All because I have the courage to say what I say and they are having a problem with dealing with the truth.  Well, I am no more verbally and phisically abusive to my wife than the best behaved of you are with your wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend -- whether you are homo, hetero, bi or transgender sexual.  Furthermore, I am willing to bet that I am a saint compared to most of you. I wonder if I should start suing them as well!!
Sad but not surprising to see Kyle/Stephanie from FORIA in on these Tweets!  I see that avoidance to the part they play is easier than standing with the concerns of a community they moved into.

Anyways, I still live at 1440 Newton if these "Angels" want to "stone me" but it still won't change the fact that they just "can't handle the TRUTH" -- and the fact that my comments bother them so much that I am their main topic of their convo/tweet.  

Aaron -  don't worry - my "reputation" isn't accredited by these folks. 
I want all these self righteous folks to pay attention --- Little Ricky's (very nice owners) opened their doors with a liquor lic. without a protest on the busiest block of 12th Street with no parking and not even a PEEP from the Two Padou Saviors of "Parking" on 12th Street - two blocks closer to the Padous residence.  That's the world that we live in and Long and Foster should be paying attention as well as all of those who support that "Heartbeat". Look at the article about the Senior housing in Michigan Park's and see how one sided it was!!  Like I have said from the beginning -- RACISM was at the Core of the Cafe's protest with the support of their silent KLAN -- Like I said-- "Folks No longer have to "hood" up and ride at night" if they can evolve the Jim Crow Laws and influence legislation to OVERSEE US and imprison our Kids!! Let me tell you again -- there are two types of Whites in this world --- Union thinking Whites and Confederate thinking Whites.  Only you know who you are, but believe it when I say -- we see who you are by what you say and write and support.
Imagine FORIA is focused on bring "businesses" especially Restaurants to this part of Rhode Island Ave but a Racist Protest on 12th Street against a very community involved Restaurant with Great Food gets very little COMMENTS from the memers.  According to their President, RIA is too far away for them to comment on this. But yet they don't mind if we help them pick up trash on Rhode Island Ave or support Development WAAAAY over there. 
See -- I remember comments like "But the larger question looming here is what the hell is the matter with these kids and where are their parents?" - by Stephanie L.  As nice of a person that she is, JUST IMAGINE -- if she is out of touch enough to ask this, what about the rest who really/truly only care about themselves and their "property value" going up.  Yet I keep writing (Teaching Online) about what is wrong with our kids and the generational issues, but you two rather take time to "clown me", write legislation on TIF money for developers (I saw Bo Menkite folks testifying all over the panels) and Trash Cans for Seniors who would much rather you focus on our kids education!! Kenyan picked a hell of a Team!!!  Imagine if you took on the attitude of Jerry Peloquin (unless he is just selling out his White Race by agreeing about how racist some things really are and have been), just imagine if you came forth and chastised those who are putting themselves above our kids or being racist to some businesses and not others -- Imagine the type of community Leader you would be. Instead you sit silently by and allow the injustices to occur as it benefits you in the long run. So you know, you can position all the folks you want in ANC positions as you want, GOD don't own pajamas. 
Anyways, I suggest all of you "tweeters" and Black Members of FORIA, you should meet with your Black Friends and share my emails, have the discussion of how wrong I am and see where that discussion goes -- FORIA -- Start with your board and see how long Rita's stay on it.  Worst someone can say about me is that I may be too harsh at times - but any White person who has a problem with my words/thoughts/views should go have that conversation with their few Close Black Friends ---- THAT'S MY CHALLENGE TO YOU.  See what your Black Friends say about how "Wrong" I am!!  Like Mr. Peloquin said, I will put you in that BOX -- tell you about it (transparent) and watch you squirm.  You see, I don't dislike White folks who resist riding on the "above ground railroad", I just want you to see the reality that Non-Whites face every day -- especially our KIDS so that you will ride on the same rail-car with us and make the "Trolley of Life" profitable!!!  Understand, my hero is Mohandas Gandhi, Malcolm X and Walter Rodney -- so I don't mind risking/losing everthing to save our Kids and create a better place for my Sarah to live in.
And as a matter of fact - I would like to have that RACE conversation in front of our Dynamic Duo -- Corey and Kenyan and see how that conversation goes -- Anytime, Anywhere -- I am willing to bet that everyone will see how really Black (their core views) Corey and Kenyan are!!  Trust me, and if they try to be "politically correct" in answering, I am skilled enough to pull them back to reality if they try to dodge their true feelings. Let's have that conversation and then we can get back to "tweeting"!! 
Trust and believe that those same stones that they want to stone me with will have Kenyan and Corey's names on it -- Start with the question regarding their observation ratio of White Men vs. Black Men not washing their hands when they use the public restroom -- ASK THEM and SEE WHAT THEIR ANSWERS ARE!!  I have had that conversation with Corey and I doubt Kenyan's experience is any different.
As for Robby -- that man knows who he is and I am glad that he came forward and identified all that he did, but don't forget that he also identified that the Chickens will come home to Roost when all the Brown children grow up -- and the fact that all kids remember what happened to them.   SO YOU "Tom Bridges" of the world -- that's what came out of the Race Conversation at the Cafe -- ROBBY CAME HOME -- That's how we do it -- we love our folks back!!  The Reason that Robby and I could sit next to each other and have great conversation and share laughs and smiles is that he knows that I represent what is best for the community and deep within his spirit, he knows I care -- that's why he said the things he did in support of me and himself.
Furthermore -- we all definitely feel for the families in Connecticut and it is not insensitive to identify the hyprcracy in the "concern" from those who are right here permeating the same attitudes -- shooting our kids with bullets whizzing towards them in "very slow motion", shot through guns laden with armour piercing agendas, buying decisions with Campaign Donations that is slowly killing our children right here in Washington DC.  Do you geniuses really need to have someone GUN an entire school to death for you to tell us how "Sympathetic" and SORRY you are when you are participating in KILLING/Sending our kids to Jail Right here??  Get the hell out of here with your stupid self righteous comments and start using the compassion that God seems to have given to some and not you. 
Whatever caused that young man to flip and whatever may cause one of our young men to flip and kill our Kids or even kill me/you or someone close to me/you makes no difference if we don't do all we can to lessen the possibilities.  THAT'S why we ARE VOCAL about the things that MATTER TO US -- our children, our schools, jobs for our folks including returning citizens, etc. 
What I should do is take pitures and put it with the things you say/have said and post them around the neighborhood as well as post the pictures of those who don't do anything and let those who STEAL, MUG, KICK DOOR IN, etc. know where to take their frustrations out.  Maybe I will do the "Scarlet 5" to identify those who are so passionless about our kids futures.  Don't worry, when you least expect it, I might just start taking your pictures.
It's amazing -- anytime someone speaks up and White Folks can't Challenge it, all of a sudden our Passionate Responses makes us VIOLENT -- but yet -- WHO's the ones calling for Violence -- the Tom Bridges wanting someone to "punch me in the mouth" and now the "stoning" collaborative as well as all of you on the list who read and don't condemn that VIOLENCE!!  Amazing!!  But like Mrs. KPW said, we are used to it -- We are used to our Black (I'm sorry -- Non-White) Women being "Agressive" while White Women are "Assertive" and Just like Black (Non-White) men are "Agressive" and White men are "Passionate".  WE ARE USE TO THE DOUBLE STANDARD.
Like I said - GO talk to your Black friends and see what they have to say about what I have to say and WIPE THE EGG OFF OF YOUR FACE -- unless you are looking for a wrinkle treatment - then leave it on.
So the "intelligent" tweeter gets it -- Brown nosing has nothing to do with Black or "caucasian", it has to do with the "Crap" (all brown) that one has to put up with to get favors/ahead/paid that is the reference of "Brown Nosing"!! 
And by the way to answer the question -- is the "Black" community ever going to issue a disclaimer on Rob Ramson? -- Answer -- NO.  WE ALL SHARE THE SAME FEELINGS when it comes to OPPRESSION, EVOLVED JIM CROW RULES and the rest of Bulls**t we have to put up with on a Daily Basis.  Like I said, have the courage -- ask your Black Friends if what I am saying and see if it isn't true.  Maybe I should continue to use the term "Non-White" so that you can't try any divisive tactics!!!

Last -- Kyle - if you and other members of FORIA are really concerned about our Community as a whole, you would encourage the conversations regarding RACE and Racial Prejudice and Injustice - but instead, you clown it -- that says a lot.  The things I teach, you don't get in books.  I am absolutely sure that if your wife was Black (NON-White) and she had an issue with Whites doing/saying offensive things, your attitude would be different.  Well, issues that affect Us NON-WHITE folks who reside in our community should be something that everyone who is "concerned about community" should want to address.  It is much more important than a Coffee Shop, Starbucks in Woodridge Library, Brewery, or any of the frills that you and others are focused on.   

LESSON 999!!! Now you have lots to tweet about -- keep you in cognitive dissonance -- SMILE!!


Rob Ramson   

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron McCormick <>
To: ward5 <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 5:30 pm
Subject: Re: [ward5] Twitter Account with Ward 5 ListServ quotes


Well I will say this it is disappointing because it shows some individual in a bad light.


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